Unikum 03 March online

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Studentavisen for Agder GRATIS | Mars 2023<br />

In January <strong>Unikum</strong> had a competition where all our<br />

readers could draw on our front page and submit their<br />

suggestion to be part of it. We’ve finally selected the<br />

winner, which is this month’s front page, who will also<br />

receive a gift card worth a 1000kr to Sørlandssenteret.<br />


Hvorfor<br />

gråter jeg<br />

så mye?<br />

Er det viktig<br />

å ha sex i<br />

studietiden?<br />

Hvordan<br />

håndterer jeg<br />

sjalusi?<br />

Hvordan kan<br />

jeg få mer<br />

selvtillit?<br />

Still anonyme spørsmål til leger, rådgivere,<br />

psykologer, helsesykepleier og fysioterapeuter.<br />


Spør oss eller se hva andre spør om på sia.no/studenterspor<br />



50%<br />


RABATT<br />

*Les mer om gjesttrening på spicheren.no

LEDER<br />


“Er det noen som ikke skal<br />

snakke på vegne av reindriften,<br />

så er det du Terje Aasland. Det<br />

er ingen andre som er mindre<br />

egnet til å snakke på vegne av<br />

reindriften enn akkurat du. Så<br />

du kan ikke ta de ordnene i din<br />

munn, hva du tror reindriften<br />

er opptatt av, for det er ganske<br />

klinkende klart, at du ikke har<br />

lyttet til eller vært litt interessert<br />

engang på femhundre og femte<br />

dagen av menneskerettsbrudd.»<br />

Verden funker på en så utrolig<br />

merkelig måte, noen sammentreff<br />

virker for gode til å være sanne,<br />

og forsatt skjer til fra tid til annen.<br />

Jeg er i praksis og underviser<br />

samfunnsfag hvor vi nå snakker<br />

om samer, og jeg undrer meg over<br />

hvordan jeg kan aktualisere det og<br />

engasjere elevene mine om temaet.<br />

Og så skjer Fosendemonstrasjonene.<br />

Jeg følger<br />

notorisk med, og jeg merker at<br />

mine elever er engasjerte om<br />

tematikken som blir diskutert.<br />

Men jo mere jeg følger med og<br />

leser meg opp, jo fortere innser<br />

jeg at jeg ikke bare følger med for<br />

undervisningutbyttet, men fordi<br />

jeg føler med dem. Og så ser jeg<br />

klippet, hvor en av demonstrantene<br />

møter og snakker med olje-og<br />

energiminster Terje Aasland som<br />

fører til det overnvente sitatet.<br />

Og endelig er det noen som<br />

sier det jeg føler mange tenker:<br />

Er det noen som ikke skal<br />

snakke på vegne av denne<br />

saken, er det deg, Herr politiker.<br />

Hvordan kan det være, at<br />

politkerne som er folkevalgt og<br />

fått ministerstillinger som dekker<br />

forskjellige departementer ikke<br />

har kunnskapen innenfor disse<br />

feltene? Eller, kanskje de har<br />

det, men det rett og slett ikke<br />

kommer frem? Jeg søker litt<br />

inne på regjeringens sider og<br />

finner ut av at mange politikere<br />

innenfor ministerstillinger faktisk<br />

ikke har hatt jobb innenfor<br />

disse feltene selv. Men forsatt<br />

har de ansvar for avgjørende<br />

beslutninger og handlinger<br />

innenfor disse områdene.<br />

Dem som sitter i maktposisjon har<br />

ikke nødvendigvis kompetansen<br />

til det. Nesten litt sånn «er en<br />

fordel, men ikke et krav». Er<br />

ikke det litt merkelig å tenke på?<br />


4 ChatGPT: How to (not) use it<br />

6 Kulturkalenderen for studenter<br />

8 Student-Supremastercy<br />

10 Linguistica Poetry Night Poems<br />

11 Dikt hjørne<br />

12 Racism in Kristiansand<br />

13 <strong>Unikum</strong>: we are recruiting<br />

14 <strong>Unikum</strong> prøver: Mindfulness<br />

17 Oppskrift: Kylling i peanøttsaus<br />

18 Will you turn into a Nazi?<br />

27 Pit Stop<br />

28 Overcome the obstacles of<br />

finding a job with a foreign name<br />

30 Short-story: Soda Bottle Tulips<br />

32 I’ll Take you to the Thrifty Shop<br />

34 Bokanmeldelse: En Nasjon i Sjakk<br />

36 <strong>Unikum</strong>‘s Corner of Hidden Treasures:<br />

Owl City’s ‘Ocean Eyes (Deluxe Edition)‘<br />

37 <strong>Unikum</strong>‘s Cover Art Result<br />

38 Spiseforstyrrelser – kontrollen tok kontroll<br />

Tobias Klausen<br />

redaktor@unikumnett.no<br />

4843 1050<br />

Redaksjon:<br />


Tobias Klausen<br />


Anjali Mariampillai, Embla Eskilt Hagelisletto, Ingrid<br />

Nordvik Krossbakken, Malin Heggebø Rolfsen<br />

UTGITT AV: Studentavisen <strong>Unikum</strong>, ved Universitetet i Agder<br />

POSTADRESSE: Serviceboks 422, 4604 Kristiansand S<br />

BESØKSADRESSE: Universitetsveien 24, 4630 Kristiansand S<br />

ORG.NR.: 984 544 677<br />

TELEFON: 911 45 962<br />

EPOST: redaktor@unikumnett.no<br />

NETTSIDE: unikumnett.no<br />

TWITTER: twitter.com/unikumnett<br />

FACEBOOK: facebook.com/studentavisenunikum<br />

INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/unikumnett<br />

Publisert Mars 2023<br />

Utgave nummer <strong>03</strong><br />


Nettredaktør<br />

Nyhetsredaktør<br />

Kulturredaktør<br />

Fotoredaktør<br />

Debattansvarlig<br />


Mariana Rodrigues Sena<br />

FORSIDE:<br />

Kristin Åsnes Moan og Fredrik Flotve<br />

Anjali Mariampillai<br />

Embla Eskilt Hagalisletto<br />

Evgeniia Kadyrova<br />

Johan Pedersen Betsi<br />

DESKEN:<br />

Alex Przybylski, Alexander Horpestad, Anjali Mariampillai,<br />

Embla Eskilt Hagelisletto, Halvor Nyhus Hagen, Janne Kathinka<br />

Fogen. Jasmine Ramos, Johan Pedersen Betsi, Mariana<br />

Rodrigues, Mattias Johannessen, Natalia Bogdanova, Odd<br />

Magne Vatne, Thomas Torgersen Bråttum, Tobias Klausen,<br />

Victoria Smuk<br />


Ida Marie Bruun, Kristin Raanes Vassdal, Martin Hoftun, Ricke-<br />

Karia Vikingstad, Tobias Klausen, Åshild Magnesen<br />


Halvor Nyhus Hagen<br />

<strong>Unikum</strong> er studentavisen ved Universitetet i Agder og andre<br />

institusjoner tilknyttet Studentsamskipnaden i Agder. Avisen er<br />

politisk og religiøst uavhengig, og blir drevet på frivillig basis.<br />

<strong>Unikum</strong> følger Vær Varsom-plakaten og redaktørplakaten. Føler<br />

du deg urettferdig behandlet eller på noen måte uriktig fremstilt<br />

av <strong>Unikum</strong>, ber vi deg kontakte redaksjonen.<br />


Adrian McAllister, Alex Przybylski, Alexander Horpestad,<br />

Anjali Mariampillai, Embla Eskilt Hagelisletto, Halvor<br />

Nyhus Hagen, Jaamac Phillip, Kristin Raanes Vassdal,<br />

Malin Heggebø Rolfsen, Mattias Johannessen, Parvana<br />

Rasim, Paul-Daniel Golban, Rahul Mitra, Thomas Torgersen<br />

Bråttum, Tobias Klausen<br />


Bjorvand & Co<br />

OPPLAG:<br />

450<br />



ChatGPT:<br />

How to (not) use it<br />

Alex Przybylski<br />

Writer<br />

Illustrations: Freepik // pch.vector<br />

BG: Freepik // iuriimotov<br />

«Write a paragraph where you explain what you are, when you were<br />

created, how popular you’ve become the last couple of weeks and what<br />

kind of questions your creation has raised.» [input from the writer]<br />

«I am ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence language model developed<br />

by OpenAI. I was created in 2021, and have since become increasingly<br />

popular for my ability to generate human-like text responses. In<br />

the past few weeks, my usage has<br />

seen a significant surge, which<br />

has raised questions about the<br />

potential implications and ethical<br />

considerations of AI technology like<br />

myself. Some people are concerned<br />

about the potential for AI to replace<br />

human jobs, while others believe that<br />

AI could greatly benefit society if it<br />

is developed and used responsibly.<br />

Regardless, it is clear that my<br />

creation has sparked important<br />

discussions about the future of AI<br />

and its role in society.»<br />

- ChatGPT, chatbot interface.<br />

If you are only a little curious about the news or the development<br />

of information technologies, chances are you’ve heard of ChatGPT,<br />

or GPT 3.5. This system is indeed the new diamond in terms of text<br />

generation technology funded by Microsoft, and has taken Internet<br />

and the media by storm the last couple of weeks.<br />

Upon entering the site and registering, ChatGPT’s appearance is<br />

similar to social networks such as Messenger and WhatsApp. The<br />

catch? Instead of chatting with any other human being, the user sends<br />

a message to a computer, which will then analyze it and try to create<br />

an answer that has a logic connection.<br />

How does it work though? Well in terms of usage, nothing easier:<br />

you create an account on the website (after agreeing to share your<br />

data with the firm for research purposes), write your input in the<br />

chat box, and the AI will generate a personalized answer to it. What<br />

is really groundbreaking with this particular version, is the fact that<br />

the artificial intelligence (AI) seems knowledgeable on every topic<br />

imaginable. Programming? History? Mathematics? The bot can<br />

answer it all (mostly). The developers do warn us before using it that<br />

some of the information might be incorrect, and that information<br />

created less than 2 years ago may be inaccurate (for instance, with<br />

the war in Ukraine’s latest developments).<br />

Well, if it’s that good, the access to knowledge just went<br />

through a massive revolution, right? Well, it’s not that<br />

simple. For some context, first we need to say that GPT 3.5<br />

quite literally learned from the mistakes from its predecessor,<br />

GPT 3.0, which has been terminated. That was because of<br />

some inputs and information that entered its database, that<br />

would cause the AI to give answers promoting racist beliefs and<br />

hateful behavior. Today, thanks to new technologies, the AI has<br />

some prompts that are unchangeable by what it can find from its<br />

database, avoiding the issue of it using this kind of<br />

speech. It is still possible to make the AI come up<br />

with bad-looking messages by using unconventional<br />


methods like making it roleplay), but usually the AI will either simply state a general consensus on the question (for instance, if you ask it to<br />

come up with pro-climate skepticism arguments, the AI will answer that most scientists proved that human-made climate change is real) or<br />

flat out refuse to answer.<br />

It however faces one major flaw: it is not a direct source of knowledge, it only (while very developed) is a text generator and will always try to<br />

answer your questions by going the way you expect it to go.<br />

Here’s a simple example to demonstrate this:<br />

As can be seen with this example, the question assumes that cows lay eggs, and while the logical (or human-like) answer would be to<br />

refute the fact that cows lay eggs, the AI will simply try to assume that what was put in the question is correct, and give an answer to that,<br />

even if the given information at the start is blatantly wrong. The AI is made in a way that the program will almost never go against what<br />

the user tells it, no matter how outlandish or silly the prompt is.<br />

Which brings us back to the main question: Should you use it for your studies?<br />

This question indeed sparks up a strong debate about teaching and its future: how useable is this AI in schoolwork, for learning purposes<br />

but also to give answers to homework?<br />

As stated earlier, ChatGPT can answer many questions, including what could be asked in most school assignments at all kinds of levels.<br />

However, ChatGPT is also not without its flaws: firstly the point made in the previous part, about the answer being biased by the question,<br />

is probably the most important issue to be aware of. Moreover, even with a perfectly normal question without this kind of bias, the AI<br />

will not take its work from sources unless you specifically task it to do so, and is vulnerable to simple mistakes.<br />

Regardless of these problems, teachers are (rightfully) opposed to the abuse of this technology, mainly regarded as a potential cheating<br />

tool and something that discourages critical thinking on the student’s own. UiA already updated their Norwegian webpage on cheating<br />

to include a reference to “ChatGPT-like” technologies, where they state that they are to be treated as any source provider, being allowed<br />

when specifically stated, and if not sourced the candidate is exposed to charges of plagiarism. It could still be used however, not as a<br />

main information provider, but as something to verify your work, or help you find an answer on a subject you already are well versed in.<br />

In conclusion, while ChatGPT is an exciting look on the future development of information technologies, and will only improve from here,<br />

as of now it is a new useful tool, but only one that must be balanced around the use of other more reliable sources, such as Wikipedia.<br />

Because, while ChatGPT is great at writing texts which seemingly look like academic writings, the other sources got something the AI<br />

does not: critical human thinking.<br />


KULTUR<br />

Kultur trenger ikke<br />

å koste skjorta!<br />

Kristin Raanes Vassdal<br />

Skribent<br />

Illustrasjon: AdobeStock // Katsiaryna<br />

Hei igjen! Jeg håper at februar bydde på mange nye kulturopplevelser, og at dere er klare for en ny og spennende kulturmåned! Med<br />

hektiske forelesninger, og lett begynnende eksamensstress, er det fort gjort at hverdagen består av 80% studering og 20% søvn.<br />

Jeg vil derfor utfordre alle til å gå på minst én kulturbegivenhet denne måneden (enten alene eller sammen med noen), og se hvor<br />

mye mer spennende hverdagen blir. Krydre din hverdag med litt kultur og jeg lover deg at du vil få litt mer livsglede på kjøpet

