Exhibition catalog: Discourse of War

This exhibition is about the impact of the war on the lives and creative paths of artists in Ukraine and worldwide. We want to show how artists’ attitude to art has changed during this year. How changed the vector of their creativity and attitude to the language of art in connection with these events. War has no nationality or religion. War has an impact on everyone individually and on all of humanity in general. Our goal is to show how artists from different parts of the world perceive war. This is an art discourse between artists and viewers.

This exhibition is about the impact of the war on the lives and creative paths of artists in Ukraine and worldwide. We want to show how artists’ attitude to art has changed during this year. How changed the vector of their creativity and attitude to the language of art in connection with these events.

War has no nationality or religion. War has an impact on everyone individually and on all of humanity in general. Our goal is to show how artists from different parts of the world perceive war. This is an art discourse between artists and viewers.


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Kyiv, Ukraine


Про роботу

В жовтні 2022 росіяни вкотре атакували Південноукраїнську АЕС. Запис з місцевої

камери спостереження зафіксував цей момент і він справив на мене величезне враження.

Це був черговий шоковий удар для мене, адже я сама з Миколаєва, мої родичі живуть в

Миколаївській області неподалік, а моя двоюрідна сестра живе та працює безпосередньо

біля АЕС.

Ця картина - про крихність. Про те наскільки крихкою є наш світ, наскільки слабкими є

люди та наскільки незахищеною є природа. Я бачила ядерні випробування на YouTube. В

одному з відео показано також морських мартинів та крячків сполоханих вибухом. Вони

кружляли в повітрі, не знаючи що їм робити. І всі вони загинули пізніше. Одна секунда,

невидима загроза, момент, який змінив абсолютно усе.

My name is Karina Danylchuk, I’m a Ukrainian painter, and art is my passion (and

work). My second passion is nature. Relationships between nature and people inspire

me to create my artwork - watercolor birds. I chose this medium to show how fragile the

bird (and nature) world is: sometimes bold, sometimes transparent, sometimes expressive.

All these conditions I can express in art when words lose power. I also show the

unique personality of each bird.

Also, my watercolor birds set out the difference between people and animals, especially

in how we show emotions. They explain: that when we see a cute bird, she can feel emotions

that don’t compare with her face. We should remember it when we see any animal.

I want to ensure people have more empathy for other species on our planet. I hope they

see how beautiful our world is and how individual every alive creature is. Even the

smallest animals/plants on our planet have a right to live in the way they want.


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