TRANSFORMATION 2023 V13 03142023a

TRANSFORMATION: A GACCS MAGAZINE Featuring 2022 Destiny Continues, 2022 Burgess Scholarship Foundation Awardee. TRANSFORMATION: A GACCS MAGAZINE Featuring 2022 Destiny Continues, 2022 Burgess Scholarship Foundation Awardee.






The Admission Fee

To Success




█ Transformation — Programmed For Change Page 3

█ Endurance, One Moment More Page 4

█ Daniel Pruiett Page 5

█ Growing Pain: Admission Fee To Success Page 8

█ Khyiana Tate Page 9

█ Lanise Tyus Page 11

█ Nicholas Clark Page 14

█ Kortney White Page 16

█ Kayla White Page 18

█ Johnathan Colter Page 20

█ Glenie Cross Page 22

█ Jayden Byrd Page 26

█ Makaela Harris Page 28

Change: Happens for Improvement

& Advancement Page 31


Just when you thought you had it all together, that you'd made the right decision,

and you were sure that things were going along fine . . . then it happened!




" So, here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your

everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going to work,

and walking-around life—and place it before God as an


Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do

for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you

fit into it without even thinking.

Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the

inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you and

quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always

dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the

best out of you and develops well-formed maturity in you."

Romans 12:1-2 (MSG)

St. Paul the Apostle




. . . the ability to withstand hardship or adversity; especially

the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity


It’s during the times when our

expectations were not met that

we are more prone to feel it.

Be Aware Of Those Feelings That So Easily Come

• Independence! Don’t decide To Go Off On Your Own And Disconnect From God. Although

you may be angry because things did not go your way and that God failed to provide for

you what you believed you needed, turning away from God only allows the enemy to draw

your attention.

• Do Surrender! . . . By Acknowledging That You Are Disappointed And Frustrated. Then

Make Your Next Step To Ask God What You Should Do. Surrendering is not dreadful, but

it can be a noble thing to do to get unstuck. It is through surrendering that helps you

recognize that you need a new plan and a chance to be wise and ask God what to do.

Check out James 1:5-8 (MSG).

• Don’t Give Up And Decide That Nothing Will Ever Go Right Again! Giving up is a

longstanding trick of the enemy. He wants you to believe that God is not for you, even

though you know God loves you and always has. Satan's assignment is to infiltrate your

mind and make you believe that you are not loved. Disappointment provides him an

opportunity to do just that. Be alert . . . don't let that happen!

• Make Sure You Understand Who’s In Control. God's plan for you is for good and to give

you an expected end. (Jeremiah 29:11) He's assured you in Romans 8:28 that He makes

everything work together for your good, which includes disappointments. Have faith that

your future will be better than your past.

• Understand When God Is Saying No! Allow God to guide you. Being focused is a significant

part of being in tune with what God wants you to do.

Psalm 42:11 (TLB) But, O my soul, don’t be discouraged. Don’t be upset. Expect God to act!

For I know that I shall again have plenty of reason to praise him for all that he will do.

He is my help! He is my God! 4

Daniel Pruiett




(Sports Science)

My relationship with God is significant

to me. My mother taught me early on

that I could achieve anything with

God's help and strength. A single

parent raised me, and I saw firsthand

blessings from God.

I want to grow spiritually by putting

God's word into action. I read the

Bible a lot and can point out different scriptures, and I feel like if I understand

them, I should put them into action, which will help my well-being. My church

home is Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church in Detroit.

Different experiences that have benefited my future goal would be my experience

taking college classes and showcasing basketball games I've played thus far. My

decision to take on the challenge of graduating college will help me toward

The GACCS foundation

scholarship award will help

me reach my immediate

goals by helping me

financially to get through

college and graduate so I

can be the second in my

family to do so.

success in my future. Taking these

classes and graduating from college

will help me have a career outside of

basketball in the future. Lastly, playing

in All-American basketball showcases

will help towards my goals because I

will have the chance to elevate my

level of play and that will help when I

play professional basketball overseas

in the future.

