Prosper Spring

Black Country Chamber membership magazine. Business news, advice, events, training. Black Country Chamber membership magazine. Business news, advice, events, training.

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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING Money not always the answer in cost-of-living inspired war for talent There is little doubt that there is a growing recruitment crisis in the UK, with 2022’s Great Resignation hitting a market already ravaged by Brexit and economic instability. But figures from a new report published in February by strategic skills training provider, Corndel, show that there is hope for HR managers who don’t have the bottomless pockets required for salary gazumping or above-inflation wage hikes. Corndel surveyed 500 senior HR leaders and 2,000 employees, with 60% of employees saying they would be more likely to go for a position with a personalised professional development and career progression plan, even when another job offered a slightly higher salary. The survey compared a role at £35,000 with personalised professional development and a career progression plan, with an identical one at £37,000 but without the development and progression opportunities. 63% of women and 68% of younger employees (aged 18-34) also went with the job offering lower salary but more development opportunities. The survey also detailed how 83% of employees felt that professional development in the workplace made them feel more valued, with 47% saying it made them feel much more valued. Corndel’s Workplace Training 2023 report details how employers should use the apprenticeship levy as a budget-conscious way to fund workplace development where ‘‘ 60% of employees would be more likely to go for a position with a personalised professional development and career progression plan, than a job with a slightly higher salary... ‘‘ possible, resisting the standard recessionera practice of letting training drop down the list of priorities. 75% of the 500 senior HR leaders surveyed said that economic uncertainty was impacting their company’s learning and development strategy for 2023, with 49% of those with a learning and development strategy confirming they will be spending less on learning and development over the coming year. Management and data expertise were highlighted as the main skills gaps, especially in the workplace that HR leaders have come back to postpandemic. Management skills for hybrid working were said to be a shortage for 36% of HR leaders, with flexible working skills a shortage for 35% and data/digital skills a shortage for 34%. Professional Development: Why more businesses are upskilling staff to combat ‘recruitment crisis’ With the UK experiencing significant labour and skills shortages, businesses are investing additional resources into training and upskilling their current workforce. The House of Lords’ economic affairs committee reported that the UK is in the midst of a recruitment crisis, with people in their 50s and 60s retiring early during Covid-19 lockdowns listed as the main reason for the skills shortage. The committee has predicted the situation will worsen into 2023 and beyond. What out clients say about Chamber management development programmes ‘‘ Having completed six months of my Management Course and having to unconventionally partake via Zoom due to the pandemic, it has certainly presented some challenges but equally, plenty of opportunities. Alice Higginson, Hill and Smith Limited ‘‘ ‘‘ The Black Country Chamber management development programme under Wendyanne Shapiro is a great way for companies to invest in the futures of their staff. Mark Nicholls, CKCA Limited ‘‘ ‘‘ Attend and you will only learn and improve yourself as a manager, leader and a person. I guarantee this programme will develop you not just as a manager, but as a person. Lee Stanford, Edward Howell Galvanizers Ltd ‘‘ I am so glad I pushed on with this course… as I am already using the new skills and tools I learned with the amazing Wendyanne Shapiro and my peers on the course. Stuart Davies, Wedge Group Galvinizing Ltd ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ I didn’t know exactly what to expect but from the first lesson on the management course I knew it was something well worth doing. I have grown both professionally and personally massively. The tools this course has given myself and my colleagues has helped to develop our business vastly. James Long, Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Ltd ‘‘ 54 PROSPER SPRING 2023