Kulturkalenderen for studenter<br />

16.<strong>03</strong>-20.04<br />

Hvor: Vaktbua<br />

Når: Fredag 14. april<br />

klokken 21:00<br />

Pris: 170<br />

Hva: INTERRUPTION: Lazy<br />

Queen [indie punk], GUM<br />

CONTROL [performance],<br />

Ingersdatter + Larsen //<br />

Hvor: Vaktbua<br />

Når: Lørdag 15. april<br />

klokken 19:00<br />

Pris: 155<br />

Hva: Perkusjonist med<br />

publikumstekke<br />

Hvor: kilden<br />

Når: Torsdag 20. april kl. 19:30<br />

Pris: Hvis under 30, 150<br />

Kino<br />

Hva: Old Joy<br />

Hvor: Cinemateket<br />

Når: tirsdag 21. mars kl. 18:00<br />

Pris: 70<br />

Hva: Mulholland drive<br />

Hvor: Cinemateket<br />

Når: torsdag 23. mars kl.18:00<br />

Pris: 70<br />

Hva: Jeanne Dielman<br />

Hvor: Cinemateket<br />

Når: søndag 26. mars kl.18:00<br />

Pris: 70<br />

Hva: When the wind blows<br />

Hvor: Cinemateket<br />

Når: 28. mars klokken 18:00<br />

Pris: 70<br />

Hva: Lynch/Oz<br />

Hvor: Cinemateket<br />

Når: torsdag 30.<br />

mars kl. 18:00<br />

Pris: 70<br />

Påskegrøss to filmer<br />

på samme billett!<br />

Hva: The Blob & Eny`s men<br />

Hvor: Cinemateket<br />

Når: tirsdag 4. april<br />

kl. 18:00 & 20:00<br />

Pris: 70<br />

Hva: The wind will carry us<br />

Hvor: Cinemateket<br />

Når: tirsdag 11.april kl. 18:00<br />

Pris: 70<br />

Hva: Metallica: 72<br />

Seasons - Global Premiere<br />

/ Musikk på kino<br />

Hvor: Kristiansand kino<br />

Når: Torsdag 13. april kl. 19:00<br />

Pris: Ikke enda kunngjort<br />

Hva: Lou Reed`s Berlin<br />

Konsertfilm. Liveversjon<br />

av plata Berlin (1973).<br />

Hvor: Cinemateket<br />

Når: Lørdag 15.<br />

april kl. 18:00<br />

Pris: 70<br />

Foredrag<br />

Hva: «...hvis du skjønner hva<br />

jeg mener?» Om forståelse<br />

og misforståelse i samtaler<br />

Hvor: Teateret<br />

Når: 18. mars kl. 13-14:30<br />

Pris: Gratis<br />

Hva: Dødens tilbakekomst<br />

i offentligheten? Ritualer,<br />

minner og tro<br />

Hvor: Teateret<br />

Når: 21. mars klokken 19:30<br />

Pris: Gratis inngang<br />

Hva: Akademiske<br />

forbilder- sportvasking<br />

Foredrag og panelsamtale<br />

med Samfunnsviterne UiA.<br />

Hvor: B1018 UiA<br />

Når: 23. mars kl.19:00-21:00<br />

Pris: Gratis<br />

Hva: Norge ut av FNs<br />

sikkerhetsråd – hva nå?<br />

Hvor: Teateret<br />

Når: 25. mars kl.13:00-<br />

14:30<br />

Pris: Gratis<br />

Hva: Mikroplast<br />

i havet<br />

Hvor: Teateret<br />

Når: 15. april<br />

kl.13:00-14:30<br />

Pris: Gratis<br />

Annet<br />

Hva: Litteratursalong<br />

med Helga Flatland.<br />

Hvor: Restaurant Frihavn<br />

Når: torsdag 23. mars kl.19:30<br />

Pris: 200 kr. Inkluderer middag!<br />

Hva: Klubb Skamlös.<br />

Klubbkonsept av Fri Agder,<br />

og Skeive Sørlandsdager.<br />

Hvor: Teateret<br />

Når: 25. mars 22:30<br />

Pris: Gratis inngang<br />

Hva: Uia Nyskaping<br />

«Sessions: Sharktank»<br />

Hvor: Østsia<br />

Når: 28. mars kl.17:30-22:00<br />

Pris: 50 kroner som<br />

dekker to bonger i baren.<br />

Påmelding via facebook<br />

Hva: Platemesse<br />

Salg av plater i alle<br />

sjangere og formater, med<br />

hovedvekt på vinyl.<br />

Hvor: Cinemateket<br />

Når: Lørdag 15. april kl. 11-15<br />

Pris: Gratis inngang<br />

Mine anbefalinger:<br />

I mars gleder jeg meg til å se Shrek på<br />

Teateret. Kombinasjonen av musikal<br />

og ikoniske Shrek ser jeg for meg at<br />

blir en gøy opplevelse. Noe annet<br />

som jeg gleder meg til er «Sharktank»<br />

på Østsia 28 mars, der UiA Nyskaping<br />

frister med to bonger i baren, og et<br />

artig konsept. Jeg vil også fremheve<br />

filmen «When the wind blows»,<br />

som er en animert og håndtegnet<br />

katastrofefilm med musikk av<br />

blant annet David Bowie. Filmen<br />

blir vist på Cinemateket 28. mars.<br />

Foto: FreeIcons<br />



Adrian McAllister<br />

Skribent<br />

Illustrasjon: <strong>Unikum</strong> // Adrian McAllister<br />

BG: AdobeStock // BRIAN_KINNEY<br />

Student-Supremastercy<br />

Strømpriser<br />

Krympflasjon<br />

En potensiell verdenskrig<br />

Sophie Elise?<br />

Det er ikke mangel på store samfunnsutfordringer for tiden. For<br />

optimistene (les idiotene) som trodde at alt skulle gå på skinner etter<br />

ronaen har nok virkeligheten satt de på sin rette plass. Det norske<br />

samfunnet må ta seriøse diskusjoner om vindmøller klassifisert som<br />

menneskerettighetsbrudd, våpenstøtte til klasebomber, og voksende<br />

matkøer. Og selv om alle disse (og flere andre) verdige formålene<br />

krever både oppmerksomhet og ikke minst ca$h, må vi ikke glemme<br />

en viktig gruppe som trenger all den hjelpen de kan få.<br />

For alle disse utfordringene trenger jo faktisk kompetente og<br />

tenkende mennesker til å sklitakle de rett i kølla. Og de eneste med<br />

gode tanker i dag er jo så klart studenter. Det er de som finner den<br />

nye kunnskapen. Det er de som er lederne i morgendagens verden.<br />

Det å dedikere årevis av livet sitt til å jobbe heltid med å tilegne seg<br />

dyp innsikt i verdens mangfoldige prosesser og funksjoner er et<br />

beundringsverdig og viktig mål.<br />

Om du er fra et mindre sted som meg vet du at det kun er de mest<br />

intelligente og strukturerte som tar steget og kommer seg ut av<br />

distriktshelvete. Og i motsetning til knølene hjemme så vet faktisk de<br />

med studiegenet hva dedikert arbeid er og betyr. Vinnere gamer ikke<br />

hele natta, vinnere skumleser ikke fem minutter før prøven. Vinnere<br />

leser alt pensum alltid. Vinnere dykker dypere, lærer mest og blir<br />

best.<br />

Jeg har master i klassisk gitar. Og den har jeg oppnådd med blod,<br />

svette og tårer. Daddy Laanekassen har vært snill å hjulpet meg med<br />

studiestøtte så jeg har kunnet bruke fem år på å bli en mester i å fingre<br />

G-Strenger. Ja, jeg har og drukket i snitt 480 pils hvert av disse årene,<br />

men dette er nødvendig for å slippe ut stresset som en opparbeider<br />

seg som en hardtarbeidende student.<br />

Min studentrabatterte pils, kollektivtransport, konsertbilletter, lege<br />

og andre helseutgifter er faktisk meget fortjent. Jeg jobber jo faktisk<br />

hardere og på noe viktigere enn tullete ting som å bygge hus eller<br />

kjøre matvarer. Det er kun de med master IQ som finner sannheten<br />

av hvordan å best oversette Roald Dahls bruk av “feit”. Folk som ikke<br />

kan forklare det kategoriske imperativ strekker bare ikke til.<br />

Nå kommer du kanskje med poenget at mange utfordringer studenter<br />

må hanskes med også deles av unge og nye/uetablerte. Og at kanskje<br />

jeg mangler innsikt i hvordan verden fungerer?<br />

Da sier jeg:<br />

Kilde takk?<br />

aaaaaaaaaahhhhh Satire!!!!!!!!!<br />







Brilleland Sandens senter<br />

Tollbodgata 14<br />

4611 Kristiansand<br />

Tlf: 38072430<br />

www.brilleland.no<br />

AVIS<br />

50 % studentrabatt på Morgenbladet<br />

Bestill her:<br />

www.morgenbladet.no/student<br />

Kontakt oss:<br />

abo@morgenbladet.no<br />

23 36 05 00<br />

www.morgenbladet.no<br />


Fast studentpris på synsprøve, kun 550,-<br />

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komplett brille<br />

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Inkludert», vårt linseabonnement – få<br />

valgfri vare/produkt til en verdi av 1500,-<br />

(12. mnd binding)<br />


–<br />

FOR<br />


DATA<br />

KULTUR<br />

Cinemateket i Kristiansand<br />

Adresse: Kongensgate 6<br />

Filmprogram:<br />

www.krscinematek.no<br />

Helt nye kinofilmer og gamle favoritter<br />

fra hele filmhistorien!<br />

Din lokale tannlege i Kristiansand<br />

sentrum<br />

DMDL Tannklinikk<br />

Festningsgata 39 ,1 etasje<br />

4611 Kristiansand<br />

post@dmdl.no<br />

Tlf: 940 99 933<br />

Book time <strong>online</strong> på www.dmdl.no<br />

Undersøkelser med sjekk og rens av<br />

tenner kr 499,- Vi har 20% studentrabatt<br />

ved all behandling. Mulighet for<br />

delbetaling.<br />

Vi tilbyr akutt time i 24 timer i 365<br />

dager!<br />

Tilbudsguiden<br />

5% studentrabatt på Mac<br />

Infografikk AS - Apple Premium Reseller<br />

2-3 filmvisninger per uke i<br />

vår/høst-sesongen.<br />

Billett kr. 70,-<br />

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Tangen 8<br />

4608 Kristiansand<br />

bad@aquarama.no<br />

Tlf: 38 60 20 20<br />

www.aquarama.no<br />

Velkommen til Aquarama Bad & Spa.<br />

Svømming er en god og variert<br />

treningsform – bli medlem for kun 450,-<br />

/mnd. Vi har mange gode student- og<br />

medlemsfordeler.<br />

Hver onsdag klokken 12.00-15.00 er det<br />

student spa. Unn deg selv litt luksus i<br />

studietiden og ta turen innom våtspa. Bli<br />

så lenge du vil! Kun 125,-<br />

Kvadraturen<br />

Henrik Wergelandsgate 16<br />

4612 Kristiansand<br />

Sørlandssenteret<br />

Barstølveien 29<br />

4635 Kristiansand<br />

Sarpsborg<br />

Hundskinnveien 94<br />

1711 Sarpsborg<br />

www.infografikk.no<br />

hei@infografikk.no<br />

Husk gyldig studentbevis!<br />


REISE<br />

Husk gyldig studentbevis.<br />

Tilbudsguiden<br />

Gode tilbud<br />

til studenter<br />

i Agder<br />

Tilbudsguiden<br />

for studenter<br />

i Agder<br />




Poetry Night Poems<br />

Poetry Group ‘Lips’<br />

Celebration<br />

Celebrate life,<br />

Slice it with a knife.<br />

Colourful abundance,<br />

Sweetness.<br />

Gift? Your presence.<br />

The child of our past,<br />

A taste that will last.<br />

Enjoy it together,<br />

Let’s be friends forever.<br />

Leni Vindfjell<br />

Ophelia<br />

Grant me a beautiful death<br />

In dark and murky water<br />

Let me draw my<br />

dying breath<br />

As Millais’ painted daughter<br />

Grant me a scenic demise<br />

A river bathed in twilight<br />

Let me close my tired eyes<br />

And give my days a rewrite<br />

Grant me a picturesque end<br />

And fill my hands<br />

with flowers<br />

Let me smile and<br />

play pretend<br />

In pensive final hours<br />

Grant me perpetual rest<br />

While dressed in fine attire<br />

Grant me but one<br />

more request<br />

Fulfil my heart’s desire<br />

Let me cast my rotten pride<br />

Show the one I am inside<br />

Paint me true as what I hide<br />

And not a filthy liar<br />

Ahmed Al Saidy<br />

Rebirth<br />

Forget it all,<br />

Remain reason.<br />

Walk with me so,<br />

To entertain.<br />

You know nothing,<br />

You were just born.<br />

Therefore question,<br />

That which you know.<br />

What is this world?<br />

What are these walls?<br />

What is this floor?<br />

But these are wrong.<br />

What is this thing,<br />

Which we deem “world”?<br />

What are these things,<br />

Which we deem “walls”?<br />

We interact,<br />

With many things.<br />

Are we then so,<br />

Another thing?<br />

A strange feeling<br />

Why am I here?<br />

Wait -- Who am I?<br />

-- Did I forget?<br />


POEM<br />

Dikt hjørne<br />

Illustrasjon: AdobeStock // BrAt82<br />

Paul Daniel Golban<br />

Writer<br />

[resemantization]<br />

A sound<br />

and its own halo<br />

above me<br />

constructing new horizons<br />

[metonymy]<br />

They say the night is young<br />

But I have an old soul<br />

They say it doesn‘t matter<br />

But it is not a question of matter<br />

of views unseen<br />

Yet I remain myself<br />

Behind the grazing fields of sound<br />

A new world<br />

of poetics<br />

[poetic license]<br />

Poems like to talk about themselves<br />

And hide behind metaphors<br />

But I am not like that<br />

I recoil when I hear my name<br />

But everything is fine<br />

As long as you call me<br />

MARS 2023 UNIKUM NR 3 11

AK TUELT<br />

Parvana Rasim<br />

Writer<br />

Racism<br />

in Kristiansand<br />

Illustration: Freepik // freepik<br />

As we know, the killing of George Floyd, a black man, by the police in<br />

Minneapolis in 2020 highlighted the still existence of racism in America<br />

and worldwide. After the case, the Human Rights Council held an urgent<br />

debate in June 2020 on «current racially inspired human rights violations,<br />

systemic racism, police brutality and violence against peaceful protests»<br />

and the Council adopted resolution 43/1, requesting the High Commissioner<br />

to present a comprehensive report on systemic racism, violations of<br />

international human rights law against Africans and people of African<br />

descent by law enforcement agencies.<br />

When I came to Norway, a friend congratulated me and told me that you<br />

are going to the cradle of democracy. Kristiansand, where I currently<br />

study and live, is truly democratic for me. It is possible to see people from<br />

different countries, religions, and cultures in this city.<br />

An international cultural event was held among the students when I<br />

came to Norway in January 2023. Everyone presented their own culture<br />

and food, and everyone got to know each other. I met 29-year-old Cristina<br />

(name changed at her request) from one of the African countries at the<br />

event. She came to study in Kristiansand, and she shared the challenges<br />

she experienced due to her skin color. She experienced this in the first days<br />

of her arrival in Norway. After that, I wondered if there really is racism in<br />