My goal is to be the second person in

my family to graduate from college after my mother. My plans for my career after

graduating college and playing professional basketball would be to become a

physical therapist for the NBA or a head coach. My goal is to be married and

have a family and strong relationships with family and friends. My goal for the

future is to be happy and enjoy blessings with family and friends.


Starting with going to school during my elementary years, I remember always

making my class laugh; I would even get laughs from my teachers. Assignments

were easier around that time because the elementary school I went to felt like

one big family. I remember helping friends with homework, and I would receive

the same help back when I needed it. In middle school, everything switched

quickly. I lost friends because they all went to a different school than I did. I

remember having to make new friends and trying my best to fit in.

Academically, I remember constantly being

distracted and never turning in my work on time.

The only time I was focused and getting good

grades in middle school was when my mother

allowed me to play for a basketball team in the Jr.

NBA with Coach Shawn. Fast forwarding to high

school, I remember being scared every day. In

high school, I tried to avoid many things people

were doing that could harm my life. Academically

I didn't start caring about school and my GPA until

11th grade.

Coach Shawn was the one person I would say that had the most positive

influence on me through high school. He was my childhood basketball coach,

and I've always respected him since we met. Coach Shawn was the youngest

coach in the league then, and I was a kid who needed guidance. He showed me

different sides of how life works. He always said that I could do anything only if I

believed. I remember him picking me up and dropping me back home after

practices and games.

Throughout my high school years, God played a part in many things. The people

around me often made me feel crazy in the head, but God didn't. Praying helped

me get through high school and kept me out of a lot of trouble.

My current life goals were developed because of God, Covid, deaths in my

family, and my girlfriend. I asked God to homeschool me in my senior year, and

then Covid happened. I ended up having online school my senior year. During

Covid, I had a lot of time to figure myself out. That's when I decided I wanted to

graduate from college and be a pro basketball player overseas.

It was not until a few family members passed away from Covid that I met my

girlfriend. She opened my eyes to a better life that included owning businesses

and homes. I know I will succeed in these areas because I'm a diligent worker,

and I know myself, and God will not let me fail.

I've been around guys who graduated from college and played pro basketball

overseas. I’ve seen firsthand that it is possible to be Black and own your own


businesses and homes. I've managed my life's challenges by listening to my


God has made me very observant, intelligent, and strongminded

to manage different challenges. He is positioning me

to receive His best and I must remain focused on His word,

His will, and His plan. I am thankful for God's interest in my





“No one will be able to oppose you as long as you live, for I will be with you

just as I was with Moses; I will not abandon you or fail to help you. Be strong

and brave, for you will be a successful leader of my people; and they shall

conquer all the land I promised to their ancestors.” JOSHUA 1:5-6

Regardless of how hard we try to avoid it, challenges and pain show up! Sometimes it’s because we've failed to do

what we knew was right, and other times we've followed the instructions just as given. So, what makes us think that

life should be void of challenges that often bring pain?

Even in Joshua's case, God never told him that he would not experience pain or disappointment. What He promised

Joshua was that He'd be with him. "You need only to be strong and courageous and to obey to the letter every law

Moses gave you, for if you are careful to obey every one of them, you will be successful in everything you do.

Constantly remind the people about these laws, and you yourself must think about them every day and every night

so that you will be sure to obey them. Only then will you succeed. Yes, be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt!

For remember, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:7-9 (TLB)

Success is not pain-free. So, stop questioning when you have adhered to God's direction and obeyed His laws about

why you are uncomfortable or have some level of pain. Don't stop. If you do pause, let it be as brief as possible. Get

up and continue moving forward because success is ahead of you. Life's provocations may include loss, failure,

setbacks, moral compassing, mastering your mind, and overcoming your personal story (uncontrollable things). You

have to go through all of it to get to your destiny.

Take note that fear and anticipation of pain have stopped many journeys. It doesn't take much to instill fear in the

heart of most people. Remember when Moses sent out twelve spies to view the promised land they were to possess,

how only two returned with a report that the land could be theirs? The other ten went from tent-to-tent convincing

families that they could not take the land. They increased fear to the extent that the Israelites foolishly wanted to

return to Egypt through dangers that only God brought them. But isn't that just like us? We fail to honestly remember

how God miraculously carried us through our last achievement and then decide we can go no further. Or do we want

to go back rather than face yet another challenge?

