Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG


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Acoustic cavitation 183<br />

up to some approximation by the following equation [33–35]:<br />

dR0<br />

dt = DRGT<br />

�<br />

c0<br />

p0 +<br />

R0<br />

4σ<br />

�−1 � � � �<br />

R c∞<br />

− 1 +<br />

3R0 R0 c0<br />

2σ<br />

�<br />

R0p0<br />

R 3 0<br />

〈R/R0〉<br />

〈(R/R0) 4 �<br />

. (1)<br />

〉<br />

Here the following symbols are used: D diffusion constant, RG gas constant, T<br />

temperature, c0 <strong>and</strong> c∞ gas concentration in saturation <strong>and</strong> far from the bubble,<br />

<strong>and</strong> 〈.〉 is indicating a time average.<br />

In an extended cavitating field, rectified gas diffusion can play a role for the lifecycle<br />

of individual bubbles <strong>and</strong> thus for the size distribution in the bubble population.<br />

This depends, among other parameters, on the gas content of the liquid, spherical<br />

shape stability of the bubbles, local pressure distribution <strong>and</strong> bubble translation.<br />

This will be discussed later.<br />

It should also be noted that the well-known degassing of liquids by ultrasound<br />

is actually based on cavitation, <strong>and</strong> that rectified diffusion processes play here an<br />

important role.<br />

4 Acoustic forces <strong>and</strong> bubble motion<br />

Bubbles in acoustic fields do not only perform volume oscillations, but they also<br />

move in space. These translational motions are mainly caused by acoustic forces,<br />

the Bjerknes forces, that are introduced in the following. To complete the picture of<br />

bubble motion, its virtual mass <strong>and</strong> viscous drag are also briefly discussed.<br />

4.1 Primary Bjerknes forces<br />

It is an everyday experience that bubbles in quiet liquids rise to the surface. The<br />

reason for this is the hydrostatic pressure, which is, roughly speaking, pushing with<br />

a higher force on the bottom surface than on the top surface of the bubble. Mathematically,<br />

the net force on the bubble is yielded by summing up the forces on all<br />

surface elements, <strong>and</strong> by Gauss’ theorem, we find<br />

� � � � �<br />

F = p dS = ∇p dV .<br />

If the pressure gradient is slowly varying over the scale of the bubble’s size, we can<br />

substitute the right-h<strong>and</strong> side integral by V ∇p(x0), where x0 is the position of the<br />

bubble center. This approximation is usually allowed, but care has to be taken in<br />

cases where the bubbles reach wavelength extensions (like degassing processes at<br />

higher frequencies).<br />

The hydrostatic pressure turns out to be typically negligible compared to the effects<br />

caused by the sound field: in water, gravity creates a gradient of about 10 mPa/µm,<br />

while in a pressure wave of 1 bar amplitude <strong>and</strong> frequency of some MHz we find<br />

gradients reaching hundreds of Pa/µm.<br />

The sound pressure gradients <strong>and</strong> the bubble volumes are time varying, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

net force on a bubble depends on the time average<br />

F B1 = 〈V (t)∇p(x0, t)〉 , (2)

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