Kristiansand.<br />

Cristina’s story<br />

Cristina 29 from Ghana, is a student in Kristiansand. She had<br />

experienced racism at one of the banks, but she asked me not<br />

to disclose the bank’s name. She says before going to the bank<br />

to open the account “I have to do some procedures like logging<br />

in and filling all the information about myself. But I had<br />

challenges with the procedure.”<br />

Cristina and her colleague who isn’t from Africa<br />

went to a bank in Kristiansand. “We waited our<br />

turn in the bank. When it came my turn the<br />

woman who worked at the bank said, ‘you have to<br />

make an appointment’. But I said ‘you did it for<br />

my colleague without making an appointment.<br />

If it is possible can you do that for me, please,<br />

without an appointment?’ The woman said,<br />

‘no I can’t do it’. I said, ‘why because I am<br />

black?’ She answered ‘yes, it is what it is’.”<br />

“Everyone heard it in the room. I cried all day. Can you imagine? I felt so<br />

bad and like I didn’t belong in Kristiansand” she says. “You had to see my<br />

face. I felt underestimated because of what the woman said.” Cristina says<br />

that she was traumatized after the case.<br />

“I heard about racism and people share their stories of being insulted<br />

and abused because of their color. But when it happened to me I couldn’t<br />

believe that. That is why I couldn’t share it for a long time.” says Cristina,<br />

having a confidence problem now.<br />

Racism happens everywhere and includes negative traits toward people<br />

based on their perceived belonging to cultural, biological, religious, or<br />

national origin. The victims of racism suffer from multiple forms of<br />

discrimination.<br />

Cane’s story<br />

Cane 28 came from the war conflict zone, Syria. She says “One day we<br />

applied for a job in a store for a friend who wears a hijab. She is Muslim. They<br />

