The Old World - Grim and Perilous Beta v3

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG. Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG.
Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys
All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd


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• Swift: The creature does not suffer penalties

for moving through difficult terrain.


• Ambush predator: When attacking a target

that has not yet acted in the encounter this

creature adds jj to its combat checks.

• Pound: Once per turn, while at short range,

this creature may perform a move maneuver

to engage a target as an incidental.


• Claws: Brawl; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range

(Engaged); Vicious 2.

Dog, mid sized (Rival)

Mixed breed dogs are a common sight in the

settlements of the Old World. They are often

used for hunting and as guard dogs but can

also be a faithful companions of dangerous


If the dog comes from the Small, But Vicious Dog

talent, increase its ranks in Perception to 3 and

Wound Threshold by 2.

2 3 1 3 2 2

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

Soak Value

W. Threshold

M/R Defense

3 7 0 0

Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Perception 1, Vigilance


Talents: None


• Pack Fighter: If this creature makes a successful

combat check, the next ally making

a combat check against the same target

Table 7-7: Animals and Gear

during the same round adds aa to the



• Bite: Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 3; Range

(Engaged); Knockdown.

Bird of Prey (Rival)

Also known as raptors, they are species of birds

that are captured and trained primarily for hunting.

They have keen eyesight for detecting prey at

a distance or during flight, strong feet equipped

with talons for grasping or killing their target,

and powerful, curved beaks for tearing flesh.

1 3 1 4 2 1

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

Soak Value

W. Threshold

M/R Defense

2 5 1 1

Skills: Brawl 2, Cool 3, Coordination 2, Perception

4, Vigilance 2.


• Finesse: When making a Brawl check, this

creature may use Agility instead of Brawn.


• Eye in the sky: When this creature is flying,

its allies gain j to Perception and Vigilance


• Flying: This creature may fly using the hovering

guidelines in the Flying sidebar on

page 100 of the Genesys Core Rulebook).

• Silhouette 0.


• Beak and talons: Brawl; Damage 4; Critical

3; Range (Engaged); Accurate 2, Vicious 2.

Name Encumbrance Price Rarity

Barding (T) 5 45GC 5

Beast of Burden (T) - 150s 1

Big Cat - 22GC (R) 6

Bird of Prey - 50s 4

Dog - 3s 2

Riding Horse (Riding Beast - T) - 23GC 2

Saddlebags (T) +4 25s 3

War Horse (War Mount - T) - 75GC 6

The Old World: Grim and Perilous 133

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