Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG


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Acoustic cavitation 191<br />

the bubble <strong>and</strong> get a system of equations, where N is the total bubble number:<br />

F i M + F i D + F i B1 + �<br />

F j,i<br />

B2 = 0 , 1 ≤ i ≤ N . (8)<br />

j�=i<br />

The bubble sizes are defined by the rest radii R i 0. To describe their variation in time,<br />

a gas diffusion law like Eq. (1) can be used, augmented by rules for merging with<br />

other bubbles <strong>and</strong> splitting after surface instability.<br />

This proposed N-body problem has some particularities, like a changing number<br />

of particles 12 <strong>and</strong> forces that depend on the absolute position in space (i. e., on the<br />

local sound pressure). It can be solved numerically, <strong>and</strong> the effort is considerably<br />

reduced if approximations of the forces are taken. In particular a temporal averaging<br />

over the oscillation period can be used, although some (typically small) errors are<br />

introduced in added mass <strong>and</strong> drag (compare Sect. 4.3).<br />

Hinsch employed an early version of this type of particle model already in 1975<br />

to calculate the merging process of a few bubbles [51]. Yet, the idea was further<br />

advanced only in the 1990s [43,52], probably due to the increased possibilities of<br />

computer power. In the following we present some results from recent simulations of<br />

bubble structures.<br />

6.1 Streamer filaments<br />

In many cases filamentary or “dendritic” arrangements of acoustic cavitation bubbles<br />

are encountered [4,5,53]. The bubbles move relatively fast along branches that can<br />

unite to form a new branch, like rivers form junctions. In a st<strong>and</strong>ing wave, a typical<br />

picture is that many branches arrange around a pressure antinode, <strong>and</strong> bubbles<br />

therefore stream inward the filamentary conglomerate [43]. At the center they may<br />

form a larger bubble or bubble cluster where microbubbles are shed off, sometimes<br />

visible as a “mist”. The microbubbles dissolve <strong>and</strong> thus compensate for the gas<br />

arriving from the filaments.<br />

The filamentary structure in a cubic resonator, driven at 25 kHz, has been analyzed<br />

by stereoscopic high-speed recordings in Ref. [54]. Some of the reconstructed bubble<br />

paths have afterwards been simulated by the particle approach described above. For<br />

every bubble, only the first position <strong>and</strong> velocity have been used as an input for the<br />

model, <strong>and</strong> the bubble sizes have been given a starting value of 5 µm. The pressure<br />

value at the antinode <strong>and</strong> its position have been slightly fitted within the error<br />

tolerance of a measurement. A direct comparison of experimental <strong>and</strong> calculated<br />

bubble tracks is shown in Fig. 15. The correspondence is quite reasonable, <strong>and</strong><br />

the conclusion can be drawn that the dominant forces causing the bubble motion<br />

have been taken into account by the particle model. Still, not every detail is met<br />

perfectly by the simulation. This is probably due to variations in bubble sizes <strong>and</strong><br />

the fine structure of the filaments: they may contain smaller bubbles, overlooked by<br />

the image processing of the experimental data, <strong>and</strong> travelling bubbles can undergo<br />

repeated split-<strong>and</strong>-merge processes. Such phenomena add “noise” to the N-body<br />

system, <strong>and</strong> because of the nonlinear bubble-bubble interaction, it is rather sensitive<br />

12 N is not fixed in time because of nucleation, merging, splitting, <strong>and</strong> dissolution.

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