called us for an interview, and we went. A man came. While interviewing,<br />

he told my friend that you are covered, so we can’t hire you. I got angry<br />

and said, ‘how do women with head coverings work in the branches of<br />

stores?’ We told the man we would report him to the police. But the<br />

representative said, ‘that it is up to you. We cannot hire you’.”<br />

Cane noticed that people are nice here and respect each other.<br />

But sometimes it is, unfortunately, possible to see unfair behavior<br />

because of color or having hijab which is very sad.”<br />

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)<br />

2021 report on Norway says positive steps have been taken in the<br />

country on racism but says: «Many incidents of hate speech<br />

are not reported to the police or other authorities»<br />

Laura Führer, who is a sociologist, has written a<br />

doctoral thesis on race, skin color, and everyday<br />

racism in Norway. According to her interview with<br />

the University of Oslo (www.sv.uio.no), the topic is<br />

a taboo topic to talk about. She emphasizes in her<br />

interview that “the public authorities need to find<br />

a way to recognize that people experience their<br />

everyday lives differently while agreeing that<br />

there is no real difference between people.”<br />



Illustration: Adobestock // alex_bond<br />


Dalig Leder<br />

Grafisk Ansvarlig<br />

Vervet er honorert med 5 500 i<br />

måneden og tilsvarer en 25%<br />

stilling. Arbeidets start vil være<br />

01.08.2023 med noe opplæring<br />

gjennom sommeren. Som daglig<br />

leder vil du ha ansvaret for den<br />

daglige driften i <strong>Unikum</strong>. Dette<br />

innebærer blant annet å: Betale<br />

regninger, føre regnskap, skaffe<br />

annonseinntekter, ha ansvaret<br />

for ledelsen i <strong>Unikum</strong> m.m.<br />

I tillegg vil du, sammen med<br />

ansvarlig redaktør, ha ansvaret<br />

Kvalifikasjoner:<br />

- Du må være student i Agder<br />

- Bakgrunn innenfor<br />

økonomi, juss, ledelse eller<br />

kommunikasjon er en fordel,<br />

men ikke et krav<br />

- Tidligere ledererfaring er en<br />

fordel<br />

- Grunnleggende kunnskap om<br />

regnskapsføring er en fordel<br />

for å engasjere frivillige<br />

studenter og sørge for et godt<br />

sosialt miljø innad i gruppa.<br />

Denne stillingen gjør deg veldig<br />

attraktiv for fremtiden. Mange<br />

av våre ansatte har fått jobber<br />

som følge av erfaring hos<br />

<strong>Unikum</strong>. Stillingen som daglig<br />

leder passer perfekt for deg<br />

som ser etter verdifull erfaring<br />

innenfor økonomi, ledelse og<br />

kommunikasjon.<br />

Vi tilbyr:<br />

- Månedlig honorar på 5 500,-<br />

- Ledererfaring<br />

- Regnskapserfaring<br />

- Godt nettverk<br />

- Kontorer ved UiA<br />

- Referanser til CV<br />

Vervet er honorert med 3500kr i<br />

måneden og tilsvarer en 20% stilling.<br />

Ansettelse vil skje fortløpende og med<br />

opplæring i midten av april.<br />

Som grafisk ansvarlig i <strong>Unikum</strong> får<br />

du muligheten til å sette ditt helt<br />

eget preg på avisen. Du får ansvar<br />

for å designe og sette sammen avisen<br />

underdeskhelg en gang i måneden.<br />

Samtidig bistår du med annet grafisk<br />

der det trengs, og følger opp og<br />

oppmuntrer frivillige som ønsker å<br />

bistå med grafisk innhold.<br />

Kvalifikasjoner:<br />

- Du må være student i Agder<br />

- Bakgrunn innen design er en fordel,<br />

men ikke et krav.<br />

- Grunnleggende kunnskap om<br />

inDesign og andre Adobe-programmer<br />

som hjelper i det grafisk arbeidet.<br />

Vi tilby:<br />

- Månedlig honorar på 3 500,-<br />

- Erfaring innen design<br />

- Godt nettverk<br />

- Kontorer ved UiA<br />

- Referanser til CV<br />

MARS 2023 UNIKUM NR 3 13


Malin Heggebø Rolfsen<br />

Skribent<br />

Foto: <strong>Unikum</strong> // Malin Heggebø Rolfsen<br />

<strong>Unikum</strong> Prøver:<br />

Vil du lære noen enkle tips for å kunne være mer tilstede i nuet?<br />

Hva er mindfulness?<br />

- Bevisstgjørelse av handlinger og tankemønster.<br />

- Meditasjon er den viktigste øvelsen man gjør under mindfulnessparaplyen.<br />

- Kan hjelpe oss med å gi slipp på spenninger i kroppen.<br />

Mindfulness er oppmerksomhetstrening; oppmerksomhet rundt hva<br />

som foregår i hodet. Tipset er å stille seg spørsmålet om man planlegger<br />

eller bekymrer seg for mye.<br />

Ha en ikke dømmende<br />

holdning til deg selv<br />

<strong>Unikum</strong> ble med på et 3 timers langt<br />

Mindfulness-kurs arrangert av SiA<br />

Helse i midten av februar. Nina<br />

Kristin Rostrup holdt kurset gratis for<br />

studenter. Hun er blant annet utdannet<br />

som mindfulnessinstruktør i Oslo.<br />

- Om dere vil ta med det med inn i livet deres, vil dere gradvis<br />

trene dere opp til å være tilstede, forteller Rostrup.<br />

Ingenting kommer gratis, legg innsats i<br />

det om du vil ha endring<br />

- Hvis dere vil trene dere opp til å være<br />

mer i nuet og til stede i livet, anbefaler<br />

jeg mindfulness, sier Rostrup.<br />

Når det gjelder bekymring, er det<br />

vanskelig å løse utenkte problemer.<br />

Vent med å bruke energi på problemer<br />

til det faktisk skjer, her må man endre<br />

tankemønster. Mindfulnessinstruktør<br />

beskriver det som et mantra. Bryt med<br />

mønstrene nok ganger. Når du har<br />

gjort ting igjen i 66 dager har du laget<br />

et nytt mønster i følge forskning.<br />

- Dette er absolutt en tålmodighetsprøve, forteller hun.<br />

Et viktig ord i mindfulness er aksept og takknemlighet. Man irriterer<br />

seg ofte over at andre er annerledes, men man kan ikke endre andre,<br />

her må man bruke det magiske ordet aksept. Still deg spørsmålet:<br />

“Hvordan kan jeg gjøre det beste ut av det?”<br />

- Aksepter det som har skjedd og sett deg realistiske mål.<br />

Planlegg ila dagen, lag en god, realistisk og gjennomførbar plan, og<br />

gjennomfør det du forventer av deg selv, forteller Rostrup.<br />


Mobil er en fiende og distraksjon innenfor mindfulness. Bruk mer tid<br />

på å være tilstede uten telefonen. Det man går glipp av er selve livet.<br />

Ikke vær redd for<br />

stillheten<br />

Øvelse 3: Flyte-øvelse<br />

Den siste øvelsen minnet om den første. Vi satt alle i en ring og holdt<br />

armene i fanget og lukket øynene. Vi fokuserte på pusten, men i denne<br />

runden skulle vi også gå mer aktivt inn for å observere følelsene.<br />

Jeg er ikke følelsene<br />

mine, jeg observere<br />

dem<br />

Kurset inneholdt informasjon, fakta og egne erfaringer rundt<br />

mindfulness. På deler av kurset fikk deltakerne praktisere og prøve<br />

ulike øvelser i fellesskap.<br />

Øvelse 1: Pusteøvelse<br />

Det såkalte pusteanker; vær bevisst på pusten din. Her skulle vi sitte<br />

i ro, fokusere på pusten og koble av. Jeg opplevde dette som svært<br />

avslappende og avspennende. I noen sekunder føltes det som jeg<br />

sovnet i sittende stilling. Vi koblet av noen minutter og lyttet til vår<br />

egen og andres pust. Det skulle ikke mer til enn dette før jeg følte<br />

batteriene hadde ladet litt opp.<br />

Tips til øvelsen:<br />

Sett deg daglige huskeregler for pusten. Dette gjør deg mer tilstede i<br />

løpet av dagen din.<br />

Gjør øvelsen regelmessig for å få effekt<br />

Tenk over hvor det går an å<br />

legge inn noen pusteøvelser i<br />

hverdagen.<br />

Øvelse 2: Rosintest<br />

Øvelsen gikk ut på å bruke<br />

sansene til å beskrive en rosin vi<br />

fikk utdelt i hånden. Kvaliteten<br />

øker når vi er i kontakt med<br />

sansene våre, og dette gjelder også kvaliteten av rosinen. Vi skulle<br />

observere den, føle den, lukte på den, høre på den og til slutt smake<br />

på den. Det å bruke alle sansene førte til en opplevelse av at rosinen<br />

smakte mer. Ved å bruke alle sansene, og til slutt smakssansen førte<br />

til at rosinen smakte desto mer.<br />

Øvelsen var lettere sagt enn gjort, men med visuelle forestillinger fra<br />

Nina ble det lettere. Hun ba oss se for oss at følelsene du har inni deg<br />

tilhører ulike skyer. Skyene på himmelen observeres av oss på jorden,<br />

men vi lar dem flyte forbi.<br />

Mindfulness trener oss opp til å bli en observatør av vår egen kropp<br />

og tanker.<br />

Øvelse 4: Kroppsskanning<br />

Mindfulness kan hjelpe oss med å få unødvendige stresshormoner ut<br />

av kroppen vår. Kroppsskanning gir slipp på stress og anspenthet i<br />

kroppen. Vi startet med nederste del av kroppen; tærne. Fokuserte<br />

på at tærne og føttene var avslappet og urørlige. Deretter skannet jeg<br />

kroppen videre oppover, kroppsdel for kroppsdel. Dette var en veldig<br />

behagelig opplevelse, og har i ettertid hjulpet meg med å sovne lettere<br />

og fortere.<br />

Tips til øvelsen:<br />

Gjør dette når du sliter med å sovne<br />

Planlegg smart for å legge til rette for mindre stress i hverdagen<br />

Råd til nybegynnere er å gjøre mindfulness i 3-20 minutter. I starten<br />

kan det være krevende nok å fokusere i bare 3 minutter. Nina sier<br />

hun får mest ut av mindfulness som varer i 20 minutter. 20 minutter<br />

mindfulness hver dag i 8 uker har dokumentert effekt.<br />

Hvordan du tar<br />

det bestemmer<br />

hvordan du har det<br />

Målet med mindfulness:<br />

- Målet er ikke å bli tom for tanker i hodet,<br />

men å bli oppmerksom på tankene, pusten<br />

og tilstedeværelsen din.<br />

- Stopp opp, observer, aksepter og la gå<br />

Tips til øvelsen:<br />

Bruk sansene generelt for det det er verdt og gå inn for å kjenne etter<br />

alle sansenes signaler.<br />

Sansene får ikke med seg hvor mye du spiser med en serie foran deg.<br />

Fokuser på smaksopplevelsen uten distraksjoner. Dette vil gi deg en<br />

følelse av mer tilstedeværelse.<br />

Tips til apper og serie innenfor Mindfulness:<br />

Headspace - Netflix<br />

Medito - App<br />

Headspace - App<br />

MARS 2023 UNIKUM NR 3 15





FRA<br />

50,– *<br />


KRS-SH23-19<br />



KUN<br />

299 90<br />

PR KG<br />

KUN<br />

149 90<br />

2 KG<br />

KUN<br />

79 90<br />

PR KG<br />

Indrefilet av storfe<br />

900–1 200 g, frys<br />

SuperOnsdag - pris 269 90<br />

Kyllingbryst<br />

2 kg, frys<br />

SuperOnsdag - pris 139 90<br />

Indrefilet av svin<br />

400–500 g, frys<br />

SuperOnsdag - pris 69 90<br />



KUN<br />

79 90<br />

PR PK<br />

KUN<br />

64 90<br />

PR PK<br />

FRA<br />

249,-<br />

Bacon<br />

900 g, kjøl<br />

SuperOnsdag - pris 74 90<br />

Spareribs<br />

500 g, kjøl<br />

SuperOnsdag - pris 54 90<br />

Buffet med drikke<br />

Prisen gjelder på SuperOnsdag<br />

colorline.no | 22 94 42 00<br />

Ved bestilling 16 på terminal tilkommer 70,–<br />

Ved bestilling på terminal og telefon tilkommer servicehonorar<br />

NB! Color Club-medlemmer får 10 % på en mengde varer om bord<br />

*Ikke-medlem fra 99,–. Tur/retur samme dag. Ta med bil fra 190,–. Bestilles tidligst 14 dager før avreise.<br />

Les mer og bli medlem på colorline.no/colorclub

KULTUR<br />


Illustrasjon: freepik // freepik<br />

Ingrid Nordvik Krossbakken<br />

Skribent<br />


- Kylling i peanøttsaus-<br />

Enkel og rask middag med mykje smak! Og perfekt når du<br />

skal bruke opp dei siste restane av peanøttsmør.<br />

Ingrediensar<br />

400g kyllingfilet<br />

200g tørka eggnudlar<br />

Ein neve grønkål, gulrot<br />

og vårlauk, eller andre<br />

grønsakar etter ynskje<br />

1 kyllingbuljongterning<br />

Slik gjer du:<br />

Peanøttsaus:<br />

4 ss hoisinsaus<br />

3 ss chunky peanøttsmør<br />

1 ss soyasaus<br />

1 ss sesamolje<br />

2 dl kyllingbuljong<br />

Foto: <strong>Unikum</strong> // Ingrid Nordvik Krossbakken<br />

1. Kutt opp kyllingfiletane i<br />

mindre bitar og steik dei.<br />

2. Kok opp vatn med kyllingbuljongterning<br />

i og la eggnudlane trekke.<br />

3. Start på peanøttsausen. Ha<br />

alle ingrediensane i eit glass<br />

med lokk og rist godt.<br />

4. Hell sausen i steikepanna som<br />

du steikte kyllingen i og la det få<br />

eit kjapt oppkok før du tar oppi dei<br />

steikte kyllingbitane og rører om.<br />

5. Samle nudlar, kylling i peanøttsaus<br />

og grønsaker og nyt!<br />

MARS 2023 UNIKUM NR 3 17


Will you<br />

turn into<br />

a Nazi?<br />

Rahul Mitra<br />

Writer<br />

In school, I used to think that Pakistanis were either an exceptionally<br />

evil or else an exceptionally stupid people. To my juvenile mind, it<br />

seemed that all of them were high on religion, obsessed with India,<br />

believed in fake history and the most bizarre conspiracy theories<br />

and were full of hatred towards other religions and societies.<br />

Many terrorist attacks on India originated from extremist groups<br />

in Pakistan, and it’s TV channels were full of talking heads; ranting<br />

and raving about the honour and pride of Pakistan, strange and<br />

colourful characters talking about the global Hindu-Zionist-<br />

Illuminati conspiracy against their country, and serials talking<br />

about the exceptional bravery, fidelity and fighting qualities of the<br />

Pakistan Army and it’s many victories against the cowardly and<br />

scheming Indians. From the outside looking in, it looked like the<br />

perfect extremist madhouse.<br />

I used to think the same about Germans of the World War 2 era –<br />

that they must have been either really, really evil or a very robotic<br />

people, utterly devoid of human emotion, I mean, how else can you<br />

explain an entire nation blindly following a foaming-at-the-mouth,<br />

fancy-dress fascist with a toothbrush moustache? Did the Germans<br />

of that era really think that Mein Kampf actually made sense?<br />

Above all, how could an entire society either actively support or<br />

else meekly acquiesce to the methodically-planned, cold-blooded<br />

murder of millions of their fellow human beings?<br />

And I don’t for a moment believe the post-war German civilian’s<br />

plea that they didn’t know what was going on. They might not<br />

have known the exact workings or the extent of what was going<br />

on, but they sure as hell knew that SOMETHING was going on. And<br />

a critical mass of that society either rabidly supported it, or else<br />

quietly went along with what was happening.<br />

How is it possible for an entire society to be so evil and inhuman?<br />

Today, we can’t even imagine such horrors, leave aside identifying<br />

with the people who did them. The people who did these things<br />

– they must have been utter psychopaths, or at best, uneducated,<br />

superstitious and desperate. After all, you and me would never do<br />

such things, right?<br />


Wrong!<br />

The people who did those things were exactly like you and me, like<br />

your neighbours, like the favourite aunt of yours from childhood.<br />

They were an absolutely ordinary set of humans caught in the<br />

perfect storm of circumstances which moulded them into hatefilled<br />

creatures.<br />

I say this because when you sit in class and read about the slave<br />

trade, you are being taught that humans are equal, but when it<br />

was actually happening there was an entire set of values, attitudes<br />

and entire branches of pseudo-science designed to show how the<br />

African was inferior, child-like, and indeed, almost a different<br />

species. When the British or the Belgians embarked on the colonial<br />

project, they were not committing atrocities<br />

or genocides, but nobly shouldering ‘the<br />

white man’s burden’ by bringing civilization<br />

to the savages. A similar kind of logic was<br />

applied to women over the centuries by<br />

different societies and religions, justifying<br />

the controls and restrictions placed on them<br />

as being for their own good, for they were<br />

too child-like to make their own decisions.<br />

When the next great atrocity comes, it<br />

will not come neatly wrapped, with a card<br />

inviting you to participate in the evil of the century. Instead, it<br />

will drop as if from heaven, the answer to everyone’s prayers,<br />

whispering seductive promises of delivering justice, prosperity<br />

and reclaiming the lost glory of your race, religion or country.<br />

For extreme ideologies and evil leaders do not come to happy<br />

and contented populations, but appear in countries where at<br />

least a section of the population has long suffered injustice and<br />

humiliation, or else is in danger of losing their traditional rights<br />

and privileges. They do not appear in static, closed systems, but in<br />

societies witnessing rapid change, where traditional moorings are<br />

falling apart. It is from such fertile soil that the evil leader sprouts<br />

promising quick and ready justice, a return to a pristine (pure) past<br />

and someone to blame for all your failures.<br />

Now, to be fair, there is nothing wrong in promising justice,<br />

Looking at these changes,<br />

I realise that one way for<br />

politicians to gain immense<br />

power and for big business<br />

(who bankroll the leader) to<br />

capture a country is to turn<br />

people into hate-filled zombies<br />

prosperity or glory. Politicians all over the world make such<br />

promises, and in a few rare cases, have even managed to deliver on<br />

them. However, if you find that these promises of national renewal<br />

are contingent upon the exclusion of certain minority groups<br />

from society, or if you are told that the path to national unity<br />

and discipline requires you – the common citizen – to give up on<br />

certain rights; if you find the media and public discourse suddenly<br />

saturated with hatred and negativity; if the government and media<br />

tell you that more and more sections of your fellow-citizens (such<br />

as professors, journalists, artists, students, homosexuals etc.) are<br />

traitors; or if you find narratives, slogans and viewpoints tying you<br />

more and more to one particular identity (German/Jew etc.), then<br />

you should at least be a little suspicious of the new religion and its<br />

messiah.<br />

Of course, this is much easier to spot in<br />

theory than it is in practice. For, in reality, the<br />

seductive promises that will be whispered in<br />

your ear will be surrounded by propaganda<br />

and popular support telling you that this<br />

hatred, the need to expunge traitors, the<br />

need to build a united, disciplined society is<br />

the right thing, the moral thing to do. There<br />

will be journalists and politicians, and<br />

media backed by big business telling you<br />

over and over again that your moral duty is to protect yourself,<br />

your society and your values from ‘the other’. What is confounding<br />

about this is that some of the popular discontent against a minority<br />

group might be built around a few actual kernels of truth, but these<br />

kernels will have been built into existentially threatening castles<br />

using propaganda.<br />

Yes, perhaps there are some kernels of truth, perhaps the minority<br />

group is over-represented in crime or indeed, has values that you<br />

think are ’anti-human’. Yet, there are always perfectly reasonable<br />

explanations for these conditions. These are very human problems<br />

and there are always mature ways of dealing with these challenges<br />

without falling for the politician’s, who frame this as an ‘us vs.<br />

them’ problem. For, the moment you fall for this ‘us vs. them’, you<br />

MARS 2023 UNIKUM NR 3 19

elieve that this group is something fundamentally different from<br />

you, and you leave the door open to believing (with sufficient<br />

repetition and authority behind it) the outright conspiracy<br />

theories that will follow. Add propaganda to this way of seeing<br />

your world, and you, and your society are already on the slippery<br />

slope towards fascism.<br />

Even if you belong to the minority that is not swept away by<br />

the lies and the propaganda, resisting evil is not easy. You and<br />

me, can sit in class and reflect on the inhumanity of the slave<br />

trade, and thereby bask in the warm glow of being a do-gooder.<br />

However, standing up to the evil of our times, one that has through<br />

relentless propaganda been framed as the moral imperative,<br />

means standing up and in effect, saying “yes, I am selfish, I do<br />

not care about my nation or my race, because it is my hunch that<br />

what everyone around me thinks is right is actually wrong”, and<br />

“Yes, I am fine with the vile things the minority or the traitors are<br />

doing and no, while you send your sons to fight for the country,<br />

I will not join you in defending our nation”. That’s what it will<br />

sound like to the ears of everyone around you, and as your voice<br />

and arguments get drowned by propaganda from the media and<br />

the pulpit, resisting or speaking up will basically be like saying<br />

that “yes, I am an evil person”.<br />

This was the fate of those who stood up to the Nazis, as they were<br />

branded as traitors and ‘Jew-lovers’ who were weakening the<br />

nation and the race. Numerous Italian families were humiliated<br />

and driven out of their homes to jeers and ridicule from their<br />

own neighbours, friends and family, all of whom thought they<br />

were in the right. There is no warm glow of being a do-gooder<br />

here, but the opprobrium, humiliation and ostracism from your<br />

friends, relatives and colleagues. And this is just one part of<br />

it, for in places like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union and in<br />

regime after regime like this, it is the concentration camp, the<br />

gulag or death that would await you if you spoke up against what<br />

was happening. That is why even people who may not be fully<br />

convinced about the ideology of the times, go along with it. There<br />

«This constant stream of<br />

traitors serves to channel<br />

the revolutionary and<br />

perhaps violent impulses of<br />

a society away from those<br />

in power and towards some<br />

convenient ‘fall guys’»<br />

is also always a small section of people who see through the lies, and<br />

yet jump on to the bandwagon to promote their business and gain<br />

money, power and influence.<br />

So, yes, it is ordinary people like you and me, who either due to<br />

brainwashing or out of fear or greed, provide the critical mass<br />

required for the birth of such horrors. I say this on the basis of<br />

things I have seen happening around me in India. As I told you<br />

at the start, I used to dislike Pakistanis and Germans and thought<br />

that they were exceptional and very different from us Indians.<br />

Today, I am not so sure. We have had a right-wing government<br />

in power in India since 2014, and to my mind the India of today<br />

resembles very closely my conception of Pakistan as a teenager.<br />

(It is not there yet, in terms of on-ground reality, but it is certainly<br />

there in terms of the mentality and mindset of the people). Over<br />

time, I have watched with dismay as otherwise decent and amiable<br />

friends, relatives and colleagues have transformed into irrational,<br />

hate-filled zombies.<br />

And this is what I want to stress through this article – these are<br />

perfectly ordinary, decent human beings, who sacrifice for their<br />

family, who donate to charity, who are giving to their friends and<br />

have a sense of duty and propriety. Many of them (just like you) love<br />

puppies and feed stray animals (not just cows) and are vegetarian<br />

to boot (just like Hitler was). Yet, caught in a vortex of economic<br />

and social inequality, real and perceived humiliations and a sense<br />

of historical wrongs, a deepening identity crisis due to the breakdown<br />

of traditional structures and relentless propaganda and fake<br />

news backed by big business, they have developed an itch to feel<br />

strong and powerful, to be told how great and glorious their identity<br />

was and to blame someone for all the things going wrong. And the<br />

merchants of hatred have been scratching that itch and adding a<br />

dollop of lies on top, ratcheting up the hate to fever pitch, for that is<br />

how people are controlled. I realise now that the same thing must<br />

have happened in Pakistan, where the Army took power decades<br />

ago, and used the media, the history books and popular culture to<br />

relentlessly brainwash and thereby control the population. I say<br />

this because the language and the tactics being used in India are<br />

exactly the same as what I saw on Pakistani television channels as<br />

a child.<br />

Looking at these changes, I realise that one way for politicians to<br />

gain immense power and for big business (who bankroll the leader)<br />

to capture a country is to turn people into hate-filled zombies. It’s<br />

not easy and requires a combination of many other factors to pull<br />

off (such as a floundering economy, high levels of inequality, a lack<br />


of independent institutions, a sense of historical victimhood and a high number of frustrated, possibly unemployed individuals who<br />

