Exhibition catalog: Discourse of War

This exhibition is about the impact of the war on the lives and creative paths of artists in Ukraine and worldwide. We want to show how artists’ attitude to art has changed during this year. How changed the vector of their creativity and attitude to the language of art in connection with these events. War has no nationality or religion. War has an impact on everyone individually and on all of humanity in general. Our goal is to show how artists from different parts of the world perceive war. This is an art discourse between artists and viewers.

This exhibition is about the impact of the war on the lives and creative paths of artists in Ukraine and worldwide. We want to show how artists’ attitude to art has changed during this year. How changed the vector of their creativity and attitude to the language of art in connection with these events.

War has no nationality or religion. War has an impact on everyone individually and on all of humanity in general. Our goal is to show how artists from different parts of the world perceive war. This is an art discourse between artists and viewers.


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Kyiv, Ukraine


About artwork

This artwork is dedicated to the issue of suicide in children. Every year, in Ukraine only,

the number of children, who don’t see any sense in living and don’t have any hope for

them, is incessantly increasing.

Right now during the violent occupation, russia’s made thousands of children orphans,

victims of violence (rape victims included) and atrocities. Fortunately, most of them

survived, but how are they supposed to live the rest of their lives?

Про роботу

Ця робота присвячена темі дитячого самогубства. З кожним роком тільки в Україні

кількість дітей, що не бачить сенсу та надії безупинно зростає.

Зараз, під час жорстокої окупації, росія зробила тисячі дітей сиротами, жертвами

насилля (у тому числі ґвалтування), свідками звірств.

На щастя, більшість з них врятувалися, але як вони мають жити решту життя?

My artistic journey began since childhood, I always knew that I would become an artist.

There was a time when I thought about leaving art and dissolving with everyday life.

But with the beginning of the war, I had an awakening, I’ve made sure that the best way

I can speak is through art. I started to create art, most of which is about painful subjects,

although there are also fun pieces of art. My style has undergone great changes

during the war, and will probably undergo more. Currently, I am developing as an NFT

artist and actively participate in exhibitions of various formats in order to popularize

Ukrainian art in the world.

Мій мистецький шлях розпочався ще з дитинства, я завжди знала, що стану

художницею. Був час, коли я думала про те, щоб полишити мистецтво і розчинитися

з буденністю. Але з початком війни зі мною відбулося пробудження, я переконала

я, що найкращий спосіб, яким я можу говорити- це саме мистецтво. Я почала

створювати арти, більшість з яких на болючу тематику, хоча є й веселі художні

твори. Мій стиль за час війни зазнав великих змін, та, мабуть, зазнаватиме ще.

Наразі я розвиваюся як NFT художниця і активно беру участь у різного формату

виставках, аби популяризувати українське мистецтво у світі


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