Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG


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420 U. Parlitz<br />

series” where for the first time state space reconstruction methods were applied to<br />

scalar time series. A mathematical justification of this approach was given by Takens<br />

[43] at about the same time. He proved that it is possible to (re)construct, from<br />

a scalar time series only, a new state space that is diffeomorphically equivalent to<br />

the (in general unknown) original state space of the experimental system. Based<br />

on these reconstructed states the time series can then be analysed from the point<br />

view of (deterministic) nonlinear dynamics. It is possible to model <strong>and</strong> predict the<br />

underlying dynamics <strong>and</strong> to characterize the dynamics in terms of dimensions <strong>and</strong><br />

Lyapunov exponents, for example. In the following we will address some of these<br />

issues. For further reading we refer to other review articles [35–39] <strong>and</strong> implementations<br />

of many time series algorithms can be found in the TSTOOL box already<br />

mentioned in Sect. 3.1.<br />

4.1 State space reconstruction<br />

Essentially two methods for reconstructing the state space from scalar time series are<br />

available: delay coordinates <strong>and</strong> derivative coordinates. Derivative coordinates were<br />

used by Packard et al. [42] <strong>and</strong> consist of higher-order derivatives of the measured<br />

time series. Since derivatives are susceptible to noise, derivative coordinates usually<br />

are not very useful for experimental data. Therefore, we will discuss the method of<br />

delay coordinates only.<br />

Let M be a smooth (C 2 ) m–dimensional manifold in the state space in which<br />

the dynamics of interest takes place <strong>and</strong> let φ t : M → M be the corresponding flow<br />

describing the temporal evolution of states in M. Suppose that we can measure some<br />

scalar quantity s(t) = h(x(t)) that is given by the measurement function h : M → IR,<br />

where x(t) = φ t (x(0)). Then one may construct a delay coordinates map<br />

F : M → IR d<br />

x ↦→ y = F (x) = (s(t), s(t − tl), ..., s(t − (d − 1)tl)<br />

that maps a state x from the original state space M to a point y in a reconstructed<br />

state space IR d , where d is the embedding dimension <strong>and</strong> tl gives the delay time (or<br />

lag) used. Figure 11 shows a visualisation of this construction. Takens [43] proved<br />

that for d ≥ 2m + 1 it is a generic property of F to be an embedding of M in<br />

IR d , i. e., F : M → F (M) ⊂ IR d is a (C 2 –) diffeomorphism. Generic means that<br />

the subset of pairs (h, tl) which yield an embedding is an open <strong>and</strong> dense subset<br />

in the set of all pairs (h, tl). This theorem was generalised by Sauer, Yorke <strong>and</strong><br />

Casdagli [44,45] who replaced the condition d ≥ 2m + 1 by d > 2d0(A) where d0(A)<br />

denotes the capacity (or: box–counting) dimension of the attractor A ⊂ M. This is<br />

a great progress for experimental systems that possess a low–dimensional attractor<br />

(e. g., d0(A) < 5) in a very high–dimensional space (e.g., m = 100). In this case,<br />

the theorem of Takens guarantees only for very large embedding dimensions d (e. g.,<br />

d ≥ 201) the existence of a diffeomorphic equivalence, whereas with the condition of<br />

Sauer et al. a much smaller d will suffice (e. g., d > 10). Furthermore, Sauer et al.<br />

showed that for dimension estimation an embedding dimension d > d0(A) suffices. In<br />

this case the delay coordinates map F is, in general, not one-to-one, but the points<br />

where trajectories intersect are negligible for dimension calculations. More details

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