Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG


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Applied physics at the “Dritte” 9<br />

Sound absorption <strong>and</strong> sound velocity in water, aqueous solutions of electrolytes,<br />

<strong>and</strong> other liquids were studied in wide frequency <strong>and</strong> temperature ranges (see Section<br />

10). Also, the influence of gas bubbles on the acoustic properties of liquids<br />

was investigated [58,59], further leading to intensive research on single bubble oscillations,<br />

cavitation, <strong>and</strong> luminescence (see Section 7 of this article <strong>and</strong> the pertinent<br />

contributions to this book [60,61]).<br />

Erwin Meyer was always interested in the improvement of measurement techniques,<br />

also in the field of underwater sound. In close analogy to the anechoic chambers for<br />

air-borne sound, for which Meyer had invented the lining by wedges of sound absorbing<br />

porous material [62], previous experiments [63] eventually culminated in the<br />

installation of a 100-m 3 water tank with rib-type absorbers [64], providing near freefield<br />

conditions from 7 kHz through 70 kHz. Less costly impedance measurements<br />

in resiliently lined water-filled tubes [65] <strong>and</strong> sound absorption or sound power measurements<br />

in a resiliently lined reverberation tank [66] were also performed. As an<br />

interesting result it was shown that the edge effect is much stronger for absorbers<br />

on sound-soft than on rigid walls [67]. Impedance measurements at low frequencies<br />

were performed with thick-walled “pressure chambers” [68]. A shallow water basin<br />

with sound-soft bottom <strong>and</strong> absorbing perimeter allowed studies of two-dimensional<br />

sound fields [69].<br />

The scattering of underwater sound was investigated in our institute for more<br />

than 30 years, starting 1965 with sound-soft objects [70], <strong>and</strong> since 1989 resonance<br />

scattering with possible application to the detection <strong>and</strong> classification of objects<br />

buried in marine sediments [71]. Motivated by analogous microwave systems, Peter<br />

Wille constructed a slim directional hydrophone with low flow resistance (in analogy<br />

to the microwave “rod radiator”) [72], <strong>and</strong> an aspect-independent sonar reflector,<br />

based on inhomogeneous lenses [73].<br />

Upon Erwin Meyer’s initiative, the international Journal Acustica was founded<br />

in Rome 1950, to succeed the German Akustische Zeitschrift (1936–1944). Since<br />

much unpublished work had accumulated in the meantime, the editors of Acustica<br />

published Akustische Beihefte as supplements in which these papers were collected,<br />

presenting, among others, the major results of the war-time work of Meyer’s group<br />

on hydroacoustics. One such paper [74] describes the thin-layer two-circuit resonance<br />

absorbers – combinations of a parallel <strong>and</strong> a series resonance circuit – originally made<br />

of rubber with air holes in a central layer. With the availability of a great variety<br />

of modern high polymers, it was attempted to improve the resonance absorbers by<br />

searching for better suited materials. Since a material with a high loss factor of the<br />

bulk modulus could not be found, polymers with lossy Young’s <strong>and</strong> shear moduli<br />

were applied [75,76]. It was, however, soon recognised that the desired high loss<br />

factor was inevitably related to a strong frequency <strong>and</strong> temperature dispersion of the<br />

modulus because they are coupled by the Kramers-Kronig relations (e. g., [77]), which<br />

made practical applications unrealistic. As an alternative, the absorption of sound by<br />

constrained liquid flow was investigated, <strong>and</strong> various structures were designed [78,79].<br />

With electrorheological fluids (ERF), absorbers have been developed the properties<br />

of which can be electrically adjusted to account for a changing environment such as<br />

hydrostatic pressure (i. e., depth of water) or temperature [80].<br />

Inspired by the success of these absorbers, a two-circuit resonance absorber of

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