Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG


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462 Index<br />

basin of attraction, 144<br />

beamwalk, 290, 291, 293, 294<br />

beat frequency, 281, 288, 289, 297, 305<br />

Bechgaard salt, 315, 323<br />

Beer-Lambert law, 219<br />

Bhattacharjee-Ferrell function, 393<br />

bifurcation, 405, 408, 410, 416<br />

codimension-one, 412<br />

codimension-two, 412<br />

control, 125<br />

curve, 412<br />

diagram, 177, 410, 411<br />

period-doubling, 142, 143, 409<br />

saddle-node, 408<br />

set, 145, 412<br />

structure, 410, 412<br />

symmetry-breaking, 409<br />

binary fragmentation, 205, 207, 210, 213<br />

binaural<br />

hearing, 59<br />

masking level difference, 60<br />

unmasking, 59<br />

binodal curve, 225, 227, 232, 233<br />

biological tissue, 217, 218<br />

biophysics, 435<br />

biopolymer, 378<br />

Bjerknes force, 183, 187–189, 195<br />

primary, 183–185, 193<br />

secondary, 185, 186, 190<br />

Blake threshold<br />

dynamic, 177, 178, 182, 186<br />

static, 176, 177<br />

blind source separation, 116<br />

blue bronze, 315, 320, 322<br />

BMLD – see: binaural masking level difference<br />

boiling<br />

confined, 232–234, 242, 244<br />

explosive, 228, 231, 235, 236<br />

normal, 228, 231<br />

Bose-Einstein condensate, 312<br />

boundary integral method, 152<br />

box-counting dimension, 417, 418, 420<br />

Broomhead-King coordinates, 421<br />

Bruggeman mixture relation, 349, 350<br />

bubble, 201, 205, 213<br />

acoustic force on, 171, 183, 194<br />

chaotic oscillation, 142, 144, 145, 177<br />

chemistry, 163, 165, 167<br />

cloud, 168, 172<br />

cluster, 174, 180, 181, 184, 191, 192<br />

collapse, 147, 148, 152, 154, 158, 160,<br />

171, 178<br />

aspherical, 149, 150, 152, 153, 156,<br />

157<br />

near wall, 151, 154<br />

pressure, 154<br />

counterjet, 150<br />

cylindrical, 150, 153, 159<br />

dancing motion, 163, 180<br />

diffusional equilibrium, 157, 182<br />

dissolution, 182, 189<br />

dynamics, 139, 149, 171, 175<br />

near wall, 148, 149, 151, 154<br />

radial, 163, 167<br />

elongated, 150, 152<br />

equilibrium radius, 140, 143, 149, 176,<br />

182, 191<br />

erosion, 139, 148, 154<br />

explosion, 174<br />

formation, 224, 229, 235<br />

growth, 147, 182, 232<br />

inception, 171<br />

interaction, 148, 168, 185, 190, 191<br />

jet formation, 149, 150, 154, 155<br />

laser-induced, 148, 149, 152, 154–156,<br />

158, 168<br />

life cycle, 171, 173, 183, 188, 194<br />

merging, 191<br />

model, 140<br />

Gilmore, 176<br />

Keller-Miksis, 146, 176<br />

Rayleigh-Plesset, 141, 165, 176<br />

motion, 171, 173, 183, 187, 188, 190,<br />

192, 194<br />

nucleation, 150, 171, 173–175, 226,<br />

228–230<br />

heterogeneous, 228, 234<br />

homogeneous, 229<br />

rate, 231<br />

oscillation, 139, 146, 148, 171, 176,<br />

185<br />

afterbounce, 147<br />

chaotic, 142, 144, 145<br />

cycle, 146, 147<br />

nonlinear, 184, 186, 188, 405<br />

steady-state, 142<br />

oscillator, 142, 145<br />

nonlinear, 139, 141, 143, 405<br />

phase diagram, 145, 189

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