Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG


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Specific signal types in hearing research 63<br />

Figure 18. A scheme for the<br />

generation of transposed stimuli.<br />

The top part shows the generation<br />

of masker <strong>and</strong> signal waveforms,<br />

in this case for a binaural<br />

condition with the masker<br />

in phase <strong>and</strong> the signal interaurally<br />

out of phase. In the<br />

lower part, the low-frequency signals<br />

are halfwave rectified, lowpass<br />

filtered <strong>and</strong> multiplied with<br />

a high-frequency carrier. Reused<br />

with permission from Ref. [52].<br />

Copyright 1997, Acoustical Society<br />

of America.<br />

The question remained whether the differences in BMLDs at low <strong>and</strong> high frequencies<br />

were primarily a consequence of the loss of fine-structure information, or whether<br />

they reflected a structural difference of binaural processing between low <strong>and</strong> high frequencies.<br />

In order to distinguish between these explanations, transposed stimuli with<br />

a high carrier were introduced which contained in their envelope the same temporal<br />

information as a related low-frequency stimulus in its fine structure.<br />

4.2.1 Definition<br />

A transposed stimulus is derived from a narrowb<strong>and</strong> low-frequency stimulus by the<br />

following operations. First, the low-frequency signal is halfwave rectified <strong>and</strong> lowpass<br />

filtered. In Ref. [52], a second-order lowpass with a cut-off frequency of 500 Hz was<br />

used. This signal is then used to modulate a high-frequency carrier, e. g., a sinusoid<br />

at 4 kHz.<br />

In Fig. 18, these steps are shown schematically for stimuli as they are used in a<br />

masking experiment with adaptive adjustment of the signal level. In the top part<br />

of the figure, the generation <strong>and</strong> mixing of the low-frequency masker <strong>and</strong> the lowfrequency<br />

signal are shown. The signal is added to the masker with a certain level,<br />

which is controlled by the adaptive procedure <strong>and</strong> adjusted by the gain stage. Depicted<br />

is the generation of an N0Sπ stimulus, for which the signal is inverted in one<br />

channel. After addition, the stimuli are ready for a st<strong>and</strong>ard low-frequency masking<br />

experiment. The bottom part shows the additional steps needed for the generation<br />

of a transposed stimulus.

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