Exhibition catalog: Discourse of War

This exhibition is about the impact of the war on the lives and creative paths of artists in Ukraine and worldwide. We want to show how artists’ attitude to art has changed during this year. How changed the vector of their creativity and attitude to the language of art in connection with these events. War has no nationality or religion. War has an impact on everyone individually and on all of humanity in general. Our goal is to show how artists from different parts of the world perceive war. This is an art discourse between artists and viewers.

This exhibition is about the impact of the war on the lives and creative paths of artists in Ukraine and worldwide. We want to show how artists’ attitude to art has changed during this year. How changed the vector of their creativity and attitude to the language of art in connection with these events.

War has no nationality or religion. War has an impact on everyone individually and on all of humanity in general. Our goal is to show how artists from different parts of the world perceive war. This is an art discourse between artists and viewers.


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Katowice, Polska


About artwork

It’s like I was killed... but I have to live

Про роботу

Наче вбили.. а треба жити

Before the war, she worked in the style of abstract expressionism, the impasto technique.

The canvases were radiant, inspired, deep, voluminous “alive”. The “Sacred” series

of works reflected spiritual development and the value of the moment and life. After

February 24, 2022, I felt as if I had died, but for some reason, I was still breathing,

hellish pain, rivers of tears, desolation from indescribable horror... I didn’t think that I

would ever start writing again. But I wanted to bring benefit. The first work was created

in April for the auction in Vienna in aid of the Armed Forces, “the torn spring”. Further

work is also a pain... mostly black and red colors. Sometimes bright canvases appear,

symbols of hope, wings to victory

До війни працювала в стилі абстрактний експресіонізм, техніка імпасто, полотна

були сяючі, натхненні, глибокі,об’ємні “живі”, серія робіт “Сакральна” відображала

духовний розвиток, цінність миті і життя. Після 24.02.22 було відчуття, що я

померла , але чомусь досі дихаю, пекельний біль, ріки сльоз, спустошення від

невимовного жаху .. не думала, що колись почну знову писати. Але хотілось

принести користь. Перша робота була створена у квітні для аукціону в Відні на

допомогу ЗСУ, “the torn spring”. Подальші роботи теж суцільний біль.. переважно

чорний, червоний кольори. Інколи з’являються світлі полотна, символи надії ,

крила до перемоги


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