April Newsletter (8

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Temple<br />

Adas<br />

Shalom<br />

M O N T H L Y<br />

N E W S L E T T E R<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

Tech<br />

8<br />

16<br />

17<br />

President's Message<br />

RPC Message<br />

March Service Multi<br />

Access Information<br />

and Links<br />

Kehillah MAGNET<br />

Adult Education<br />

Upcoming Educational<br />

Events<br />

Sisterhood News &<br />

Events<br />

Safety & Security<br />

Talk<br />

HJC Early Learning<br />

Center<br />

<strong>April</strong> 2023 Calendar of<br />

Events<br />

February 2023 – Donors<br />

Mi Sheberakh<br />

Recently Passed<br />

<strong>April</strong> 2023 Yahrzeits<br />

Observed<br />

Contents<br />

A P R I L 2 0 2 3 | 1 0 T H O F N I S S A N - 9 T H O F I Y A R 5 7 8 3<br />

Rabbi Meeka’s Musings<br />

Shalom TAS’s Mishpacha משפחה (Family)<br />

I have been asked “what is Rabbi’s<br />

Discretionary Fund used for?” which is a<br />

great question because it allows me to<br />

elaborate on what it is that I actually do<br />

with the funds available to me, from this<br />

account.<br />

In short: The Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund<br />

enables a congregational rabbi to lend<br />

support, care, and kindness to those in the<br />

community who need it.<br />

One of the greatest blessings we can all<br />

fulfill as Jews, is the act of tzedakah, giving<br />

to worthy causes consistent with our<br />

values and aspirations, as we commit to<br />

tikkun olam: doing our modest part in the<br />

huge task of mending our aching world.<br />

I have been committed to giving tzedakah<br />

since very early age: at first without full<br />

awareness. As elementary school students,<br />

we were told to “take our Blue Tzedaka<br />

box” (or “pushkeh” as some of you may<br />

remember this old Yiddish term), “go from<br />

house to house in my old neighborhood of<br />

Never Sha’anan, Haifa, to collect funds in<br />

support of KK”L ( Kerenקק״ל Kayemet<br />

Le’Yisrael, or JNF, Jewish National Fund).<br />

As children we engaged in this act of<br />

“door-to-door collections” because we<br />

were asked to do so, and we thought it<br />

was for “fun,” but as an adult, I am<br />

feeling incredibly privileged to engage<br />

in these acts of “sharing by giving.”<br />

For me, giving Tzedakah is a way of life.<br />

I cannot not give Tzedakah, and not<br />

because I can get a tax deduction, or a<br />

‘thank you’ note. For me – not giving is<br />

not an option: I am most definitely<br />

about “supporting, sharing, giving and<br />

spreading love.”<br />

cont'd on page 2<br />

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Rabbi Meeka’s Musings<br />

cont'd<br />

As a rabbi, I have taken the responsibility of<br />

managing my Discretionary Fund very seriously. A<br />

discretionary fund, or a Rabbi’s Good Deed fund, is<br />

just that, an opportunity for congregants to thank<br />

rabbis, and to enable us to do the work of tzedakah<br />

by facilitating a response to the multitude of<br />

requests that come in daily, via emails, printed mail,<br />

phone calls, etc. The fund is always used to help<br />

others in the name of the members who<br />

generously donate to it.<br />

Rabbi Amy Perlin summarized the following in a<br />

wonderful way:<br />

“I feel blessed to be in [this community] with so<br />

many kindred spirits who have the same devotion<br />

to supporting worthy causes as I do, and who assist<br />

me in giving on behalf of our community. The need<br />

is greater than ever in this economy where we have<br />

all the resources our world could ever need, but a<br />

failure to distribute and share those resources with<br />

the most needy and worthy of our society and<br />

Jewish community. I find myself drawn to Jewish<br />

charities, as we Jews decline in numbers and as the<br />

Jewish community has become less philanthropic<br />

as a whole. If we don’t give, who will? And I love<br />

supporting our members in their tikkun olam<br />

efforts whenever I can.”<br />

When to give to Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund (RDF)?<br />