can latch on to an identity – either religious or national or racial – to boost their ego). But, if pulled off, it can result in a politician’s<br />

dream – a set of people who are so drunk on religion or nationalism that they have no time to think about or demand jobs, education<br />

or infrastructure. In fact, in many such societies, ordinary people can be convinced that their rights are being taken away for their<br />

own good, a sacrifice in the cause of the struggle for nationalism or religion. And, since it is the very nature of politicians to try and<br />

gain power, and of big businesses to try and capture markets and form monopolies, I believe all struggling societies or economies are<br />

vulnerable to such movements.<br />

So, in this article I will first list some of the changes that I believe happen in such societies and then try to list the kind of personalities<br />

or attitudes that might be able to resist this brainwashing. My hope is that if such a time ever comes to your country, you will be able to<br />

identify it based on the prevailing discourse all around you and will be able to maintain an independent and questioning mind. I also<br />

hope that the next time you read about historical atrocities in your textbook, you identify with the perpetrators instead of dismissing<br />

them out of hand as something you would never have been.<br />

So, what are the changes that take place in society when an evil regime takes over? Based on what I have seen in India and Pakistan, here<br />

are some of the key ones:<br />

- Lies and bullshit: An all-pervasive atmosphere of<br />

unreality and lies everywhere. This achieves two<br />

things, a) show us how great the leader is and how well<br />

he is doing, and b) distracts from or outright denies all<br />

failures and mis-steps. TV shows devolve into shouting<br />

matches to obfuscate rather than actually analyse<br />

any issue, fake news spreads over social media and<br />

people are kept on a roller-coaster of highly charged<br />

non-issues to outrage over (usually involving religion,<br />

honour or the debauched lifestyles and morals of the<br />

elites) designed to distract and confuse. Any time any<br />

bad news related to the economy, inflation or a failure<br />

of the government comes up, it is quickly followed up<br />

by some high-emotion controversy that is designed to<br />

take over the airwaves and drown out the earlier news.<br />

And if the bad news comes from international sources<br />

or ratings and rankings, it is all part of the conspiracy<br />

against us.<br />

Over time, this also leads to a state where people are<br />

no longer able to separate truth from lies, and the most<br />

twisted and bizarre conspiracy theories are believed as<br />

real explanations for simple, straightforward events.<br />

- Traitors everywhere: If you live in a country where the<br />

list of traitors just keeps growing and growing, there is<br />

probably an evil regime at the top. It starts first with<br />

the obvious identified minority group, but then grows<br />

to include those corrupt journalists; the university<br />

professors in their ivory towers; the mollycoddled<br />

students studying effete, useless subjects (liberal arts);<br />

the artists and intellectuals who haven’t done a day<br />

of good, honest work in their lives; the westernised,<br />

debauched city dwellers and their loose, westernised<br />

women; the homosexuals who will destroy family life<br />

just by being homosexual in their private lives; the<br />

atheists; and finally, even the villagers who don’t want<br />

to give up their land for a mining project or farmers<br />

protesting against government policies – are all part of<br />

this cancer affecting the body politic of the nation.<br />

Celebrity TV anchors (just like the one in ‘V for<br />

Vendetta’) hold impassioned programs asking for these<br />

traitors to be eradicated, and the list of traitors is<br />

never-ending. In some senses, this need to find traitors<br />

everywhere arises from the psychological needs of<br />

society. The psychoanalyst Otto Fenichel, when writing<br />

about antisemitism in Europe, says ‘the working classes<br />

in Europe were positioned in a dual and paradoxical<br />

relation to political authority; they simultaneously<br />

sought to rebel against those who held power and desired<br />

to obey. As a ‘condensation of these most contradictory<br />

tendencies’, antisemitism channelled the proletarian<br />

urge to ‘rebel against the authorities’ as well as offered<br />

an opportunity for a ‘cruel suppression and punishment<br />

of this instinctual rebellion’.<br />

MARS 2023 UNIKUM NR 3 21

In other words, this constant stream of traitors<br />

serves to channel the revolutionary and perhaps<br />

violent impulses of a society away from those in<br />

power and towards some convenient ‘fall guys’. In<br />

reality, anyone who questions the government or<br />

protests against its actions is being labelled a traitor.<br />

- An increased focus on religion: Religion starts<br />

appearing in spaces you never saw earlier, everyone<br />

and their aunt are overly pious and concerned about<br />

the religion and people with religious backgrounds<br />

start commenting on the economy and the right way<br />

to run a country, and surprisingly their views are<br />

listened to with respect.<br />

I saw this happen first in Pakistan, women got the<br />

headscarf, men started growing beards, everyday<br />

speech became full of Inshallah and Mashallah,<br />

some people’s social media feeds became full of<br />

religious sayings, and the greatness of the Prophet<br />

and all of this competitive, performative religiosity<br />

increased side by side with a slide in public morals<br />

and an increase in corruption, crime and inequality.<br />

- Right and wrong history, art and science: If many<br />

books/artworks/documentaries/movies or certain<br />

intellectuals, artists and historians need to be<br />

banned or burned for being subversive, promoting<br />

dangerous or ‘wrong’ ideas, then you must know<br />

that you are in a regime that is trying for thought<br />

control. If academic history starts being attacked<br />

as a conspiracy to hide the greatest achievements<br />

and the true glory of your race, nation and religion,<br />

and the government changes the history being<br />

taught to children for ‘ideological’ reasons, you<br />

should be suspicious. Even science in Nazi Germany<br />

was thought to be useful only to the extent that it<br />

was useful to the state, and so it is with many such<br />

movements.<br />

- Power as the ultimate ideology: It is clear that<br />

the whole focus of the great leader is on retaining<br />

power, but what is surprising is that the foot soldiers<br />

– the people making up the rank and file of the party<br />

and part of the social media teams – also adopt the<br />

dictum that all means to achieve their ideological<br />

ends are justified. Many of these ideologically driven<br />

followers know that the people are being lied to, but<br />

they justify it to themselves as a necessary sacrifice<br />

required to usher in the new golden age.<br />

22<br />

In conjunction with this, the party at the top has<br />

a compulsive need to bring under its own control<br />

every institution in the country. Whether it be<br />

universities, Bollywood or sports bodies, the party<br />

must control all. And if any institutions seek to<br />

maintain their independence, they must be ground<br />

down and brought to heel using the media and all

the powers of the state.<br />

- The cult of the strongman: In Pakistan it was the<br />

cult of the Army, while in many other countries<br />

today we have a strongman who with his charismatic<br />

personality will single-handedly ‘drain the swamp’<br />

and save us. Per the propaganda, success in this<br />

society has only one father – our great leader, while<br />

failure has many fathers – almost everyone else. If<br />

the economy is failing, it is because of that stupid<br />

minister or the inefficient bureaucracy, but if oil<br />

prices suddenly dropped it is because a great leader<br />

personally negotiated prices with Saudi Arabia. In<br />

reality, the situation is just the opposite, for the<br />

great leader tightly controls everything and every<br />

minister on his cabinet says and does what the great<br />

leader wants.<br />

The great leader is also the only thing standing<br />

between us loyal citizens and our complete<br />

debasement and downfall. When traitors attack the<br />

leader, in reality they are not after him, they just<br />

want him out of the way so they can exploit and<br />

destroy you and your family. The great leader just<br />

happens to be standing in the way.<br />

Another power of the great leader is that TV cameras<br />

magically appear around him, showing his random<br />

acts of kindness and machismo. For instance, this<br />

strongman might decide to drop in unannounced to<br />

meet his mother and sit by her feet. When he goes to<br />

meet her, her drawing room is already filled with TV<br />

cameramen who have set up their lights and camera<br />

angles, and this footage is then played to gushing<br />

anchors getting teary-eyed over the great man’s<br />

devotion to family. Through many such events is<br />

the cult of the brave, incorruptible leader built, and<br />

most people believe every bit of it.<br />

- The glorification of the military and a focus on<br />

patriarchal values and concepts such as honour and<br />

self-respect: The soldier and our military deserve<br />

the greatest amount of respect. They stand tirelessly<br />

on our borders and protect us, while the traitors<br />

sleep peacefully thanks to this protection and yet<br />

have the gall to question our society and tradition.<br />

Have they ever thought of the sacrifices made by the<br />

lonely sentry, spending their time away from their<br />

family and guarding our borders in the hot desert or<br />

the bone-chilling cold of the Himalayas?<br />

Also, the military deserves all respect, effete and<br />

depraved artists and intellectuals and scientists<br />

do not. The most important values that you hear<br />

about endlessly in TV debates are our honour, selfrespect,<br />

sacrifice and prestige. Fairness, equality<br />

and justice are forgotten. Probably, those values are<br />

for “pussies”. MARS 2023 UNIKUM NR 3 23

The trends I have listed above might seem<br />

cartoonish or even funny to a European<br />

reader today. Indeed, these trends are<br />

very distinctive to the Indian/Pakistani<br />

milieu. Yet, I believe that if the correct<br />

(or wrong) historical conditions appear,<br />

a customised version of these trends<br />

could as well appear in Europe.<br />

Think about it. The world has had almost<br />

70 years during which the free-market<br />

based; democratic, liberal world-order has been dominant.<br />

And while it can be argued that this is the best period in<br />

history to be alive, we have also seen unrestrained corporate<br />

greed, the hunger for profits and power drive wars, injustices<br />

and ever-increasing levels of inequality. The system has not<br />

delivered on its many lofty-sounding promises, and today,<br />

as people grow frustrated with the promises of liberalism,<br />

grow insecure about their place in the world with growing<br />

globalisation, and are just plain tired of being exploited by the<br />

elites, there is a danger that they throw out the baby with the<br />

bathwater, and instead of refining or bettering the existing<br />

systems, go for a radical, purification performed by individual<br />

strongmen. This is already happening in a number of countries<br />

and one cannot blame the voters for this. Ironically, in many<br />

of these countries, the leaders themselves are usually backed<br />

by big business (the real elite), while re-directing people’s<br />

anger towards writers, artists, professors and journalists as<br />

being part of ‘the establishment’ that has ripped them off.<br />

So, there is every chance that such a movement could arise<br />

democratically in your country, especially if the economy takes<br />

a turn downward. The anger and the voting can be understood,<br />

but when many such movements seek to completely control<br />

the media, subvert the very democracy that brought them to<br />

power and destroy independent institutions – that is the point<br />

at which a population starts getting brainwashed.<br />

Think about Norway – a largely homogenous society that has<br />

seen less inequality historically than most other countries.<br />

What happens as young Norwegians, growing up in affluence<br />

and a comparative lack of challenges stop empathising with<br />

the poor and the homeless? As many of this generation believe<br />

that their wealth is a result of their intelligence and work<br />

ethic, will they not start questioning why the Government is<br />

24<br />

And now let’s come to<br />

the elephant in the roomimmigration.<br />

What happens<br />

when a tightly-knit society<br />

united by a set of values<br />

and culture is faced with<br />

people from a very different<br />

cultural background?<br />

taking so much of their income as taxes<br />

and distributing it amongst ‘the lazy and<br />

the unproductive’?<br />

And now, let’s come to the elephant in<br />

the room – immigration. What happens<br />

when a tightly-knit society united by a<br />

set of values and culture is faced with<br />

people from a very different cultural<br />

background? What if their values clash<br />

with your most cherished ones? There<br />

is also the danger that the descendants of immigrants might,<br />

perhaps due to a few incidents of racism, start feeling like<br />

outsiders in Norway, and fall back hard on their ethnic or<br />

religious identities, as a way of boosting their own ego and<br />

self-worth. What happens when this section starts aggressively<br />

pushing their ‘problematic or incompatible’ values as a way<br />

of being seen, as a way of affirming their existence and<br />

identity? A disgruntled person who feels like they have been<br />

wronged by society is also likely to be vulnerable to extremist<br />

ideologies. These are all very real, and very complex problems<br />

that have no easy answers. They are also inevitably human<br />

problems that cannot be reduced to ‘oh this lot is evil’ or ‘that<br />

lot is racist’.<br />

But if such problems do come up in a society that is seeing<br />

rising levels of inequality (as is already happening in Norway<br />

today), an economic shock or widespread unemployment, then<br />

how long before a power-hungry leader comes up promising a<br />

return back to the glory days when the ‘land was pure’? Then<br />

all that I have outlined above, in this essay, could start looking<br />

like a possibility, even in Norway.<br />

If this happens, will you also turn into a Nazi?<br />

Who becomes a Nazi, and who doesn’t? My experience is this:<br />

If you are an ordinary, well-adjusted citizen of your country,<br />

I believe that when the majority turn to extremism and get<br />

brainwashed, so will you. That has been my experience in<br />

India. If, on the other hand, you are not well-adjusted, belong<br />

to a minority group due to your ethnicity or sexual orientation<br />

or due to the circumstances of your upbringing, or are just<br />

plain ‘eccentric’, there is a good chance that you will remain<br />

an ‘outsider’ to society and be able to see through the web of

lies and the brainwashing that is in fashion.<br />

If you believe in absolute moral values rather than relative<br />

ones, that is, if you have clear red lines (such as murdering<br />

people is unacceptable) that are non-negotiable. This is because<br />

there will be very compelling reasons for doing something that<br />

is morally reprehensible such as fixing the ‘Jewish problem’<br />

for the greater good of the German nation, for the protection<br />

