Exhibition catalog: Discourse of War

This exhibition is about the impact of the war on the lives and creative paths of artists in Ukraine and worldwide. We want to show how artists’ attitude to art has changed during this year. How changed the vector of their creativity and attitude to the language of art in connection with these events. War has no nationality or religion. War has an impact on everyone individually and on all of humanity in general. Our goal is to show how artists from different parts of the world perceive war. This is an art discourse between artists and viewers.

This exhibition is about the impact of the war on the lives and creative paths of artists in Ukraine and worldwide. We want to show how artists’ attitude to art has changed during this year. How changed the vector of their creativity and attitude to the language of art in connection with these events.

War has no nationality or religion. War has an impact on everyone individually and on all of humanity in general. Our goal is to show how artists from different parts of the world perceive war. This is an art discourse between artists and viewers.


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Kharkiv, Ukraine

Now: Vilnius, Lithuania

@strem.lena | FB StremOLena | www. strem-lena.blogspot.com

About artwork

A picture of a person from my family who defended Mariupol and is now in captivity.

The portrait was created shortly before the capture. Initially, it had a graphic and linear

appearance. But when my tears got to work, they created watercolor stains, which I then

strengthened. After that, the image was not clear and blurred, as well as the future fate

of the person.

Про роботу

Зображення людини з моєї сім’ї, яка захищала Маріуполь, а зараз знаходиться в

полоні. Портрет створювався незадовго до полону. Спочатку він мав графічнолінійний

вигляд. Але коли мої сльози потрапляли на роботу, то створювали

акварельні плями, які я потім підсилила. Після чого образ був не чітким і розмитим,

як і подальша доля людини.

After February 24, 2022, I ran away with my children to Vilnius without art materials.

Here I bought some water-based markers and a couple of drawing pads. This is all that

I could afford materially and physically to transport with me. Because there is nowhere

to store large-format works. Therefore, now my works exist in the form of sketches, or

graphic drawings with a watercolor effect. The color range is limited and hot, because

these colors correspond to the fury in my soul, fire and blood.

Після 24 лютого 2022 року я тікала з дітьми до Вільнюсу без художніх матеріалів.

Тут я купила декілька маркерів на водній основі, та пару блокнотів для малювання.

Це все, що я могла собі дозволити матеріально і фізично перевозити з собою. Бо

зберігати роботи великих форматів немає де. Тому зараз мої роботи існують у

вигляді скетчів, або графічні малюнки з акварельними ефектом. Кольорова гамма

обмежена та гаряча, бо саме ці кольори відповідають люті в моїх душі, вогню та



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