Some people donate in honor, or memory, of a<br />

loved one. Some people give a donation to the RDF<br />

upon receiving a service, for example, a life cycle<br />

event at the temple, like a funeral, Shiva Minyan, B<br />

Mitzvah service, Bris/Baby Naming, Jew by Choice<br />

ceremony, etc. Others simply make a donation<br />

periodically, for specific purposes, like when we<br />

honor our Graduating, or Confirmation students<br />

(which will be happening in late May this year, stay<br />

tuned for more details).<br />

Since coming on board TAS, I have made donations<br />

to a variety of causes: the list below will give you an<br />

idea of the range of beneficiaries.<br />

Please note that there are worthy causes that will not be<br />

on this list for a host of reasons. But, you should all be<br />

proud to know that TAS is doing its share of “repairing<br />

our world.” I am so grateful to be able to give our support<br />

to the worthy recipients listed below:<br />

TAS’s Religious School<br />

TAS’s Early Learning Center<br />

TAS’s Mitzvah Day<br />

TAS’s Sisterhood<br />

Social Action of Temple Adas Shalom<br />

Introduction to Judaism classes<br />

American Society of Yad Va’Shem<br />

Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation<br />

CCAR (Reform Rabbi’s organization, in which I am a<br />

proud member)<br />

MD Food Bank<br />

HdG Township<br />

Other (matan ba’seter, giving discreetly)<br />

As we embark on Springtime’s Passover, our personal<br />

transitions from slumber and cold to warmer weather<br />

and the promise of sunny days ahead, I am asking you to<br />

please help me sustain this wonderful upswing of<br />

“Giving”.<br />

Happy and HEALTHY spring’s Passover celebration!<br />

With love and appreciation,<br />

Rabbi Meeka<br />

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Rabbi Meeka’s Musings<br />

A short Yizkor Primer<br />

On Friday, <strong>April</strong> 7th this year, some of us will gather here in our Sanctuary (and some will join from home), as we<br />

acknowledge the memories of our loved ones who have passed with a commemoration called “Yizkor.”<br />

Together, we will light all the Yahrzeit, memorial lights, along with six special candles to honor the 6 million Jews<br />

who perished during the Holocaust in a special service beginning at 6:00 pm, prior to our Shabbat evening<br />

service. Although we are observing this service on the 7th, it is<br />

traditionally tied to the last day of Passover.<br />

Yizkor means "remembrance" in Hebrew. It refers to memorial<br />

prayer services held four times a year during pilgrimage<br />

holidays (also known as Festivals): Yom Kippur, Sukkot,<br />

Passover, and Shavuot. These Festivals are mentioned<br />

specifically in our Torah. One example: it says in Leviticus 23:23<br />

-25 the following:,<br />

“God spoke to Moses, saying: “Speak to the Israelite people thus:<br />

In the seventh month (Tishrei. Remember that in Torah times, first month was Nissan, thus 7th month was<br />

Tishrei), on the first day of the month, you shall observe complete rest, a sacred occasion commemorated with<br />

loud blasts. You shall not work at your occupations; and you shall bring an offering by fire to God”.<br />

We, as Jewish people, believe in the eternity of the soul. It has been a common belief that by saying Yizkor,<br />

remembering a loved one, and giving charity in a loved one's name – this helps his or her soul gain merit from<br />

our good deeds. Jewish literature has always focused intently on “remembering.”<br />

Yizkor in its different forms appears in the Bible 228 times, , referring to such diverse elements as Shabbat, with<br />

references, , and other such זכור את אשר עשה לך העמלק Israelites, or Amalek’s attack on the זכור את יום השבת לקדשו<br />

intended to remind us to Never Forget.<br />

The Torah’s repeated foundation, “because you were slaves in Egypt,” draws on collective memory to promote<br />

moral and ethical behavior among all of us: “do not enslave, or treat others poorly, as you must remember how<br />

YOU were treated before God freed you out of Egypt.” This suggests that all Jews are bound as One in shared<br />

autobiographical and historical experiences.<br />

On a different yet similar note, I wanted to remind all of us that many Jews in our world will not be able to<br />

celebrate Passover this year. Some are still caught in the atrocious flames of war in Ukraine; some are<br />

homebound due to illnesses and fear of still-in-existence Covid. So please remember to give Tzedakah, donation,<br />

to at least one (or more if you are able) sources that assist others. That is how we each remember that Tikkun<br />

