Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG


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Specific signal types in hearing research 57<br />

• Role of masker fluctuations in off-frequency masking.<br />

• Influence of the intrinsic envelope fluctuations of a noise on modulation detection.<br />

• Effects of masker-signal phase relation in monaural <strong>and</strong> binaural on-frequency<br />

masking.<br />

The spectral selectivity of the auditory system is often studied by using narrowb<strong>and</strong><br />

maskers [42]. A problem for the interpretation of masking data arises, when, due to<br />

the use of tonal masker, distortion products or temporal cues like beats influence the<br />

detection process [43]. In order to avoid the introduction of such “false cues”, one<br />

often uses narrowb<strong>and</strong> noise maskers instead [44]. It is implicitely assumed that this<br />

substituion has no other effect than eliminating the mentioned artifacts.<br />

In a study by van der Heijden <strong>and</strong> Kohlrausch [45] this assumption underlying the<br />

power-spectrum model of masking [32,38] was tested for five different narrowb<strong>and</strong><br />

maskers with the same center frequency. The masker types were either a sinusoid, a<br />

Gaussian noise or a multiplied noise. The two noise signals had b<strong>and</strong>widths of either<br />

20 or 100 Hz. The five maskers thus differed in the amount of envelope variations: The<br />

sinuoid has a flat envelope, the two noises have envelopes with intrinsic fluctuations,<br />

with the multiplied noise having deeper envelope minima (see Sect. 3.2.2). The rate<br />

of fluctuation of the envelopes was another experimental parameter, because it is<br />

lower for the 20-Hz than for the 100-Hz masker.<br />

In the experiments, these maskers had a center frequency of 1.3 kHz <strong>and</strong> were used<br />

to mask a sinusoidal test signal at 2 kHz. The masker levels were varied between<br />

60 <strong>and</strong> 84 dB. Figure 13 shows the growth-of-masking functions for the five masker<br />

Figure 13. Simultaneous growth-of-masking<br />

functions measured with various narrow-b<strong>and</strong><br />

maskers centered at 1.3 kHz. The target was<br />

a 2-kHz tone. The five curves indicate the<br />

results for five different maskers: a sinusoid<br />

(open circles), a 100-Hz-wide Gaussian noise<br />

(filled squares), a 20-Hz-wide Gaussian noise<br />

(open squares), a 100-Hz-wide multiplied noise<br />

(filled triangles), <strong>and</strong> a 20-Hz-wide multiplied<br />

noise (open triangles). Data points measured<br />

with 20-Hz-wide maskers are connected with<br />

dashed lines. Averaged data of six subjects<br />

are plotted; error bars indicate ± one st<strong>and</strong>ard<br />

deviation across the values of the six subjects.<br />

Reused with permission from Ref. [45]. Copyright<br />

1995, Acoustical Society of America.

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