Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG

Oscillations, Waves, and Interactions - GWDG


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102 D. Ronneberger et al.<br />

Nevertheless, with regard to the approximations that have been made in the previous<br />

section, it is still open to question whether the gap between experiment <strong>and</strong><br />

theory can be closed by taking the shear stress into account. In fact more than one of<br />

these assumptions turn out to be problematic. Even the very first assumption that<br />

the velocity can be decomposed into two non-interacting parts which are determined<br />

by the pressure <strong>and</strong> by the shear stress, respectively, cannot be maintained with low<br />

phase velocities <strong>and</strong> small ratios ℑ{α}/ℜ{α}. In such cases a so called critical layer<br />

yc exists with ˇω(yc) ≈ 0 so that the right-h<strong>and</strong> side of the Rayleigh equation (4) as<br />

well as the integr<strong>and</strong> in Eq. (15) are nearly singular there. This unphysical singularity<br />

causes, among others, the discontinuity of | ˆ δS|/| ˆ δw| when the real α-axis is passed<br />

(see Fig. 15). In reality the shear stress adjusts itself such that the numerator in<br />

Eq. (14) becomes small together with ˇω. Also is the Stokes layer thickness not small,<br />

i. e. |ℜ{α}|δS = O(1) with the wavenumbers observed in the experiment nor is the<br />

WKBJ approximation unquestionable, close to the wall.<br />

So it appears to be necessary to solve the full problem before a final answer to<br />

the question can be expected whether or not the observed instability waves <strong>and</strong> their<br />

dependency on the essential parameters can be described by the wave propagation in a<br />

homogeneous environment (i. e. that all parameters are assumed to be independent of<br />

x). This leads to a fourth order differential equation if eddy-viscosity is assumed, <strong>and</strong><br />

the algorithm for the solution of the respective eigenvalue problem has to be enhanced<br />

for this purpose. Yet it is questionable whether the response of the turbulence can<br />

indeed be described by an eddy-viscosity in view of the fact that the turbulence is<br />

by itself subject to flow instability so that its state can be anticipated to be far from<br />

equilibrium. Beyond that, regarding the bifurcations of the dispersion relations <strong>and</strong><br />

the associated absolute instabilities, it is suspected that it is indispensable to take<br />

the spatial development of the flow into account. This might lead to the conclusion<br />

that the distance within which the flow is subject to a certain absolute instability<br />

is too short for the development of a global instability [52], however that the wave<br />

propagation is nevertheless governed by the absolute instability.<br />

5 Summary <strong>and</strong> concluding remarks<br />

A strong convective instability has been found with a short section of a flow duct<br />

which was provided with a resonating lining. Sound waves that propagate in the<br />

direction of the mean flow as well as turbulent pressure fluctuations are amplified<br />

by this instability, <strong>and</strong> the pressure drop along the lined duct section is drastically<br />

increased due to the power consumption by the excited amplifying instability wave.<br />

While the sound radiation from the rear end of the lined duct section into the trailing<br />

rigid pipe is possible only with the fundamental axially symmetric mode (m = 0), the<br />

increase of the pressure drop is achieved also with an antisymmetric mode (m = 1)<br />

nearly as efficiently as with the (m = 0) mode. This is in favour of technical applications<br />

of the phenomenon because the mostly undesired radiation of the controlling<br />

sound is avoided in this way. One such application, namely the active suppression of<br />

low-frequency sound transmission through the lined duct section, has already been<br />

demonstrated. The sound-induced pressure gradient can be increased by reducing

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