Exhibition catalog: Discourse of War

This exhibition is about the impact of the war on the lives and creative paths of artists in Ukraine and worldwide. We want to show how artists’ attitude to art has changed during this year. How changed the vector of their creativity and attitude to the language of art in connection with these events. War has no nationality or religion. War has an impact on everyone individually and on all of humanity in general. Our goal is to show how artists from different parts of the world perceive war. This is an art discourse between artists and viewers.

This exhibition is about the impact of the war on the lives and creative paths of artists in Ukraine and worldwide. We want to show how artists’ attitude to art has changed during this year. How changed the vector of their creativity and attitude to the language of art in connection with these events.

War has no nationality or religion. War has an impact on everyone individually and on all of humanity in general. Our goal is to show how artists from different parts of the world perceive war. This is an art discourse between artists and viewers.


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Kyiv, Ukraine


About artwork

During this year, I realized that I could not paint on the subject of war. Such creativity

exhausts me. The soul needs beauty and kindness.

The sketch for this painting was drawn after Ukrainian troops liberated Bucha.

The work conveys the pain and suffering of the Soul of the brutally murdered, raped,

and tortured people. The figure is contoured and transparently, showing the fragility

and vulnerability of both the psyche and the physical body.

The war, with its terrible events, continues. And thoughts that many people die every

day do not allow this wound to heal.

Про роботу

Ескіз до цієї картини був намальований після того, як українські війська звільнили

Бучу. Робота передає біль і страждання Душі за жорстоко вбитих, зґвалтованих і

закатованих людей.

Фігура зображена контурно і прозоро, що показує тендітність і незахищенність,

як психіки, так і фізичного тіла людини.

Війна, з її страшними подіями, триває. А думки, що кожного дня гине дуже багато

людей, не дають загоїтися цій рані.

In my art I reflect my inner world, feelings and moods. Every painting is a kind of meditation

of the artist. And, depending on the situation, it either celebrates the beauty of

this world, or allows you to transform your inner feelings and heal your Soul and body

through creativity.

У своїй творчості я відображаю свій внутрішній світ, почуття і настрої. Будь-яка

картина - це свого роду медитація художника. І, залежно від ситуації, або оспівує

красу цього світу, або дає змогу трансформувати внутрішні переживання і зцілити

Душу і тіло через творчість.


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