Olam, mending of our aching world, happens one step, one act of lovingkindness, at a time.<br />

Ba’Shana ha’ba’ah bi’Yrushalayim – please join our congregational trip to Israel after Rosh Ha’Shanah!<br />

Lechayim, to life and health,<br />

Rabbi Meeka<br />

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President's Message<br />

Mark Wolkow<br />

What’s Going on?<br />

If you haven’t noticed, a lot! Between educational<br />

programs (adult and child); social programs; social<br />

action events; Sisterhood and (coming soon)<br />

Brotherhood activities; new teams working<br />

Communications and other activities; plus our new<br />

ShulCloud Membership program… not to mention staff<br />

changes. It’s been quite a whirlwind.<br />

And there’s no plan to slow down. Our March Family<br />

Shabbat was celebrated in-person by over 60 people,<br />

and Rock Shabbat brought a crowd of over 70… with<br />

more watching online. Mike Mullis has been updating<br />

our YouTube site, where over 80 have tuned in to catch<br />

Rock Shabbat. If you haven’t been for a while, join us<br />

for a shabbat service. It’s a great way to end the week;<br />

to enjoy the music; and to ease out of the work week<br />

with friends. If you can’t make it in person, be there on<br />

Zoom or YouTube.<br />

RPC Message<br />

Melissa Immel<br />

Greetings From the Religious Practices Committee!<br />

<strong>April</strong> showers bring May flowers…and also Pesach, Daven & Dine, Enhanced Onegs, and so much more!<br />

Spring will be breaking out all over Temple Adas Shalom, so please be a part of it! The RPC's focus this year is<br />

to enhance our member's experience through both worship and fellowship. For instance, we will be hosting<br />

an 'Enhanced Oneg' after our 7pm Shabbat service on <strong>April</strong> 14th. In addition to the customary oneg deserts,<br />

the RPC will be sponsoring a catered meal with salad, breadsticks, pasta, cocktails, and music. No charge!<br />

The only thing we ask is that you attend. Please!!!<br />

If you haven’t been to a Daven & Dine, why not give it a try on <strong>April</strong> 21st at 6:15?<br />

It's a brief 45-minute Kabbalat Shabbat service, then we dine out together at a<br />

local restaurant.<br />

On <strong>April</strong> 14, we will formally acknowledge Denise<br />

Gordon and Pat Wolkow as Adolph Nord Award<br />

winners. See this month’s President’s video for<br />

more information on the Nord Award.<br />

Last but not least, mark your calendar for<br />

Saturday, August 12, when we will formally install<br />

Rabbi Meeka and celebrate her one year<br />

anniversary with TAS.<br />

Shalom,<br />

Mark<br />

Temple Adas Shalom President<br />

<strong>April</strong> Service Multi<br />

Access Information<br />

and Links<br />


https://zoom.us/j/85758681892 *<br />

Meeting ID: 857 5868 1892<br />

Password: Shabbat23<br />

Friday, <strong>April</strong> 7th<br />

Festival Shabbat Torah Service<br />

Live Streaming starts at 6:45pm<br />

In-Person service starts at 7:00pm<br />

Friday, <strong>April</strong> 14th<br />

Shabbat Service/Nord Awards<br />

Live Streaming starts at 6:45pm<br />

In-Person service starts at 7:00pm<br />

Friday, <strong>April</strong> 21st<br />

Daven & Dine Service<br />

Live Streaming starts at 6:10pm<br />

In-Person service starts at 6:15pm<br />

Friday, <strong>April</strong> 28th<br />

Shabbat Torah Service<br />

Live Streaming starts at 6:45pm<br />

In-Person service starts at 7:00pm<br />



Sundays<br />

<strong>April</strong> 2nd<br />

<strong>April</strong> 16th<br />

<strong>April</strong> 23rd<br />

<strong>April</strong> 30th<br />

May 7th<br />

In-Person & Live Streaming starts at<br />

12:30pm<br />

Click here for more information.<br />

We go to work each day – those of us who aren’t retired – and we focus on our jobs. We work hard. We take<br />

