Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG


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Complex dynamics of nonlinear systems 429<br />

Stabilisation of the Nd:YAG laser succeeded also with Notch Filter Feedback control<br />

[93] providing some easily implementable approximation of MDFC.<br />

6.2 Controlling spatio-temporal chaos<br />

Delayed feedback can also be used to locally stabilise <strong>and</strong> manipulate complex spatiotemporal<br />

dynamics [94]. To illustrate this approach we use the two-dimensional complex<br />

Ginzburg-L<strong>and</strong>au equation (GLE)<br />

∂tf = (1 + ia)∇ 2 f + f − (1 + ib)f|f| 2 + u (29)<br />

with an external control signal u(x, t). ∂t <strong>and</strong> ∇ denote the temporal <strong>and</strong> the spatial<br />

derivative, respectively. The GLE (29) is a prototypical equation for spatio-temporal<br />

systems close to a supercritical Hopf-bifurcation. It is solved here numerically for<br />

periodic boundary conditions with a spectral code based on a Runge-Kutta scheme<br />

of 4th order combined with a spectral method in space with a spatial grid of 90 × 90<br />

elements (∆x = ∆y = 1).<br />

The control signal is applied at a few control cells Ci, only, simulating experimental<br />

sensors <strong>and</strong> actuators. In general, the control signal ui which is applied at cell Ci<br />

ui(t) =<br />

M�<br />

m=1<br />

kima sij (t − τim ) − kimb sij (t) (30)<br />

is given by delayed <strong>and</strong> non-delayed input signals sij measured at other cells C where a measured signal<br />

�<br />

ij<br />

sk(t) = f(z, t) dz (31)<br />

Ck<br />

is the averaged value of f at control cell Ck.<br />

Again, the performance of the control scheme depends crucially on the gains<br />

kima , kimb <strong>and</strong> delay times τim that may vary from cell to cell (as indicated by<br />

the multiple index).<br />

Figure 19 shows two examples where different coupling schemes (Figs. 19(b) <strong>and</strong><br />

19(d)) are used to stabilise plane waves (Fig. 19(a)) <strong>and</strong> to trap a spiral wave<br />

(Fig. 19(c)).<br />

7 Conclusion<br />

This article is an attempt to give a tutorial overview of research in nonlinear dynamics<br />

at the DPI. Of course, it is incomplete but we hope it motivates the reader to learn<br />

more about this exciting interdisciplinary field that is heading now towards even more<br />

complex systems like large networks of coupled oscillators or swarms of interacting<br />

agents. So, stay tuned .... at DPI.<br />

Acknowledgements. The author thanks Werner Lauterborn, Thomas Kurz, Robert Mettin<br />

<strong>and</strong> all other coworkers, students <strong>and</strong> staff at the DPI for excellent collaboration <strong>and</strong><br />


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