Complaint Counsel's Post Trial Brief - Federal Trade Commission

Complaint Counsel's Post Trial Brief - Federal Trade Commission

Complaint Counsel's Post Trial Brief - Federal Trade Commission


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products in the treatment or cure of cancer, in inhbiting tuor formation, and in<br />

preventing the destrctive effects of<br />

radiation and chemotherapy. (CX 52 at 31).<br />

Bio*Shark<br />

the documents Respondents<br />

submitted as substantiation indicates that there was no competent and reliable scientific<br />

evidence that Bio*Shark inhbits tuor growth in humans or that it is effective in the<br />

treatment of cancer in humans. (CX 52 at 13).<br />

223. Dr. Miler's review of the peer-reviewed literatue and all of<br />

224. Dr. Miler found that there were no adequate and well-controlled studies demonstrating<br />

that Bio*Shark is antiangiogenic or is effective in the treatment of cancer, and even<br />

supporting non-clinical studies of crude or parially-purfied shark carilage products<br />

were extremely limted, paricularly with regard to mechansms of action,<br />

pharacokietics, pharacodynamics, and dose response. (CX 52 at 17).<br />

225. Dr. Miler obsered that Respondents' reliance on Dr. I. Wiliam Lane's book, "Sharks<br />

Don't Get Cancer" was misplaced, as studies at Johns Hopkis University indicate that<br />

sharks do indeed get cancer. (CX 52 at 16).<br />

7 Herb Formula<br />

the documents Respondents<br />

submitted as substantiation indicates that there was no competent and reliable scientific<br />

evidence that 7 Herb Formula inhbits tuor formation and is effective in the treatment<br />

or cure of cancer in humans. (CX 52 at 18).<br />

226. Dr. Miler's review of the peer-reviewed literatue and all of<br />

227. Dr. Miler found neither non-clinical nor clincal studies supporting claims that 7 Herb<br />

Formula or any of its individual ingredients are effective anticancer agents or inhbit<br />

tuor formation. (CX 52 at 19).<br />

228. Any relevant studies on the ingredients Burdock root, Cat's Claw, sheep sorrel, slipper<br />

elm bark, tukish rhubarb root, Siberan giseng, and watercress were perormed either in<br />

vitro or on anals, not on humans with cancer. (CX 52 at 19-22).<br />

GDU<br />

the documents Respondents<br />

submitted as substantiation indicates that there was no competent and reliable scientific<br />

evidence that GDU elimiates tuors and is effective in the treatment of cancer in<br />

humans. (CX 52 at 22).<br />

229. Dr. Miler's review of the peer-reviewed literatue and all of<br />

230. Dr. Miler found no randomized, controlled clincal trals of any ofthe individual<br />

components of GDU or of GDU itself in patients with cancer. (CX 52 at 27).<br />

231. Dr. Miler, however, did note that curcumin (tuerc), one of GDU's ingredients, is<br />

curently being evaluated in controlled clinical trals to detere its potential as a<br />

chemoprotective and cancer preventive agent. (CX 52 at 22).<br />

232. Anmal studies have suggested that curcumin may have activity as a cancer preventive<br />

and therapeutic agent. (CX 52 at 23).<br />


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