The Old World - Grim and Perilous Beta v3

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG. Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG.
Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys
All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd


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Magic Implements

A character with a magic skill can use an implement

to enhance magic skill checks as described

in Part III, Chapter 2 of the Genesys

Core Rulebook. With one difference, in The

Old World setting most of magic implements

are tied to specific skills (see Table 4-7: Magic


Holy Icon

Holy Icons are representations of a deity. Imbued

with the faith, they help the deity's chosen

to perform unique miracles. When your

character obtains a Holy Icon, the Game Master

determines one effect that can be added to

spells without increasing the difficulty. The

effect chosen must be one that can normally

only increase the difficulty of the spell by

a maximum of two.

cast a spell without suffering strain. In addition,

Attack spells cast by your character increase

their base damage by three.

Lord's Staff

These intricately decorated staffs are granted

only to the best of magisters, who can now call

themselves a wizard lord. When your character

performs the overcast maneuver while using

a lord's staff, their next Attack spell deals

an additional 2 damage per maneuver spent.

However, if the check causes a Miscast, add +5

to the results (cumulatively with basic overcast

effect, so +15 per overcast in total). In addition,

Attack spells cast by your character increase

their base damage by four.

Magic Ring

Magic rings are items of great power, unique

Journeyman's Staff

These staffs are given to apprentices on the day

they graduate from a College of Magic. They

are made of a variety of materials, usually

related to the specific College, and

represent the journey every wizard

must make on the way to mastery.

When your character

casts a spell while using

a journeyman's staff, the

first Range effect added

to the spell does not

increase the spell's difficulty.

In addition, Attack

spells cast by your

character increase their

base damage by four.



Journeyman's wands are awarded

to the best graduates from a College

of Magic. They are made of

a variety of materials, usually related

to the specific College, and

represents the austerities every

wizard have to make. Once per

encounter, while your character is

using a journeyman's wand, they may

114 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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