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING Unleash the potential of your managers Management development programmes with the Chamber Exploring new approaches, insights and taking part in an outstanding professional journey is in order for the Black Country to remain competitive and thrive, great business leaders and dynamic managers are needed more than ever. ​There are many who find themselves in management positions or elevated to roles who feel they have missed out on essential training which allows them to be effective and deliver success for themselves and their business. ​For the last six years the Black Country Chamber has worked with Lotus Flower Consultancy in order to help those individuals who want to challenge themselves to develop new insights, explore different approaches and share invaluable development experiences. Hundres of individuals have taken this learning back to their businesses to help navigate challenges, embrace the opportunities and help their teams and businesses grow. ​In recent months, these leaders and managers have stepped up to lead through the most turbulent of times, and whilst utilising the invaluable lessons learned, they have led from the front and will continue doing so during the uncertain months ahead. ​Designed to stretch and challenge participants, programmes are run with participants from different backgrounds, experiences and industries creating a diverse environment where individuals can test and apply learning and developing together. COURSE MODULES n What is a manager? Introduction to management and the manager’s role n Using your time effectively and efficiently n Communication and delivery of the right messages at the right times n Styles and dynamics which create a good team n Getting the most from meetings n Delivering a great presentation which gets the right results n Building commercial awareness and acumen n Preparation and successful management of change n Stakeholder and relationship mapping and management n How to run and deliver a project well n Clarify the purpose and principles or project management and review roles and responsibilities n Getting the best from your team and helping them to perform better n Coach and develop your teams and people n Consider development aims for the next six months which include reflection on this Programme’s learning outcomes COST: Take the full 12-month programme or pick and choose modules. Full 12-month programme: Chamber members – £1,595.00 + VAT Non-members – £1,995.00 + VAT Per module: Chamber members – £250 + VAT Non-members – £295 + VAT Programmes will begin each month throughout the year, so for more information and to discuss the Chamber’s easy payment options, please contact or call 0330 024 0820 PROSPER SPRING 2023 55


Unleash the potential<br />

of your managers<br />

Management development programmes<br />

with the Chamber<br />

Exploring new approaches, insights and taking part in an<br />

outstanding professional journey is in order for the Black<br />

Country to remain competitive and thrive, great business<br />

leaders and dynamic managers are needed more than ever.<br />

​There are many who find themselves in management<br />

positions or elevated to roles who feel they have missed out on<br />

essential training which allows them to be effective and deliver<br />

success for themselves and their business.<br />

​For the last six years the Black Country Chamber has worked<br />

with Lotus Flower Consultancy in order to help those individuals<br />

who want to challenge themselves to develop new insights,<br />

explore different approaches and share invaluable development<br />

experiences.<br />

Hundres of individuals have taken this learning back to their<br />

businesses to help navigate challenges, embrace the opportunities and<br />

help their teams and businesses grow.<br />

​In recent months, these leaders and managers have stepped up to lead<br />

through the most turbulent of times, and whilst utilising the invaluable lessons<br />

learned, they have led from the front and will continue doing so during the uncertain<br />

months ahead.<br />

​Designed to stretch and challenge participants, programmes are run with participants<br />

from different backgrounds, experiences and industries creating a diverse environment<br />

where individuals can test and apply learning and developing together.<br />


n What is a manager? Introduction to management<br />

and the manager’s role<br />

n Using your time effectively and efficiently<br />

n Communication and delivery of the right messages<br />

at the right times<br />

n Styles and dynamics which create a good team<br />

n Getting the most from meetings<br />

n Delivering a great presentation which gets the right results<br />

n Building commercial awareness and acumen<br />

n Preparation and successful management of change<br />

n Stakeholder and relationship mapping and management<br />

n How to run and deliver a project well<br />

n Clarify the purpose and principles or project management<br />

and review roles and responsibilities<br />

n Getting the best from your team and helping them to<br />

perform better<br />

n Coach and develop your teams and people<br />

n Consider development aims for the next six months which<br />

include reflection on this Programme’s learning outcomes<br />

COST:<br />

Take the full 12-month programme or pick and choose modules.<br />

Full 12-month programme: Chamber members – £1,595.00 + VAT<br />

Non-members – £1,995.00 + VAT<br />

Per module: Chamber members – £250 + VAT<br />

Non-members – £295 + VAT<br />

Programmes will begin each month<br />

throughout the year, so for more<br />

information and to discuss the<br />

Chamber’s easy payment options,<br />

please contact<br /><br />

or call 0330 024 0820<br />


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