So, let's be honest. How many conversations have you had with yourself that your journey should be easier and less

anxiety-provoking? Our minds can be a powerful obstacle in pacing our journey. Unlike other things we can gain

control over, proficiency in the mind requires daily work. Wherever we go, there it is ―our mind. God is fully aware of

our dilemma.

That is why God spoke so plainly to Joshua, "Give it everything you have, heart and soul. Make sure you carry out

the revelation that Moses commanded you, every bit of it. Don't get off track, either left or right, so as to make sure

you get to where you're going. And don't for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and

meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you'll get where you're going;

then you'll succeed. Haven't I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don't be timid; don't get discouraged. God, your

God, is with you every step you take." Joshua 1:7-9 (MSG)




The Detroit School of Art

to Madonna University

Look out world, Khy

is working her plan.

“I have been told NO and that I can’t do

something because I’m Deaf. This has helped

me to never give up and let everyone know I

can, and I will do anything I put my mind to.”

Goals: I want to be a Teacher. I remember

all of my Deaf Teachers, and only one was

Black. I also plan to have my own

restaurant and I have already published a

sign language guide.

My growth emotionally and academically over my grade school years was

challenging. I started in a Deaf School in early elementary that provided a loving

and inclusive environment. Then I enrolled in a hearing school because the Deaf

School closed. Students were mean to me, and because I had no effective ways to

communicate with everyone, my self-esteem was low, and I was depressed.

My family relocated to South Carolina, and I loved the Deaf School there and was

able to regain my confidence and self-esteem. By the seventh grade, my family

returned to Michigan. I went to a hearing school again but then transferred to The

Michigan School for the Deaf. It felt like home until COVID.

I felt alone again with virtual school because I was not able to see my friends and

extended family. I again became depressed. Because classes were online, I

struggled and was in danger of not graduating on time. But “my God” had other

plans, and my mother is a wise woman. She put me in therapy and support

programs and that helped improve my emotional state. My mother was highly

supportive of me, despite her own difficult childhood. She had to raise her younger

siblings because her own mother (my grandmother) had a drug addiction. Then my

mom became a teen mother herself. My mother was resourceful and arranged for

me the help I needed. My mother is the best! She learned to sign to communicate

with me. She put me in everything to help me, and she always supports me. My

godmother is a business owner, and I look up to her too. I have always been


determined and when I was depressed or feeling suicidal, I would pray, and I

always knew God would make a way for me. My relationship with God is a

significant source of support for me. I sign and pray to God all of the time.

I published my first

ABC Sign Book in

January 2022, and my

plan is to make more

books to include Deaf

Black and Brown

children. My goal is to

create a series.

I want to be not only a

notable author and deaf

teacher, but an

entrepreneur and

restaurant owner.

I’ll succeed because I

believe in myself, I’ve

prayed about it, and I’ll

continue to pray and

work hard for these

goals. I recognize that I

will always need

interpreters and an

ongoing support system to be successful. I will manage those challenges with the

support of my mom, my best friend, and with prayer.

I know I’ve been through a lot, but I’m determined. I hope to

avoid debt as much as possible. This is why I am so grateful for

scholarship programs like the Leroy Burgess Foundation.

Look out world, Khy is working her plan!











I feel like my relationship with God started by always being in church. Our family

went several times a week, Sunday morning, and afternoon, Wednesday Bible Study,

and other activities. With most of my family members involved in some way in the

ministry, I was also involved with church activities a lot of the time. For a while, my

dad was also a Pastor. I saw how he studied the Word of God and covered our family

in prayer. I learned the importance of having a personal relationship with God.

But it was when I attended a Christian Private school that I truly discovered my

intimate, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I remember the first chapel service

we had. I had never felt the presence of God so heavy in the room before in my life.