of your women and children etc. Such actions are always<br />

justified as being a means to a greater end. Only if you have<br />

clear red lines, a sense of absolute moral values, will you be<br />

able to withstand the pressure to participate in the evil around<br />

you. But make no mistake – this will be at a cost. You could be<br />

seen as unpatriotic, or as a lazy, coward that does not want<br />

to participate in the defence of the nation. Or it could also be<br />

much worse.<br />

If you are an artist of any kind. I can say this from personal<br />

experience – for as people all around me in India were being<br />

brainwashed and were falling for it, the only social arena<br />

where the majority of the people were against the ongoing<br />

trends, was at a meetup of writers I was a part of. This was<br />

incredibly refreshing, and I believe that this is because<br />

artists are usually independent minded and have some level<br />

of empathy. Indeed, there is a very good reason why most<br />

despotic regimes make artists and intellectuals as their first<br />

targets (In Pol Pot’s Cambodia, anyone who wore glasses was<br />

automatically a target for the Government – wearing glasses<br />

was seen as a short-hand for being educated and informed).<br />

If you are very well-informed and educated. If you are the kind<br />

who is curious and reads anything and everything, there is a<br />

chance you will be able to spot the bullshit and the lies being<br />

spouted. On the other hand, if you are the kind who enjoys<br />

their own life and is not too curious about history, about other<br />

societies etc., it might be harder for you to see the parallels<br />

with every other PR-fuelled, despotic regime in history.<br />

If you do not own a TV or are not on Whatsapp and social<br />

media: This sounds like I am joking, but never underestimate<br />

the power of small bits of propaganda delivered<br />

consistently over days and months and years. Repeated<br />

propaganda moves people slowly and surely over time<br />

towards slightly more extreme positions. In such a milieu,<br />

just the simple fact of not owning a TV can help a person<br />

remain unaware of, and therefore un-swayed by propaganda.<br />

If you come from the elite class: If you come from a very<br />

privileged background (in comparison to the rest of society), it<br />

is likely you have not faced the same psychic humiliations or<br />

troubles that make many people easy targets for believing in<br />

extremist ideologies. You have also likely escaped the worst of<br />

the historical wrongs that your compatriots are mad about, and<br />

are to some extent aware of the ways in which the ‘unwashed<br />

masses’ are manipulated. The chances that you will be fooled<br />

by the propaganda are lesser.<br />

On the other hand, if you belong to a sizable and powerful<br />

elite, in a rapidly changing society where traditional markers<br />

(your ancestral privileges) are rapidly disintegrating, there is<br />

every chance of you falling for reactionary movements that<br />

intend to ‘teach the peasants their place’.<br />

If you have many interactions with the vilified groups: If<br />

the minority groups or the traitors live far away (perhaps in<br />

ghettos) and you have no interactions with them, it will be<br />

much easier for you to believe anything you are told about<br />

them. If, on the other hand, you have wide-ranging interactions<br />

with them, you will realise over time that they are just like any<br />

other group on the planet with both the good, the bad and the<br />

ugly amongst them.<br />

In the final analysis, it is always hard to predict who turns into<br />

a Nazi and who keeps an independent mind and does not fall<br />

for the prevailing evils of the age. As shown by the Stanford<br />

prison experiment, all of us human beings have an evil side to<br />

us. And this evil side is often brought out by amoral regimes,<br />

using seductive promises, slick propaganda and convincing<br />

arguments about one’s nation, culture and religion. It has<br />

been so throughout history and there is no reason to think<br />

that our generation of humans is in any way different. So,<br />

next time we read about historical atrocities, let us not ‘other’<br />

the perpetrators as being somehow less – less educated,<br />

enlightened or moral – than us. Let us understand that we,<br />

as humans, are just like them and with this awareness of<br />

ourselves, guard against repeating the horrors of yesteryears.<br />

Only by recognising the darkness within us, can we hope to<br />

fight it.<br />

MARS 2023 UNIKUM NR 3 25

Bli fadder<br />

26<br />

Registrer deg som<br />

fadder nå på<br />



PIT STOP<br />

Illustrasjon: freepik<br />

MARS 2023 UNIKUM NR 3 27


Overcome the obstacles<br />

of finding a job with<br />

a foreign name<br />

Jaamac Philip<br />

Skribent<br />

Illustration: Freepik // storyset<br />

Who hasn’t heard the stories of people changing their names to be<br />

able to get a job? Nothing else changes. It’s the same person with the<br />

same experiences, qualifications and education, but with a new – not<br />

foreign – name. And sadly, it works. Suddenly, they receive answers<br />

and are called in to interviews.<br />

I am a foreigner myself. In 2015 I moved from Germany to Norway and<br />

due to my Somalian mother I also have a Somalian first name. I still<br />

have the same name and, nevertheless, I still got jobs. At Karriereuke<br />

I had the opportunity of sharing my experience.<br />

I wish there was an easy answer, like do these three things and<br />

you’ll get a job easily. But if there is one thing my master’s degree in<br />

counselling science has taught me, it’s that there are no easy answers<br />

to complex and interconnected problems. So, we have to start at the<br />

beginning.<br />

As I’ve already written, I am a foreigner myself and this helps me<br />

to understand the troubles and experiences my audience has. I have<br />

also worked as a recruiter for Academic Work while I was taking my<br />

master’s degree in Trondheim. In this position I had many recruitment<br />

processes with foreigners, who wanted to enter the Norwegian labour<br />

marked. Now I work as a career counsellor for Agder municipality<br />

where we offer free career counselling for all inhabitants (19 years<br />

and older) of Agder. In this job I often meet foreigners, and often they<br />

are low-spirited with a brittle confidence.<br />

But there is more. There are not just the foreigners with foreign<br />

experience, foreign education background, a foreign culture, and so<br />

on. There are also the Norwegians, who are born here, have grown<br />

up here, and do not know anything but this country, but who have<br />

inherited a foreign name from their parents. The cynical truth is that<br />

even those people are not spared the discriminatory experiences. But,<br />

why?<br />

What is the situation that foreigners are currently facing?<br />

The labour marked is currently affected by different conflicting<br />

factors. There is quite a low unemployment rate which should be<br />

beneficial for people who are looking for a job. We often talk about<br />

that this is the “employee’s market” where the potential employees<br />

can choose whom they want to work for. But there is also a high<br />

degree of uncertainty sparked by high energy prices, a war in Europe,<br />

many inner-European refugees – who shall enter the labour marked<br />

as quickly as possible – and the post-Covid problems.<br />

There are also some structural factors which could be observed in<br />

the Norwegian labour marked over the last decades. These factors<br />

were not widely influenced by the current factors above. And it is<br />

these factors which make it more difficult for foreigners to enter the<br />

Norwegian labour market than necessary. Because we know that<br />

the Norwegian economy is (and will increasingly be) dependent on<br />

foreign workforce. Those factors are mainly:<br />

- Still highly affected by network structures.<br />

- There are strong protectional laws for employees, which leads to<br />

employers being careful when hiring.<br />

- High degree of standardisation of education and high degree of<br />

academisation, which makes it harder to enter the Norwegian labour<br />

marked with a foreign education.<br />

- Two of the biggest sectors – health and education – are highly<br />

regulated regarding qualifications.<br />

- Norwegian employers tend to be conservative regarding education<br />

background, which benefits Norwegian education since it is more<br />

known to these employers.<br />


What can I do?<br />

As I said before, I wish there would be the one thing to do. However,<br />

the problem is individual to each and everyone. Still, there are some<br />

things that tend to help entering the Norwegian labour market. One<br />

basic rule is as easy as it is complicated, as logical as it is contradictory:<br />

The best way of getting a job in Norway is by having (or have<br />

had) a job in Norway. It seems like many Norwegian employers<br />

do not necessarily have a problem to hire a person with a foreign<br />

background or name, but they do not want to be the first one to give<br />

them a chance. An “easy” way of avoiding this problem, is to get a job<br />

at a work place owned by a foreigner. My first permanent job was at a<br />

Japanese restaurant owned by a Japanese who thought that a German<br />

might be more persistent than a Norwegian.<br />

Another problem that many foreigners meet is the disregard for<br />

foreign education or experience. Many foreigners who come to<br />

career counselling are depressed – and also often mad – because they<br />

feel that their foreign education or experience is not worth anything<br />

in Norway. The truth is often that foreign experience is quite valuable<br />

as soon as it is combined with Norwegian education. As soon as there<br />

is a Norwegian education – which is trusted by Norwegian employers<br />

– added to all that foreign experience, all this experience and “extra”<br />

education is seen as an big advantage.<br />

If you want to make it easier for Norwegian employers<br />

to understand your education, and you do<br />

not have the time or possibility to “add”<br />

a Norwegian education, you can<br />

send your documents to NOKUT.<br />

They are the ones to assess<br />

foreign education and will<br />

provide you with a written<br />

feedback about which<br />

Norwegian education<br />

your foreign education<br />

resembles. While I<br />

worked as a recruiter<br />

I had some NOKUT<br />

assessment letters<br />

that were added<br />

to the application<br />

documents and it<br />

seemed as if it was<br />

really depended<br />

on the employer<br />

how “valuable” this<br />

document was.<br />

There are also some<br />

general tips which may<br />

work for the most people who<br />

are looking for a job in Norway:<br />

- If you cannot yet speak Norwegian, you should learn it!<br />

- Be proactive – call the contact person in advance and ask relevant<br />

questions about the position or the company. That also will give<br />

them the possibility to hear that you speak Norwegian.<br />

- Be creative – do not sell your ideas for free, but if you already have<br />

some good ideas about how to solve a certain task/problem, you<br />

might add a short draft of your ideas.<br />

- Follow up if you do not get feedback or get a rejection. That might<br />

be a possibility to learn about something that you can do differently<br />

next time.<br />

- Get the help you need. UiA Karriere or the career counselling<br />

service of Agder municipality are places you can go to and ask for<br />

feedback on your CV or motivation letter.<br />

- Make yourself “findable”. Register and maintain your CV at finn.no<br />

and at the websites of different staffing- and recruitment agencies.<br />

Look for jobs at social media. LinkedIn is a nice possibility if<br />

you use it actively. And even if it sounds like a boomer advice –<br />

there are some Facebook groups where you might be able to get<br />

a part time job if you post a short (and nice) presentation about<br />

yourself. It worked for me.<br />

So, is my foreign background just a bad thing?<br />

I really hope that you do not think about<br />

your background that way. Even<br />

if it sounds lame, you should be<br />

proud of who you are and the<br />

background you have. There is a<br />

change also in the Norwegian<br />

labour marked and diversity<br />

is more and more seen<br />

as a big advantage. Also<br />

you have another view<br />

on things, which might<br />

make it more difficult to<br />

enter the labour marked,<br />

but who also gives you<br />

an unique selling point.<br />

You have to see your own<br />

background as a strong<br />

suit and make the best<br />

out of it. There will<br />

be a lot of people<br />

who will walk all<br />

over you, but you<br />

should not be that<br />

person yourself!<br />

MARS 2023 UNIKUM NR 3 29


Soda Bottle<br />

Tulips<br />

Anjali Mariampillai<br />

Web Editor<br />

Photos: <strong>Unikum</strong> // Anjali Mariampillai<br />

Illustrations: Freepik // callmetak // hannazasimova<br />

The smell of fresh coffee tickles my nose as I sit across of a much younger me. I smile at<br />

her, watching her eat the orange slices I cut up for her. She looks curiously at the slice<br />

in her hand, watching how the juice is trickling down her small fingers. She lifts her<br />

head up to look at me, and meets me with the softest smile on her face. The cup feels<br />

warm in my hands on this cold sunny day - the first day of spring. How could anything<br />

feel lovelier than this moment right here? I am startled by Alina’s voice as she starts<br />

to speak. I keep forgetting that she’s growing up. Suddenly she’s four, forming full<br />

sentences and more curious than ever, when it feels like only yesterday when I saw<br />

her smile for the first time. I’d come to love that precious smile more than anything.<br />

“What flower is that?” she asks pointing to the turquoise glass vase full of freshly cut<br />

flowers that stands on the kitchen table. “The colours are pretty.”<br />

“They’re called tulips, honey.” I smile at her as she still looks curiously at me. The<br />

colours are indeed gorgeous. The pink and the purple ones were impossible to leave<br />

behind when I saw them in the store.<br />

“Are they your favourite?” still looking at the flowers as if she’s analysing them petal<br />

by petal. I can’t help but feel my heart warming up instantly - little did she know what<br />

she had just sparked in me.<br />

“I would say so, yes,” still grinning her way. She moves her gaze to me and nods her<br />

little head in satisfaction of my answer, and returns to fiddling around with the orange<br />

slices, making a mess for me to clean up later.<br />

I look down at my coffee cup, the steam rising from it still, and the memories come<br />

flooding. Suddenly, I’m twenty-one years old, and standing in front of her door with<br />

the bouquet of pink grocery store tulips, beside my roommate Jade holding a bouquet<br />

of yellow ones.<br />

She opened the door swiftly and an instant smile formed on her face as Jade, and I<br />

stood in front of her - the first of day of spring needed to be celebrated and Olivia had<br />

invited us for breakfast.<br />

“Guuuys, you didn’t need to!” she exclaimed as she hugged us both in one motion and<br />

gestured us into her hallway. “We wanted to, as a thank you for having us over!” Jade<br />

looked at me with a smile and then back at Olivia as I nodded with her in agreement.<br />

She took our jackets and put them in the corner as we stepped out of our shoes, ready<br />

to warm up in the kitchen of her student housing, coming in from the sharp spring<br />

cold.<br />

The sun poured into the room and veiled the table she had set for us in a golden hue.<br />


