The Old World - Grim and Perilous Beta v3

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG. Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd

The Old World: Grim and Perilous is a free fan-made Warhammer Fantasy rulebook for Genesys RPG.
Project's fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheOldWorldGenesys
All Resources (Character Sheets, The Circle Adventure): https://tinyurl.com/yp9m3hnd


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Table 1-2: Available Specializations

Career Human Wood









High Elf Dwarf Halfling Ogre Gnome Specialization

1-3 1-3 1-5 1-5 1-6 1-4 1-5 Artisan

4 - - 6-7 - 5-9 - Executioner

5-7 4-6 6-11 8-11 7-12 10-12 6-10 Merchant

8 - - 12-15 13-14 - 11-14 Military Engineer

9 - 12-13 16-17 - - 15 Duelist

10 7-10 14-19 18-20 15-18 - 16-19 Envoy

11 11-12 20 - 19-20 - - Highwayman

12 13-14 21-24 - - - - Knight

13 15 25-26 21 21-23 - 20-22 Assassin

14-16 16-17 27-29 22-24 24-29 - 23-28 Charlatan

17-19 18-19 - 25-27 30-33 13-14 29-33 Fence

20-22 20-21 30-32 28-31 34-36 15-20 34-37 Racketeer

23 22-24 33-37 32-33 37-40 - 38-43 Spy

24-27 25-29 - 34-36 41-46 21-22 44-49 Thief

28-30 30-32 38-44 37-39 47-49 - 50-56 Academician

31-33 33 45-47 40-42 50-51 - 57-59 Agitator

34-36 34-38 48-52 43-44 52-57 - 60-63 Physician

37 - - - - - - Priest

38 - - - - - - Warrior Priest

39 - - - - - - Wizard

40-42 39-40 53-56 - - - - Cavalerist

43-46 41-42 57-60 45-50 58-59 23-31 64 Foot soldier

47-50 43-49 61-65 51-53 60-63 - 65-66 Marksman

51-54 50-54 66-69 54-58 64-67 32-40 67-69 Mercenary

55 55 70-72 59-63 68-69 41-45 70 Officer

56-58 - 73-78 - 70-71 - -


59-61 56-59 79-80 64-66 72-73 46-53 71 Bounty Hunter

62-65 60-62 81-82 67-69 74-76 - 72 Coachman

66-68 63-67 83-86 70-73 77-80 - 73-79 Entertainer

69-72 68-74 87-88 74-75 81-82 54-60 80-81 Hunter

73-74 75-79 89-90 76-77 83-84 61-69 82-84 Outlaw

75-77 80 - 78-80 85-87 - 85-87 Ratcatcher

78-82 - - 81 88-89 - 88 Riverman

83-85 81-87 91-93 82-84 90-94 70-74 89-91 Scout

86 88-90 - - - 75-77 92-95 Sorcerer

87-89 91-93 94-96 85-88 95 78-86 96-97 Bodyguard

90-91 94-97 97-100 89-93 96 87-93 98 Champion

92-95 98-00 - - 97 - - Roadwarden

- - - 94-96 - - - Slayer

96-99 - - 97-00 98-00 94-00 99-00 Watchman

00 - - - - - - Witch Hunter

10 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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