I think people sometimes get so caught up in

pretending in the house of the Lord, doing, and

saying certain things, that they forget that praise

and worship are for God and not anyone else. But at

this school, I truly fell in love with God's word. I

learned so many things that I can apply to my life,

which helped me grow more in my devotion to God.

"I must prioritize reading God's word and increase

the time I spend in prayer. I listen to worship music

daily, which I feel sets the tone for my day. I have

heard that people make time for what's important to

them. And since God is important to me, I will make

more of an effort to spend time with God every day."

I have heard that people

make time for what’s

important to them. And

since God is important to

me, I will make more of an

effort to spend time with

God every single day.


It’s a blessing to have my work experiences coincide with my goals and desires for

the future. I worked in a fullservice

Spa which offered facials,

body waxing, hair services,

manicures, pedicures, and

massages. Best of all, they

provided continuing education

courses. I was able to attend a class

about a natural skincare line we were

selling at the spa. My manager knew

that I would be starting at the Aveda

school to study esthetics, so she allowed me to learn everything about the products,

try the products and learn how they affect the skin and their benefits.

While in high school, I also attended the Oakland Early School on the Campus of

Oakland Community College. I received an associate degree by spending an extra

year in high school. I graduated from Oakland Community College with an Associate

of Arts Degree. In addition, I received an Associate of Science Degree from Wayne

County Community College. While in college, I took human anatomy and physiology I

& II, which gave me a better understanding of what to expect in esthetician school. I

have worked hard to achieve in the area of an esthetician, which appears to be

paving the way for a promising future. I have always loved the esthetician work

industry, and now is the perfect time to do something I've loved all my life. So, in May

2023, I will attend Ascension Providence School of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. I

was able to finish all my prerequisites while I was in high school. My short-term plan

is to work at a hospital as an ultrasound technician. But my ultimate goal is to have

my own business and work as an esthetician.


"Thankfully, my personal life is uncomplicated. I want to

continue to be happy and at peace. I plan to form good,

healthy relationships with people and to continue to

spend more time in God's word".

The GACCS Foundation Scholarship Award will help me reach my immediate goals

because I can only work part-time while in the program, and financial aid won't cover

all of the expenses.

"I have been applying for scholarships, and so far, I was fortunate enough to receive

one. I realize every little bit will help, and I am so grateful that my mother found this

scholarship and encouraged me to apply. This scholarship will help ease some of the

financial pressures of the tuition costs.”

A Goal Without A Plan Is

Just A Wish






"I don't remember much from elementary school, but in middle

school, it felt like school came easy to me, and I didn't have to

try very hard since I was doing well with little effort. Then

when I got into high school, I saw that more opportunities

were available to those who went above and beyond. So, I

took every opportunity I could, including entering an

advanced college program when I was in the 10th grade.”


hat was when I had to learn about managing my workload because there

were weeks when I was up every night doing homework because I

waited too long to do an assignment. Or I thought I knew a subject pretty

well, but later found out that I didn’t. So, I had to study harder. I learned

to start early and develop a plan. This came in handy when I moved to a

different house for my junior year. Online school was a challenge at first, but it

prepared me and taught me how to be self-reliant and not having to ask anyone for

help. So, when my senior year coincided with the pandemic and everything went

online, I was accustomed to it and I kept up without missing a beat.



y parents are the most positive influence in my life, especially during

high school. They cheered me on at my soccer games and marching

band events. They made sure that I got my homework done before I

went to those events. They are always there to help me get things done. Band and

soccer have also positively influenced my

high school years. They’ve helped me learn

about pushing myself, handling stressful

situations, being aware of my limits, and

interacting with others. All of this has

influenced me in ways that I will never forget.


hether, it was a new way to look at

a situation or even people, I know

God has played a significant part in

my high school years by opening my eyes and

challenging me to change my thinking. God

has given me opportunities that would benefit

Him. He's given me power and the strength to

do all things. My current life goals are to finish my degree at Schoolcraft College,

learn how to scale my business, learn new skills, and maintain a healthy and active

lifestyle. I’m interested in being a business owner and I want to learn everything I

need to be a successful entrepreneur. I am prepared to master new skills and even

learn a new language if it would be beneficial to my business. What I enjoy the

most is cars, cars, and more cars! My business will be related to cars in some way.