care of things in the office, on the job site, and if we have responsibility for others we take care of other<br />

people. At the end of the week, we are usually tired and fatigued. Coming to shul on a Friday night can be a<br />

challenge, but once you’re there; once you have a few minutes of quiet time; and sing or just listen to the<br />

congregation singing; and get a bit of meaning or inspiration; and schmooze for a few minutes with friends<br />

or people you haven’t seen in a while – well, it’s just a great way to end your week and kick start Shabbat.<br />

Please consider checking us out again on Friday night. <strong>April</strong> 14th is an ideal time to give us a try!<br />

Hope to see you in shul!<br />

S E L L I N G H O M E S S I N C E 2 0 0 5<br />

B’Shalom,<br />

Melissa Immel,<br />

RPC Chair<br />

PH: 123-456-7890<br />

Did you miss a Shabbat?<br />

Visit our Virtual Experience<br />

page to view our recording<br />

archive.<br />

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<br />

Upcoming<br />

Educational<br />

Events<br />


Sunday, <strong>April</strong> 16<br />

10:30am -11:30am<br />



Sundays, <strong>April</strong> 16, 23, 30, May 7<br />

12:30pm -1:15pm<br />


LAUGH<br />

Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 22<br />

7:00pm - 9:00pm<br />


Sunday, <strong>April</strong> 30<br />

11:15am - 11:45am<br />



Friday, May 19<br />

Dinner at 5:30pm<br />

Service at 6:15pm<br />

(see flyer)<br />

Kehillah MAGNET<br />

Sarah O’Donnell & Joel Yoffee<br />

A continued thank you to everyone who helps support our<br />

wonderful school!<br />

Early Bird Registration for the 2023-2024 School Year has arrived! If you have a child or know of a family with<br />

children who would be interested in knowing more about their Jewish heritage, Kehillah MAGNET might be the<br />

learning environment for them! Contact our principal, Sarah O’Donnell, at principal@templeadasshalom.org, for<br />

registration information.<br />


FAMILY SHABBAT SERVICE: Every other month, Rabbi Meeka and Mike Mullis, choir director and music teacher, lead one<br />

Friday night service that is designed with families in mind. Family Shabbat nights begin at 5:30 pm with a child-friendly<br />

meal, and the service runs from 6:15 – 7:00 pm. Meals cost $5 per person or $15 for member families who RSVP through<br />

their ShulCloud Account. Attending Family Shabbat is a great way to enjoy the company of friends, relax after a long week,<br />

and provide further understanding of Hebrew learning!<br />

Our next Family Shabbat Dinner and Service will be on Friday, May 19, 2023. All are welcome!<br />

TOT SHIRA: Each month, Kehillah MAGNET welcomes families with children 5 and<br />

under to attend the Pre-K/K music class at our religious school. “Tot Shira” is a<br />

wonderful way to introduce little ones to our dedicated teachers and fantastic<br />

students. Our upcoming Tot Shira will be held at the synagogue on Sunday, <strong>April</strong><br />

30, from 11:15 to 11:45 am. We can’t wait to see you there.<br />

YOUTH GROUP MEETING: This meeting is held monthly with teens in grades 9-12.<br />

Students have the opportunity to build relationships and engage in discussions on<br />

various Jewish related topics. Refreshments will be provided. This month’s youth<br />

group meeting will be held on Sunday, <strong>April</strong> 16, from 10:30-11:30 a.m.<br />

We look forward to seeing you all soon!<br />

Adult Education<br />

Brian Folus<br />

Purim Carnival 2023<br />

Dear Congregants,<br />

Put <strong>April</strong> 22 as we will be having our second in-person film night at<br />

