Complaint Counsel's Post Trial Brief - Federal Trade Commission

Complaint Counsel's Post Trial Brief - Federal Trade Commission

Complaint Counsel's Post Trial Brief - Federal Trade Commission


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the ter "BioMolecular Nutrtion" to descrbe ''the spirtual and physical" aspects of<br />

products. CCPF mr 12-13. Respondents offer one bottle of<br />

and $65.95 (300 capsules). CCPF ~ 76.<br />

b. 7 Herb Formula<br />

their<br />

Bio*Shark for $30.95 (100 capsules)<br />

7 Herb Formula, a liquid tea concentrate, contains, among other ingredients, distiled<br />

water, Cat's Claw, Burdock Root, Siberan Ginseng, Sheep Sorrel, Slipper Elm, watercress, and<br />

Turkey Rhubarb Root. CCPF ~ 83. 7 Herb Formula is essentially what is known as "essiac"<br />

plus watercress, Cat's Claw, and Siberan Ginseng. CCPF ~ 84. Respondents' label directs<br />

users to take 1-2 ounces of7 Herb Formula with 2-4 ounces of hot or cold fitered or distiled<br />

water. CCPF ~ 83. The label fuer directs users to take 7 Herb Formula twice daily or as<br />

directed by a BioMolecular Nutrtion health care professional. CCPF ~ 83. Respondents offer<br />

one 32-ounce bottle of7 Herb Formula for $70.95. CCPF ~ 85.<br />

c. GDU<br />

GDU contais, among other ingredients, Bromelain, Turerc, Quercetin, Feverew, and<br />

Boron. CCPF ~ 87. Respondents' label directs users to take 3-6 capsules 2 to 4 times per day or<br />

as directed by a physician or by a BioMolecular Nutrtion health care professional. CCPF ~ 87.<br />

Respondents offer GDU for $29.95 (120 capsules) and $45.95 (300 capsules). CCPF ~ 88.<br />

d. BioMI<br />

BioMixx contains, among other ingredients, Goldenseal, Echiacea, and Ginseng. CCPF<br />

~ 91. Respondents' label for BioMixx directs users to take five scoops daily. CCPF ~ 91.<br />

Respondents offer BioMixx for $22.95 (1 lb. powder) and $40.95 (3 lb. powder). CCPF ~ 92.<br />


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