Car parts, car maintenance, car advertisement, and more. Yes, it's all about cars for

me. That's the area where I know I can shine and be the person I enjoy being the



OD helps me see what direction and path I should be moving in,

and I trust Him. He has provided me with everything I need and

protects me from harm and danger. He is a ‘Very Present H elp’ in

times of trouble.


Seeing The Future Of





Baking & Pastry Arts and Food & Beverage

Service Management

Hi, I'm Kortney, and yes, you see my future as I visualize it.

I believe in Jesus Christ and want to grow closer in my relationship with God. I love being in

His presence when I dance and worship. My interest in culinary arts was developed during high

school with the help of several loving mentors. They demonstrated great skill and much love for the

field. I aim to graduate with a bachelor's degree in Baking & Pastry Arts and Food & Beverage

Service Management. Then, I plan to transfer into Psychology. My life goal is to open a Bakery &

Coffee Shop, and a Training Center which would allow me to host classes for inner city youth and

provide them with opportunities to share their passion for food. I also want to use cooking as a

therapy method to help families cope with stress and teach them about proper nutrition.

During elementary school, my grades were pretty stable.

When I got to middle school, I struggled a lot and I needed

tutors and extra help but, nothing seemed to help. Then, I

entered the ninth grade, and everything changed. My grades

improved instantly, and I was happy with the change. But

late in the tenth grade, I received a concussion from a basketball

injury. I suffered from depression for the next six months,

right in the middle of the global pandemic. I fought my way out

of that and worked hard to finish on a better note, but not as I

would have desired. The experience did show me that I

am stronger than I think.

In the fifth grade, we had to write our goals for the future.

My mom kept my letter and pictures. She showed them to me,

and it helped me to continue to gravitate towards culinary arts.

In the ninth grade, my parents sat down with me and asked where I saw myself after school and my

field of study. Then they gave me opportunities to study in those areas to see if I was serious about

it. I took Career Technology Education in junior and senior high school. I worked in a fast-food

restaurant in my senior year. I love to create and cook. When my parents took me on a college tour,

I knew I had found my place. My aunt is an executive chef and nutritionist, and I remember going

to work with her many times and collaborating with her on several special baking projects.


During high school, my therapist Loretta Forbes, had a significant impact on my life and

helped me through that tough time. And my parents were supportive, and they all remain a huge

influence on me. Without God, I would not have been able to make it. From relationships,

grades, and social activities to figuring out the type of woman I wanted to be, I have leaned on

God for everything. I have been able to deal with typical teen peer pressures because I am

surrounded by Godly people who help me stay in the word of God.

I have tried to make an impact on my community and help those in need by working at local

food banks and giving meals to the homeless. During the summer, I volunteered at a camp

which helps young children whose family members are dealing with substance abuse issues.

I also worked with children at my church during the summer enrichment classes:

Performing Arts, Drama, Dance, and Art. I volunteered as a disc jockey and was a co-host on

our teen podcast and live ministries. I participated in our annual back-to-school events. I served

as vice president of my high school class, and also student council. I have participated in

marching-concert band, basketball, track, and dance beginning in middle throughout high


Education, service to my community and being involved in God honoring activities are so

important to me, and I believe it has made me a suitable candidate for the Leroy Burgess

Scholarship Award. I am grateful to have been selected.

It’s Important To See

Yourself In Your


Now Attending:



I’m Kayla White, a sophomore

attending the University of Michigan,

Dearborn, and I’m majoring in Children

& Families. My goal is to eventually

earn a master's degree in a related

area. I look forward to working with


Ever since I was little, I’ve been timid, and it often affected what activities

and events I would allow myself to participate in. My parents always

taught me not to let fear control my life and they encouraged me to do the

things that made me a little uncomfortable. Through different experiences

from elementary, middle, and high school, I have learned to push myself

out of my comfort zone and flourish in areas where I had to let go of my


God guided me through high school and I’m happy to announce His

faithfulness through my first two years at the University of Michigan. Even

though two years were filled with an abundance of challenges, including

the global pandemic, I managed to handle everything. Having all the

courses online negatively impacted me because I felt I was left to fend for

myself. It was unclear if our professors were giving students their best, the

way they had done in the past.