7pm in the Social Hall. We will be showing the film “The Last Laugh”<br />

to be followed by a discussion – snack will be provided- This event is<br />

Free of charge! What a Deal !<br />

THE LAST LAUGH dares to ask: "Are we allowed to joke<br />

about the Holocaust?" This outrageously funny and thoughtprovoking<br />

film puts the question to legends and critical thinkers<br />

including Mel Brooks, Sarah Silverman, Gilbert Gottfried, and many<br />

others (including survivors), offering fresh insights into the Holocaust<br />

and what else-9/11, AIDS, racism-is or isn't off-limits in a society that<br />

prizes freedom of speech.<br />

Our next Book Discussion is Saturday, May 20 at 10:00am on Zoom.<br />

Our book is “The Women of Rothschild” by Natalie Livingston. The<br />

book reveals the role of women in shaping the legacy of the famous<br />

Rothschild dynasty S E L Lfrom I N G Htheir O M Ehumble S S I N C E beginnings 2 0 0 5 to their families’<br />

growth throughout Europe, England, and the United States. I highly<br />

recommend this<br />

PH:<br />

book;<br />

123-456-7890<br />

it is available through the Harford County<br />

Public Library and online book sellers. This is a long but enjoyable<br />

read so reserve your copy soon! Hope you will join me on May 20 at<br />

10:00 am on Zoom for our discussion.<br />

Joel Yoffee<br />

Sarah O’Donnell<br />

Kehillah MAGNET Religious School Committee Chair Kehillah MAGNET Principal<br />

i<br />

We are also very pleased to announce that Rabbi Meeka will be<br />

offering the following class “Mishkan T’filah, More than a Siddur”. This<br />

class will be offered as a hybrid event (in-person & Zoom) on Sundays<br />

from 12:30- 1:15 in the Temple Library. Class is scheduled for March 19 &<br />

26, <strong>April</strong> 2, 16, 23, 30, and May 7. The class is free, but we are requesting<br />

members to register for the class. Materials will be provided.<br />

We are also offering a quarterly class “Changing Wisdom with Reform<br />

Judaism” led by Dr. David Dirlam. This will also be a Hybrid event on<br />

Sundays from 12:30 -2:00 pm in the Temple Library. Class<br />

dates are March 12(Zoom only) , June 25, and October<br />

15. The class is free, but we are requesting members to<br />

register for the class. Materials will be provided.<br />

On June 20 our Lunch & Learn at Noon, will be with Brian Folus, our<br />

topic is “Jewish Composers Sacred & Secular” Well Known and not so<br />

Well Known.<br />

We truly hope you will join us for these upcoming events and send us<br />

suggestions and request for topics or movies or programs you<br />

would like the Adult Ed. Committee to provide for you.<br />

As always feel free to sit in on a meeting, just click on the link in<br />

the Calendar.<br />

Looking forward to hearing from you!<br />

Shalom,<br />

Brian Folus<br />

Adult Ed. Chair

Sisterhood News<br />

Pat Wolkow<br />

March Madness!<br />

March came in like a lion and out like a lamb. And certainly, our Sisterhood has shown her leonine qualities with all the<br />

activity that happened in March. We started off with Purim. Our biggest fundraiser of the year, Purim Greetings & Bag<br />

was a success. A huge thank you to both the members who planned and implemented the Purim Bag pickup, and to<br />

the generous participants!<br />

March 21 finished our month with a calmer but no less exciting event: our annual Board elections and program.<br />

Bravo to our New & Returning Board Members<br />

We all greatly enjoyed being transported back in time to meet Feminist, Dorothy Rothchild Parker, from 1920's New<br />

York. This was a “Living History Performance” by Colleen Webster, a local Professor of English at Harford Community<br />

College, and more.<br />


Our gift shop has been stocked with Passover items for gifts and you Seder!<br />

Call if you need a private appointment.<br />

We will open up prior to the Israeli Trip Meeting on <strong>April</strong> 2nd.<br />

Huge Sale Event on May 21st during the Congregational Picnic! Giving at least 50% off most inventory in the store!!!<br />