“I’m sorry for the tiny plate, I only had two big<br />

ones! I can sit there though, take my place.”<br />

Olivia said to me, while taking the kettle of hot<br />

water off and placing it in the broad windowsill.<br />

“I don’t mind really, it’s fine Liv!” I answered her.<br />

She scurried me away from the plate setting,<br />

guiding me to one of the other chairs. “No, I<br />

mean it Keerthi, you’re my guest so I’m taking<br />

the tiny plate!” I laughed with her, trying to insist<br />

but she didn’t let me. Jade fiddled around with<br />

the two tulip bouquets by the sink. “Liv, where<br />

do you want these?” she asked while she opened<br />

the cupboards above the sink to try and find a<br />

vase. “Shit, I should’ve brought mine for you<br />

to borrow, I forgot that you didn’t have one!” I<br />

said to Olivia while she moved around the table<br />

trying to make room for all the spreads, juice,<br />

and bread. “Give me a second, I saw this thing<br />

<strong>online</strong> a while ago. Let me try something.” She<br />

put the apple slices she was holding down on<br />

the table and ran into her room for a second and<br />

came out with a plastic soda bottle. She smiled at<br />

us like she had come up with the greatest idea in<br />

the world. It was always quite funny when she<br />

had that look on her face. You never knew what<br />

she could come up with.<br />

She put the bottle down on the cutting board<br />

and with full force, she cut through the top of<br />

the bottle with the breadknife she had just used<br />

for the warm bread from the oven. “Look! Now<br />

I can use this as a vase,” she excitedly laughed<br />

as she grabbed the tulips that Jade had prepped<br />

for her and arranged them with a little water<br />

in the plastic soda bottle. We laughed with her,<br />

because this was so clever and so dumb, and it<br />

was often like that with us, it was the peak of<br />

being a student. “That’s pretty good actually, it<br />

works great” Jade agreed with her with a big grin<br />

on her face. I smiled at them as Olivia brought<br />

the bottle of tulips and placed it in the middle<br />

of the table. “Well, sit down then! Why are you<br />

standing there? Let’s eat!” she exclaimed at us.<br />

The steam from kettle danced vividly in the sun<br />

by her window, as we settled down by the table.<br />

“This marmalade is so nice!” I hummed to Olivia<br />

in satisfaction. The butter and marmalade had<br />

mixed into this sweet and salty concoction on<br />

my slice of bread, and it tasted like a big bite of<br />

spring. “I know right? My dad is really proud<br />

of it,” she laughed. “He sent with me three jars<br />

of it when I met my family this weekend. You<br />

should’ve heard him talking about it.” She<br />

smiled; her eyes lost to memories past.<br />

We chatted like that, reminiscing for a while.<br />

It was always like that with us. We would chat<br />

about small and bigger things for hours and<br />

hours. It could be the most ridiculous of topics<br />

sometimes, like which one of us could have<br />

survived The Hunger Games. “Keerthi would die<br />

during the first five minutes,” Jade jokingly said<br />

and bumped my shoulder lightly with her fist. I<br />

laughed in agreement with her - I wouldn’t even<br />

make it to the Games without dying first from<br />

a panic attack. We discussed what the name of<br />

our bar would be if we ever opened one, and we<br />

talked about love and death and which guys we<br />

were currently dating, and how the twenties are<br />

so stressful. How it’s painful to see our parents<br />

grow old, and how we have to spend more time<br />

with them. We talked about how we wanted to<br />

be at each other’s weddings someday, and how<br />

time is flying by way too fast. I think mostly,<br />

these chats were coloured by the inherent fear<br />

of growing up.<br />

“Sometimes, it hits me that we aren’t going to live<br />

together after this summer,” I said filling in the<br />

silence. We had been thinking the same thought,<br />

I felt it in the room. It was a bittersweet moment,<br />

and the silence told the whole story. Jade looked<br />

up at me from playing with the cucumber slices<br />

in her hand. She nodded with me slowly. “I<br />

mean, it won’t be like this again ever, after this<br />

summer,” Olivia added to my sudden thought.<br />

The tulips in the bottle had already begun to<br />

open up. “When we’re like forty and have kids<br />

and big girl jobs and maybe a husband, I hope<br />

we still live close,” she continued. “Imagine if<br />

we could pick each other’s kids up from school,<br />

and go to cafés with our strollers like those cool<br />

moms who look great instantly after having<br />

given birth. We could totally be those moms!”<br />

she laughed with a hint of sadness in her voice.<br />

I licked the little speck of marmalade on my<br />

fingers, the tangy and sweet taste left me with<br />

a satisfied smile. We sat in silence for a little<br />

while longer, nibbling on apple slices and brown<br />

cheese, taking in the moment for what it was. I<br />

looked down into my cup of coffee and saw a<br />

bit of my own reflection in the small pool at the<br />

bottom of the cup, a twenty-one-year-old with<br />

little to no idea of what was going to happen<br />

after that summer.<br />

“More coffee, Keerthi?” Olivia turned to me and<br />

started pouring before I managed to answer her.<br />

The tulips had opened a little more, beautifully<br />

in harmony with the gorgeous spring day. I<br />

admired them petal by petal, watching how they<br />

shone in the golden sunlight.<br />

-<br />

It tastes bittersweet on my tongue - the last sip<br />

of coffee. My train of thought is interrupted by<br />

the sound Alina’s voice talking again. “Take it<br />

mommy!” she cheerfully adds as she tries to<br />

hand me one of her orange slices over the table.<br />

It’s funny how this small child can’t fully reach<br />

over, and I find myself chuckling softly at her.<br />

I can’t help but smile at the innocence of the<br />

moment as I accept the fruit from her - feeling<br />

her tiny fingers against my hand, no matter how<br />

messy and mushy it looks, orange juice dripping<br />

down at the table as she hands me it. The tulips<br />

are glowing in the lovely spring sun, in pink and<br />

purple hues and immensely beautiful.<br />

Every time I glance at the flowers, I wonder if<br />

they are in their own kitchens, having breakfast<br />

with their kids, and doing okay too.<br />

MARS 2023 UNIKUM NR 3 31


Embla Eskilt Hagalisletto<br />

Skribent<br />

Illustrasjon: Freepik // freepik<br />

Foto: <strong>Unikum</strong> // Embla Eskilt Hagalisletto<br />

I’ll Take you to the<br />

Thrifty Shop<br />

Bruktshopping, også kalt thrifting, blir stadig mer populært. Sliter du med å finne fram<br />

blant bruktbutikkene som Sørlandet tilbyr? Her får du en rask oversikt!<br />

Kollektivet<br />

Midt i Markens finner du min favoritt, nemlig Kollektivet. Den har<br />

blant annet vintage Levis jeans, college gensere, 80 - talls jakker<br />

og skinnjakker. Mesteparten av klærne importeres fra USA, og er<br />

av god kvalitet. Butikken selger også andre varer, laget av lokale<br />

produsenter. Helhetlig er dette en stilig og ryddig vintagebutikk.<br />

Litt dyrt, men absolutt verdt det (og de har studentrabatt)!<br />

Mølla Grim<br />

Beliggenheten og bygget i seg selv gjør det<br />

verdt å ta seg en tur til Mølla Grim. Denne<br />

store butikken har mye møbler, mye servise,<br />

mye sko og en del klær. Noe av det som skiller<br />

denne fra andre bruktbutikker er det store<br />

utvalget av gamle radioer, høyttalere og<br />

vinyl – platespillere; denne avdelingen er en<br />

skattekiste for musikkelskere.<br />


NLM gjenbruk<br />

På Lumber i Vågsbygd ligger NML gjenbruk. Et stort pluss med<br />

denne butikken er den er ryddig og oversiktlig. I tillegg kan du<br />

finne klær av god kvalitet, til en god pris. Alle inntektene går til<br />

veldedighet, deriblant sykehus og barnehjem i Afrika.<br />

Fretex<br />

Fretex på Lund et godt alternativ hvis du leter etter<br />

lave priser og en butikk nær universitetet. I motsetning<br />

til kollektivet er ikke alle klærne av like god kvalitet<br />

og butikken er mer rotete. Men den som leter skal<br />

finne! Klærne er i utgangspunktet billige, og med en<br />

studentrabatt på 20 % er det bare å starte skattejakten.<br />

Søgne brukt og antikk<br />

Søgne brukt og antikk har det meste, blant annet klær, sko, LP<br />

plater, skrivemaskiner og 60 – talls fasttelefoner; her er det utrolig<br />

spennende å lete. Denne butikken er en perle for de som interesser<br />

seg for antikviteter og gamle, sjeldne gjenstander. En hake er prisene,<br />

som er en del høyere sammenliknet med andre bruktbutikker.<br />

Mulig gjenbruk<br />

Rett ved Fretex (på Lund) ligger bruktbutikken Mulig, som har<br />

alt mulig. Butikken er midt i blinken om du leter etter møbler<br />

og servise. En ryddig, stilig butikk, med varer som fremstår av<br />

god kvalitet. Også er det så billig!<br />

Ei hjelpende hånd<br />

Blant alle bruktbutikkene jeg har vært i Arendal – Grimstad området<br />

er nok dette den beste. Ei hjelpende hånd, som ligger på Bergmoen<br />

er en av Norges største bruktbutikker. De har masse fine vesker,<br />

kofferter, sko, klær, servise, møbler, bøker, LP plater og så videre. Stort,<br />

ryddig og svært billig. Pluss - overskuddet blir gitt til veldedighet.<br />

Andre butikker som er verdt å sjekke ut er Gjenbruken i<br />

Lillesand, Shalam bruktbutikk Slettheia, NMS Gjenbruk og<br />

Fretex som begge ligger i Sørlandsparken.<br />

MARS 2023 UNIKUM NR 3 33


Bokanmeldelse<br />


Mattias Johannessen<br />

Skribent<br />

Illustrasjon: AdobeStock // andry7<br />

En mystisk og ukjent terrorist, et spill<br />

med sjakk hvor hver brikke som<br />

slås ut av spillet vil medføre døden<br />

for en samfunnstopp, en kidnappet<br />

statsminister med en tikkende bombe<br />

under seg – Dette er «En Nasjon i<br />

Sjakk».<br />

Av fjorårets tilskudd til den norske<br />

krimmen og thrillerkategorien<br />

innenfor skriftlig litteratur, kan vi<br />

finne en bok med den overraskende<br />

tittelen «En Nasjon i Sjakk». Ved første<br />

øyekast, virker ikke denne boken så veldig spennende; omslaget kan raskt<br />

gjøre at en kan forveksle den med en hvilken som helst annen bok som<br />

omhandler sjakk – men bokens tittel, og en nærmere titt på omslaget, er<br />

det som gjør at en innser at her er det ikke snakk om noen håndbok for<br />

hvordan en skal spille sjakk. Omslaget på boken er uhyggelig og nøye satt<br />

sammen, og sammen med bokens tittel, får dette frem et tydelig budskap<br />

om fortellingens handling; det norske demokratiet og Stortinget er i fare, og<br />

alt står og faller på sjakk.<br />

Handlingens utgangspunkt er egentlig ganske enkelt; den norske<br />

statsministeren blir kidnappet, den norske kongefamilien blir forsøkt<br />

bombet, og en omfattende aksjon igangsettes for å spore opp statsministeren<br />

og finne de som våger å angripe det norske demokratiet på denne måten.<br />

Midt under etterforskningen, kommer plutselig et svært vogntog rullende<br />

opp utenfor Stortinget. Veggene på hengeren blåses av med sprengladninger;<br />

inni et glassbur sitter statsministeren bundet og kneblet, på toppen av det<br />

som snart skal bli oppdaget til å være en svært kraftig sprengladning mer enn<br />

kraftig nok til å drepe selve symbolet på den norske staten. Samtidig leveres<br />


en mystisk pakke til Stortinget og kriselaget; et nettbrett med et sjakkbrett<br />

viser seg å være inni. Kampen for livet, og en kamp mot klokken, er i gang, og<br />

det hele skal foregå med et parti sjakk som grunnlag. Hver part får 24timer<br />

på seg i spilletid; statens gjenværende spilletid gjenspeiles i et display festet<br />

rundt halsen på statsministeren; går tiden ut, sprenges sprengladningen, og<br />

spillet er over. Settes statens konge i sjakkmatt, settes også sprengladningen<br />

av. Kriselaget på Stortinget kan heller ikke benytte seg av noen datamaskin<br />

for å gi seg selv en fordel, og de kan ikke ta med seg nettbrettet som styrer<br />

sjakkpartiet ut av Stortingsbygningen – dette skal være en kamp spiller mot<br />

spiller, mellom «makten og folket» slik terroristen selv kaller det. Kampen for<br />

å forsvare selve symbolet på det norske demokratiet er i gang, og det er opp<br />

til den erfarne og høyt respekterte aksjonslederen for Beredskapstroppen –<br />

Anton Block – å fakke terroristen før det er for sent. Sammen med ham stiller<br />

den dyktige og skarptrente Björk Jônsdottir, den første kvinnelige operatøren<br />

i Beredskapstroppens historie. Sammen kaster de seg i gang i kampen mot<br />

klokken. Men det blir snart klart for dem at samme hvem denne mystiske<br />

terroristen er, så ligger de minst fem skritt foran statsmakten og politimakten,<br />

og snart begynner brikker på brettet å falle, og terroristen er tro til sitt ord:<br />

første brikke viser raskt at de mener alvor, idet første offer tas av dage.<br />