Although I was frustrated, my parents and grandparents were a constant

encouragement for me. They reminded me of Philippians 4:13, that I can

do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I began praying every

night that God's will be done. I asked God to give me strength daily in

every area of my life to help me to get all ‘A’s’ in school. I reminded myself

that my relationship with God is meaningful and is of immense value.


Since age thirteen, He has always come through for me. In my sophomore year, I

developed a morning routine of personal devotions. I realized that I must stay

connected to the One who has always been there for me. I wake up every morning

and I trust Him wholeheartedly. God answered my prayer, and I am an all 'A' student.

I went on three Detroit mission trips

during high school and that led me to

volunteer during college to help run a

kid’s camp. That is when I realized that I

looked forward to working with children.

My plans after graduation include working

for children and family services while I work

on my master's degree. As I grow in my

relationship with God, I want to continue to

grow in service to my community through


"So long as I have God by my side, I can get

through any challenge I face. I am

determined to accomplish my goals, and I

refuse to give up no matter how hard it may


"So long as I have God

by my side, I can get

through any

challenges I face. I am

determined to

accomplish my goals,

and I refuse to give up

no matter how hard it

may get.”





From: Detroit School Of Arts

To: Franciscan University

of Steubenville

"I want to help people around me stay positive

and have a good mental state of mind, and that

is why I want to be a psychiatrist. I want to

improve the mental health of others, helping

them to maintain a good state of mind."

I love people and I’ve always been concerned about others. It’s a joy to be around other people

and I was able to develop many friendships while attending the Detroit School of Arts. I want

to grow in my faith and in my relationship with God, and I hope to see this increase more

while I attend the Franciscan (Catholic) University. Anytime I need something, or I just want

to talk to God, I pray. One of my favorite ways of worship is singing or listening to songs that

help me know and understand God's ways more. I am a hands-on learner. I faced many

challenges while in both the eleventh grade and twelve grade.

My long-term goal is to be a psychiatrist because my concern is for the emotional health of

others. I enjoy helping people learn to live life to its fullest.

I realize that it’s essential to do the things that are right and to do the things you enjoy. I enjoy

singing about God's goodness, and I know rapping attracts my generation. So, I rap about the

“one I love most, God.” While under the influence of the Holy Spirit, I wrote “Pure Organic

Cold Pressed Juice” and performed it live at the Franciscan University at Steubenville.

"The Holy Spirit is coming through.

When I drink my Organic Cold Pressed Juice,

I've got my energy and don't get tired.

I drink it up, and I'm on fire."

I also produced “Stay On Up (Jesus Is The Way)” and “A Tribute To Detroit – Big City.” My

nickname is “Big John” and I’ve been rapping for a few years. I’ve even put a few selections

on YouTube. Moving forward, I remind myself to pursue my dreams, remember to seek God's

Kingdom and His Righteousness, while I strive to help the mentally and emotionally


According to the Surgeon General's report, "Mental health is

fundamental to overall health and productivity. It is the basis for a

successful family, community, and social contributions. Throughout the

lifespan, mental health is the wellspring of thinking and communication

skills, learning, resilience, and self-esteem."

After high school, aspiring psychiatrists must earn a bachelor's degree, which usually takes

four years. After completing a bachelor's degree, four years of medical school is required, and

then a four-year residency program must be completed. Some psychiatrists also complete

fellowship programs for additional training.

There is no specific undergraduate psychiatrist degree that is required. Some students major

in psychology, while others major in a pre-medicine program. Although there is flexibility

regarding your degree choice, it's necessary to take plenty of science and mathematics

courses, which is why a pre-med program is an excellent choice. If you choose to major in

pre-med, consider minoring in psychology.