Contact Denise & Pat at giftshop@templeadasshalom.org<br />

Sisterhood<br />

Events<br />

All our Sisterhood dates are posted<br />

on the Temple Calendar and appear<br />

in bright pink.<br />


<strong>April</strong> 1st & 2nd<br />

All committees must clean out<br />

items in the refrigerator and<br />

freezer that is not Kosher for<br />

Passover by Friday March 30th! If<br />

you have any questions, call Pat<br />

Wolkow.<br />


Tuesday, <strong>April</strong> 18th<br />

7:00pm<br />


Saturday, May 6th<br />

6:00pm - Buffett Dinner<br />

7:00pm - Installation<br />

Ceremony followed by<br />

Havdalah<br />

We are BUSY, but not too busy to chat with you! Contact us at sisterhood@templeadasshalom.org<br />


For Simchas or Sorrows, Thanks or Congratulations, having a<br />

Sisterhood card sent is a great way to show you care. For<br />

more information contact Pam samuelmeyer@comcast.net.<br />


Dues are $42 and $36 for new members. Pay via check, made out to TAS<br />

Sisterhood and mailed to Denise Gordon or via PayPal (using Family &<br />

Friends) to: “Ladies Auxiliary Harford Jewish CTR.”<br />

We are members of WRJ check out the regional activity offered by visiting<br />

https://wrj/our-community/wrj-districts/mid-atlantic<br />

Safety & Security<br />

Pat Wolkow<br />



SO, WE CAN DO<br />


Security Updates:<br />

Prior to Services we may take 5 minutes or less to expose worshipers to security<br />

measures that we must think about for everyone’s safety and piece of mind.<br />

Zoomers: Do not be alarmed when you tune in and miss the introduction…<br />

thinking that something has gone awry. (Happened once with an impromptu<br />

Fire Drill!)<br />

Installation of the Public Address System has been completed! It is mainly for<br />

the school areas.<br />

Good News! There are no incidents to report for the “National Hate Day” that we<br />

were notified about last month! We can thank the Harford County Sheriff<br />

Department for the extra coverage to keep us and our building safe. We offered<br />

them Hamantaschen!<br />

We have provided some basic information and specific safety & security<br />

procedures in the sanctuary prayer book racks . Please review them regularly.<br />

Here is one section to consider:<br />

TRIVIA<br />

security@templeadasshalom.org<br />





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Tech Talk<br />

with Mike and Mike<br />

The Temple Adas Shalom Technology Committee has been hard at work<br />

improving the technology aspects of our Synagogue.<br />

As part of that initiative, we have relaunched our Temple Adas Shalom YouTube Channel. As many other Temples are doing<br />

around the world, the TAS YouTube Channel will be home to our growing catalog of Shabbat Services, special events, and<br />

specialized videos that can be viewed by millions around the world. We are live streaming our Friday Night Shabbat<br />

Services to YouTube alongside of Zoom, for those who would rather watch on their mobile devices or SmartTV’s that have<br />

YouTube. You will be able to chat with others watching and enjoy all the channel content we are continuing to build. Part<br />

of that content includes new Adult Education programs, and<br />

a wonderful playlist of our beloved former B’aal Koreh<br />

Sig Gast who recorded our entire High Holiday Tefillah and Torah<br />

Portions in 2020.<br />

We invite you all to subscribe to the Temple Adas Shalom YouTube<br />

Channel, and click the notification bell so you can be notified when<br />

new videos and livestreams are available.<br />

Go to https://www.youtube.com/@templeadasshalom, or search<br />

for Temple Adas Shalom in the YouTube search bar.<br />

HJC Early Learning Center<br />

Elizabeth Kaiser<br />

Congratulations to the HJC Preschool and staff for an amazing<br />

job for being recognized in the Best of Harford County 2023<br />

Readers Poll.<br />

Logging off,<br />

Mike Goldman & Mike Mullis<br />

We appreciated the support from our community as we strive to provide an<br />

amazing early childhood program by continuing to carry on our great name in<br />

the legacy of Miss Marion Yurow and Judy Rudisaile.<br />

We are excited to celebrate Ms. Mindy's decade of service to HJC Preschool!!!!<br />