En Nasjon i Sjakk tar leserne med seg på en nervepirrende, uhyggelig nøye og<br />

kalkulert sammensatt, og på grensen til fryktinngytende, kamp mot klokken<br />

og en kamp for alt det som det norske demokratiet står for. Handlingen er nøye<br />

konstruert og satt sammen for å gi et realistisk innblikk i krisehåndtering og i<br />

det som, i hvert fall for leseren, kan virke som en reaksjon og håndtering fra<br />

en Beredskapstropp som kunne ha funnet sted i det virkelige liv. Forfatteren<br />

har vevet sammen en kompleks og inngående forhistorie til handlingen som<br />

periodisk og strategisk dras opp for å drive handlingen og terrorangrepene<br />

videre og for å gi ytterligere substans til hvorfor hvert offer blir satt som mål<br />

på den måten. Og historien har nok av vendepunkter til at selv den mest<br />

forventende leser, kan tas med overraskelse. Her er det vendepunkter som er<br />

plassert strategisk til, slik at akkurat idet en tror at en har begynt å gjette seg<br />

til hva det er som skjer, så kastes det inn en kjepp i hjulet som får hele kalaset<br />

til å totalt endre retning. Dette er en thriller av en bok som virkelig griper<br />

tak i leseren, river dem med seg inn i handlingen, og som holder en nærmest<br />

fanget gjennom uhyggelig nøye planlagte angrep mot samfunnstopper, og<br />

gjennom uventede avsløringer.<br />

MEN. Historien er ikke perfekt. Forfatteren knoter det dessverre til med<br />

handlingen også: det er nemlig noen røde tråder som tas opp, og som det<br />

bygges opp en forventning rundt, men som av mystiske grunner ikke tas opp<br />

senere for å avslutte disse røde trådene. Det kan ikke sies mye om disse uten å<br />

avsløre handlingen i historien for mye, men det er noe som en som leser kan<br />

bli sittende å forvente gjennom hele bokens handling, uten at det blir gjort<br />

noe videre med det, og det er også litt synd, siden foruten disse løse trådene,<br />

så sitter det som et skudd.<br />

Endelig dom for En Nasjon i Sjakk; terningskast 5<br />

MARS 2023 UNIKUM NR 3 35


Tobias Klausen<br />

Editor in Chief<br />

Photo: Freepik // frimufilms<br />

UNIKUM‘s<br />

Corner of HiddenTreasures<br />

<strong>Unikum</strong>’s Corner of Hidden Treasures is a column in which <strong>Unikum</strong> recommends pieces of media they believe more people should know and love.<br />

Owl City’s ‘Ocean Eyes (Deluxe Edition)‘<br />

here to pick up that gauntlet.<br />

So, if you’ve never heard of<br />

Owl City (‘Fireflies’, ‘Good<br />

Times’) you are either way<br />

too young or a feral creature<br />

that needs to find a better<br />

place to live than beneath a<br />

rock. But hey, this is a column<br />

about underrated stuff, why<br />

am I talking about this? Well,<br />

although the song ‘Fireflies’<br />

originated from this album, I<br />

barely hear anyone talk about<br />

the rest of it. So that’s why I’m<br />

I’m not here to preach I was one of the shining beacons of the<br />

community that was there “before they were mainstream”. I came to<br />

Owl City the same time as most others with ‘Fireflies’, however, I stayed<br />

, because honestly, I don’t get how ‘Fireflies’ took off when almost every<br />

other song is a banger on this album!<br />

Let’s start of with saying that the album stays within the same<br />

electronica music genre throughout it all, if you didn’t quite like the<br />

style of ‘Fireflies’ nothing else is probably going to win you over,<br />

although there are some differences in tempo and the style that might<br />

persuade you. The songs all vary from sappy love music to the most<br />

random things like going to the dentist. One of my favorite aspects is<br />

the range of emotions the album covers. No matter what mood you’re<br />

in, ‘Ocean Eyes’ has something to encapsulate it, a portrayal of your<br />

emotions in the grandiose symphony of music.<br />

As eluded to previously, the song selection is a conjoining of a weird<br />

selection that somehow is able to work so effortlessly together, from<br />

the ethereal titles like ‘Vanilla Twilight’ to something as frank as ‘Dental<br />

Care’ which contains no metaphor, it is quite literally describing going<br />

to the dentist. And that’s the beauty of it, there is no rhyme nor reason to<br />

it, we’re at the mercy of whatever wild tangent Adam Young (the artist<br />

behind Owl City) has decided to embark on. Something is layered in<br />

beautiful metaphors rooted in average situations, others have nothing<br />

beneath the surface and that’s completely fine, because what they don’t<br />

offer in elusive thematic, the make up for in up-beat music.<br />

But I can waste words trying to persuade you to listen to this music, but<br />

music can’t really be described in the same way as movies or literature,<br />

because it doesn’t relay as much on the semantic nature of language,<br />

music is its own language in a way. However, I implore you to give the<br />

album a chance, and if not its entirety, at least listen to these:<br />

- ‘Tidal Wave’<br />

- ‘Vanilla Twilight’<br />

- ‘Hello Seattle’<br />

There’s no real way to end this segment, so instead, I will use the final<br />

verse of ‘Tidal Wave’ because I think it’s a beautiful string of prose, that<br />

I think everyone deserves to hear:<br />

“It hurts just to wake up<br />

Whenever you’re wearing thin<br />

Alone on the outside<br />

So tired of looking in<br />

The end is uncertain<br />

And I’ve never been so afraid<br />

But I don’t need a telescope<br />

To see that there’s hope<br />

And that make me feel brave.”<br />


Illustration: AdobeStock // aurora72<br />

UNIKUM‘S<br />

photos<br />

Cover Art Result<br />

The dust has finally settled so have the judges’ votes!<br />

And what we have is the result you see before you.<br />

in Kristiansand<br />

Now, some of you might disagree, certainly others in the editorial staff<br />

did, but the judges stand by their decision.<br />

Our first place won our hearts simply by how humorous it is. It is a simple,<br />

yet funny encapsulation of what the life of a student in Kristiansand is,<br />

and made us chuckle a good few times. Extra points for the entire thing<br />

being made in Microsoft Paint.<br />

It was a close race between first and second place, but ultimately, first<br />

place won due to the laughs it gave us. Second place is a gorgeously<br />

drawn picture that won many votes due to it’s simple, yet beautiful style,<br />

but alas, we felt first place capture the student “spirit”.<br />

MARS 2023 UNIKUM NR 3 37


Thomas Thorgersen Bråttum<br />

Skribent<br />

Illustasjon: AdobeStock // rudall30<br />


kontrollen tok kontroll.<br />

Spiseforstyrrelser, et fenomen mange har hørt om, og har en viss ide av<br />

hva er. Klassiske kjennetegn er hvordan tanker og atferd om mat og vekt<br />

begrenser livskvalitet og livsutfoldelse – det innskrenker måten man<br />

forholder seg til mat, egne tanker, følelser og emosjoner. Antagelser og<br />

myter som ytres skaper en forestilling og fortelling, som ikke nødvendigvis<br />

er hele realiteten – hvis noe av realiteten. Noen av mytene og antagelsene<br />

som florerer, er: (1) det påvirker kvinner i størst grad, først og fremst<br />

tenåringer; (2) det er forårsaket av forfengelighet og kroppsidealer; (3)<br />

et «rop om hjelp»; eller (4) spiseforstyrrelser er ikke nødvendigvis basert<br />

på vekt. Vanligvis er myter arketyper, med stor symbolsk effekt. Likevel,<br />

som alle myter, under forstørrelsesglasset som er virkeligheten, begynner<br />

de å vitre.<br />

Uansett årsak, grunn eller tilfelle, kan spiseforstyrrelser være vanskelig<br />

å håndtere – enten det handler om det sosiale, mentale eller fysiske.<br />

Hvorfor ønsker jeg å skrive om det? Jeg ønsker å skrive om det fordi jeg<br />

selv har hatt det – og sliter delvis med det enda – og jeg tror flere sliter<br />

med det, men ikke ønsker å prate om det, erkjenne det, akseptere det eller<br />

innrømme det – ovenfor seg selv eller andre – som et problem. Det er<br />

vanskelig å si om det er sosiale, psykologiske, biologiske eller fysiologiske<br />

faktorer som påvirker. I mitt tilfelle, av egne antagelser, var det de sosiale<br />

og psykologiske. Jeg hadde (har) lav selvtillit – både når det gjelder egen<br />

kropp, utseende og kompetanse – og følte meg utilpass i de kulturelle<br />

normene og idealene.<br />

Fra tidlig alder på barneskolen kunne jeg bli kalt ‘feit’ eller ‘tjukk’. Det var<br />

selvsagt sårende og ikke gøy. Likevel, som jeg kan huske, påvirket ikke<br />

det mitt forhold til mat. Jeg tror jeg spiste vanlig – kanskje litt usunn –<br />

mat hele oppveksten og følte aldri et press hjemme om å begrense eller<br />

passe på hva jeg skulle spise. Det er noe jeg i ettertid ser på som veldig<br />

viktig. Gjennom hele barneskolen, ungdomsskolen og videregående skole<br />

var jeg, tror jeg, klar over at jeg kanskje veide noen kilo mer enn andre.<br />

Likevel er det viktig å presisere at når jeg sier ‘noen kilo mer’, så er det<br />

kanskje 3-4 kilo mer. Kanskje utgjorde de en forskjell på meg som ikke<br />

var den høyeste der ute og da ble oppfattet som ‘feitere’ enn hva realiteten<br />

tilsa. Ikke før på universitetet begynte jeg å få visse tanker og ideer om<br />

egen kropp og hvordan jeg ikke var helt fornøyd med den. Det var på<br />

den tiden jeg selv ble eksponert for sosiale normer og idealer. Plutselig<br />

begynte jeg å få et bevisst forhold til egen kropp, på en helt annen måte<br />

en tidligere. Min allerede eksisterende usikkerhet og lave selvtillit ble<br />

utsatt for ytre faktorer jeg ikke evnet å styre eller kontrollere. Av det, tror<br />


jeg, begynte jeg å endre atferd, tankemåte og handlinger. Ikke<br />

nødvendigvis synlig for andre, men for meg gjennom mat og<br />

trening. Jeg begynte å studere i en alder av 20 år, men det tok<br />

likevel tid før jeg forstod at jeg hadde et problem.<br />

Grunnen til at jeg selv erkjente spiseforstyrrelser, var en dag<br />

jeg gikk på badevekten (som sto på soverommet), for ca. 5 år<br />

siden, og vekten viste 69 kilo. For meg ble det en ordentlig<br />

‘vekker’. I to døgn tenkte jeg nesten utelukkende på vekten. Jeg<br />

forsto at det var alt for lite, at jeg hadde et problem, men visste<br />

ikke helt hvordan jeg skulle håndtere det. Hva jeg gjorde, var å<br />

fortelle det til min mor. Det var på ingen måte enkelt å fortelle<br />

min mor det, en av menneskene som sto meg nærmest, om<br />

hva jeg opplevde, kjente og følte på. På dette tidspunktet var<br />

jeg 25 år, og innså da at jeg hadde ‘lurt’ meg selv i mange år<br />

med å si at jeg ikke hadde et problem. Selv om jeg innså det<br />

da jeg var 25 år, slet jeg med det i minst 3 år før det – hvis ikke<br />

mer. Hele tiden sa jeg til meg selv: ‘’jeg har kontroll’’. Dessverre<br />

var det slik at det var kanskje det eneste jeg følte jeg hadde<br />

kontroll over i livet – altså kontrollen over vekt og matinntak.<br />

Det ga meg en følelse av mestring, og mestring gir ofte en god<br />

følelse – man føler en oppnår noe. Formodentlig gjorde det at<br />

jeg fortsatte med å si til meg selv at det ikke var et problem, jeg<br />

har kontroll. Likevel, de to årene før jeg erkjente problemene<br />

mine, forsto jeg nok innerst inne at det var et problem – selv om<br />

jeg ikke erkjente eller sa det til noen andre. I de to årene gikk<br />

jeg rundt og følte jeg måtte besvime hele tiden. Jeg besvimte<br />

aldri, noe som forsterket troen på at jeg kunne fortsette å spise<br />

minimalt med mat, trene og ikke fortelle andre om noe. Noe<br />

annet det gjorde med meg, var at jeg isolerte meg, både fra<br />

familie og venner. I stedet for å være sosial, valgte jeg heller å<br />

sitte hjemme – for der hadde jeg kontroll over hva jeg spiste og<br />

drakk. Kontrollen tok kontroll over eget liv.<br />

Også nå, etter å ha innsett at kontrollen hadde kontroll over<br />

meg, ikke vice versa, kan jeg fortsatt føle og tenke de samme<br />

tingene som før – at jeg er ‘feit’, ikke god nok osv. Likevel,<br />

kontrollen har ikke like stor kontroll på meg lenger. Jeg evner<br />

i større grad å håndtere og prosessere de negative tankene og<br />

emosjonene. For å bearbeide forsøker jeg å tydeliggjøre eller<br />

virkeliggjøre de negative assosiasjonene slik at jeg enklere<br />

innser hvor irrasjonelle og dumme de tankene og følelsene<br />

egentlig er. Det gjør jeg enten ved å prate med mennesker jeg<br />

stoler på om de tankene og følelsene jeg har, eller gå i meg selv<br />

og forsøke en indre dialog.<br />

Hensikten med å skrive dette er ikke å si eller hevde at folk har<br />

et problem. Formålet er heller å si at det er problematisk at det<br />

fortsatt er et problem. Heller løfte debatten ut der og si at det<br />

er ‘problematisk at vi ikke evner eller ønsker å være åpne og<br />

transparente om det’. Personlig var det viktig å prate om det,<br />

både med venner og familie, men også andre personer. Finn<br />

gjerne noen mennesker du stoler på. Uansett hvem ‘denne’<br />

personen er, så kommer de sannsynligvis til å møte deg med<br />

varme, forståelse og respekt. Å være ‘denne’ personen er, i høy<br />

grad, en tillitserklæring!<br />

MARS 2023 UNIKUM NR 3 39

BSU<br />

Boligsparing<br />

for ungdom<br />

Det er tre gode grunner til at Boligsparing for ungdom er den beste risikofrie<br />

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viser at du klarer å spare i BSU.<br />


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