Please wish her "Congratulations", if you see her!!!<br />

Our 23-24 school year is filling up quickly but has a few spaces in our 2's program<br />

available. If you know anyone please have them reach out to Ms. Elizabeth at<br />

hjcelc@templeadasshalom.org.<br />

Summer Camp is still open for enrollment for ages 2 -<br />

8. Camp days are from 9:00am - noon and it is filled<br />

with games, crafts, walks in the nature trail with new<br />

and old friends.<br />

Elizabeth Kaiser<br />

HJC ELC Director<br />

8 N . E A R L T O N R D . E X T . H A V R E D E G R A C E , M D 2 1 0 7 8<br />


Temple Adas Shalom’s <strong>April</strong> 2023 Calendar of Events


February 2023 – Donors<br />


Lisa & Gregory Feulner<br />

Julie Sang<br />

Melissa Immel & Vadim Mzhen (L'dor V'dor)<br />

Rob & Charna Kinneberg (L'dor V'dor)<br />

Rayna & David Richardson (L'dor V'dor)<br />

Jill & Daniel Young (L'dor V'dor)<br />

Jill & Brian Schorr<br />

Elise & Michael Woods<br />


Debbie Delaney<br />

David & Annette Dirlam<br />

Meredith Evans<br />

Michael Gordon<br />

Eric Griesinger<br />

Danni & Andrew Lebson<br />

Stacy Shertok & Michael Lasinski<br />


Andrew & Marianne Fridberg<br />

Melissa Immel & Vadim Mzhen<br />


Mark & Patricia Wolkow<br />


Linda & Stuart Needel<br />

Note: The 8 Days of Giving lists only payments that have cleared.<br />

The remaining donations will be listed next month.<br />

SuperBowl Fun Raffle<br />

Neil & Marcia Buchness<br />

Caryn & Alain Chalmin<br />

Brad & Ann Cogan<br />

Patti Correll<br />

Bradford & Barrie Davis<br />

Wendy & Patrick Drabinski<br />

Karen & Fred Edeson<br />

Neil & Sheryl Fruithandler<br />

Denise & Arthur Gordon<br />

Michael Gordon<br />

Andrea & Matthew Gwin<br />

Rob & Charna Kinneberg<br />

Jayne Klein<br />

Sara Laskowski & Taylor Velencia<br />

Kathleen Lazarski<br />

Danni & Andrew Lebson<br />

Paul & Nancy Lever<br />

Gary Levine<br />

Stephen & Patricia Marksamer<br />

Sam Meyer & Pam Gwaltyney<br />

CarolMohr & David Brown<br />

Linda & Stuart Needel<br />

Sarah & Niall O'Donnell<br />

Ashira & Ashiq Quabili<br />

Jill & Brian Schorr<br />

Stacy Shertok & Michael Lasinski<br />

David Sternberg<br />

Debra & Lee Tannenbaum<br />

Naomi Walton<br />

Lawrence Winar<br />

Mark & Patricia Wolkow<br />

Elise & Michael Woods<br />

8 N . E A R L T O N R D . E X T . H A V R E D E G R A C E , M D 2 1 0 7 8<br />


Mi Sheberakh * We Pray for Healing<br />

Annette Dirlam<br />

Barbara Chancey<br />

Fred Belkin<br />

Harvey Malin<br />

Recently Passed<br />

<strong>April</strong> 2023 - Yahrzeits Observed<br />

Ethel Starr<br />

Abraham Vogelhut<br />

Benson Louis Sacks<br />

Walter Miller<br />

Barbara Latman<br />

Thomas Merriken<br />

Gladys Krongel<br />

Sheila Fang<br />

Patricia Pollack<br />

Harry Belkin<br />

Howard Litofsky<br />

Fannie Gordon Vorspan<br />

Wally Lyons<br />

Edwin Starr<br />

Mark Paster<br />

Charles Bunkin<br />

Eve Snyder<br />

Herman Zuckerman<br />

Abraham Singer<br />

Minnie Roseman<br />

Charles Immel<br />

Eva Labe<br />

Jeanette Weinstock<br />

Irv Altman<br />

Lawrence Speyer<br />

Rose Goodman<br />

Sol Suls<br />

Gertrude Selby<br />

Lena Lipman<br />

1st<br />

1st<br />

1st<br />

1st<br />

1st<br />

2nd<br />

2nd<br />

2nd<br />

2nd<br />

3rd<br />

3rd<br />

4th<br />

4th<br />

4th<br />

4th<br />

4th<br />

5th<br />

5th<br />

6th<br />

6th<br />

7th<br />

7th<br />

7th<br />

7th<br />

9th<br />

9th<br />

9th<br />

10th<br />

Heather Mullis<br />

Joan Marksamer<br />

Marcy Schirloff<br />

Mike Gordon<br />

David Pollack<br />

Joseph Snyderman<br />

Helen Terjung<br />

Bess Belkin<br />

Amalie Diamant<br />

Paul Lynch Sr.<br />

Marvin L. Kravitz<br />

Raymond Paster<br />

Stanford Folus<br />

Beatrice Newman<br />

Ida Goldberg<br />

Meyer Gordon<br />

Esther Hirsh<br />

Annie Suls<br />

Alice Lassiter-Heare<br />

Herbert Signer<br />

Ethel Wolpert<br />

Samuel Chayt<br />

Fannie Ostrowsky<br />

Benjamin Goldberg<br />

Mollie Berger<br />

Lillian Levy<br />

Harriet Folus<br />

Sol Isadore Silver<br />

Myrna Sacks<br />

Abraham Davis<br />

Ida Halpern<br />

Isadore Ash<br />

Jerome Rosenbloom<br />

10th<br />

10th<br />

10th<br />

10th<br />

11th<br />

11th<br />

11th<br />

12th<br />

12th<br />

12th<br />

12th<br />

12th<br />

12th<br />

13th<br />

13th<br />

13th<br />

14th<br />

14th<br />

14th<br />

14th<br />

14th<br />

14th<br />

15th<br />

15th<br />

16th<br />

16th<br />

16th<br />

16th<br />

17th<br />

Natalie Litofsky<br />

Philip Chancey<br />

Tim Latham<br />

Sky Sumlin<br />

Jeanette Golbin<br />

Beloved Founding Member of Temple Adas Shalom, Jeanette is survived by her loving children, Arlene<br />

(Stephen) Burns and Neal Golbin, and numerous grand and great-grandchildren<br />

Nancy Natkin<br />

Beloved Member of Temple Adas Shalom, Nancy is survived by her loving children, Dan (Rachel) Natkin and<br />

Michael (Karen) Natkin, and numerous grandchildren<br />

Samuel Curtsinger<br />

Nathan Wander<br />

Philip Caplan<br />

Harriet Appel<br />

Werner Fridberg<br />

Sidney Salkind<br />

Syd Bernstein<br />

Ida Richman<br />

Ida W. Kravitz<br />

Blanche R. Sass<br />

Robert L. Gwaltney<br />

Arthur Smuckler<br />

Helen Vogel<br />

Barbara Fine<br />

Tillye Getz<br />

Robert Racoosin<br />

Karen Avra Ruskin<br />

Saul Zelkind<br />

Anna Greenberg<br />

Annie Singer<br />

Margie Tannenbaum<br />

Harold Rosenberg<br />

Fannie Hecht<br />

Harry Miller<br />

Nina Schiff<br />

Norman Cogan<br />

Louis Reiser<br />

Janet Breitstein Backer<br />

Shelly Shuman<br />

Dr. Phillip Block<br />

Caring Note<br />

Caring is about both the simchas and healing through support and community.<br />

Is there a moment you would like to share, privately or publicly?<br />

<br />

We want to be there for you so please let us know.<br />

Email the Caring Committee at caring@templeadasshalom.org<br />

<br />

17th<br />

19th<br />

20th<br />

20th<br />

20th<br />

21st<br />

21st<br />

22nd<br />

22nd<br />

23rd<br />

23rd<br />

23rd<br />

23rd<br />

24th<br />

24th<br />

25th<br />

25th<br />

25th<br />

26th<br />

26th<br />

27th<br />

27th<br />

27th<br />

27th<br />

28th<br />

29th<br />

30th<br />

30th<br />

30th<br />

30th<br />

8 N . E A R L T O N R D . E X T . H A V R E D E G R A C E , M D 2 1 0 7 8<br />


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