Before choosing an undergraduate psychiatrist degree program, it's a promising idea to look

at your options for medical school. Examine the entrance requirements for a few different

medical schools, and then ensure that your degree program will allow you to meet those


An aspiring psychiatrist does need to complete a four-year residency program. During the

last two years of medical school, students can expect hands-on training at teaching hospitals

and similar facilities. A residency is like an extension of this. Residents work in hospitals and

clinics, diagnosing, treating, and monitoring patients experiencing various challenges.

*Abstract from

Take The Time To Research The Careers That Most Interest You.

“It was in high school

when I thought my life was

falling apart that I truly

grew closer to God and

understood our


At this point in my life,

I am still learning and

growing spiritually.”




I was injured multiple times and I was unable to play football or run track,

especially during my senior year. This was incredibly challenging for me. I felt like

my faith was tested. But what I thought was the end of the world turned out to be a

blessing because it allowed me to see another side of the sport as a youth coach. I

discovered that is what I’d like to do in the future.

My aim is to earn a degree in economics and finance and ultimately open my

own business. However, my dream career is to play in the NFL. I also want to give

back by helping at youth camps and events that teach young athletes the importance

of academic excellence. For those young athletes who want to advance to the next

level in their sport, I want to inform them about the recruiting process.

As a scholar and an athlete, life can be stressful, so I make sure I spend time

with my friends and my family, as well as taking time for my personal needs.


Since I was young, my parents have always stressed the importance of

education and encouraged me to never do less than my best. In

elementary school I went to the Foreign Language Immersion and

Cultural Studies School (FLICS) in Detroit, and since kindergarten I

studied Japanese. I really enjoyed FLICS, the classes, and the friends I

made. During middle school, I wanted to be challenged more and I asked

to change schools. My parents enrolled me at the Academy at the

University of Detroit Jesuit for 7th and 8th grades. My classes included

ninth-grade Algebra. I also played football, basketball, and ran track.

Although UDJ was challenging academically and provided opportunities

for various extracurricular activities, I didn’t

want to stay there because of my own

perceptions about the school’s culture and


So, I attended Oak Park High School (OPHS)

for the ninth through twelth grade. UDJ

prepared me well, and I continued to excel

academically and athletically. At OPHS, I took

Advanced Placement classes along with

courses at the Center for Advanced Studies and

the Arts. I also played football and ran track.

High school was challenging, not because I

couldn't manage the workload, but because the

pandemic caused a significant turnover of teachers, especially math

teachers. I still excelled and was elected the title of Valedictorian. I pray

I’m prepared for college.

Throughout my entire life, my grandmother has always been my spiritual

advisor. And as the prayer warrior of the family, she played a crucial role

in my high school success. Injuries over the years kept me from

participating in sports, and surgery at the beginning of my senior year

prevented me from playing football. And that had me depressed. I had

plans to receive a football offer from a top football program.

Not being able to play had me questioning my future, and asking myself,

will I be able to play in college? Will I receive an athletic scholarship? I

felt like I was in a shallow place during this time. But the power of prayer


got me through and that helped me recover faster. My grandmother

reminded me that God is in control of my life. There are no mistakes

because my steps are ordered, and God will always get me to where I'm

supposed to be.

I believe that I will succeed because I can do everything through God who

strengthens me. I work hard and have learned not to give up on my goals

and dreams. I know that God is in control, even when things don't go as I

planned. I have people in my life who have been through the recruiting

process for the NFL, and I have several relatives and family friends who

are successful in finance and serve as mentors. Just as I enjoy helping

others, I am grateful to have people willing to help and mentor me. I

know that only a tiny percentage of college-football players make it to the

NFL; however, I am not concerned with the statistics as I am a child of

God. I will continue to work hard, listen to my mentors, and trust in God.

Trusting in God is how I manage all challenges in my life. I used to get

frustrated or anxious when things got difficult. And although I grew up in

the church attending Sunday school, singing in the choir, and

participating in the Christian Youth Fellowship, it wasn't until I fractured

my collarbone and needed surgery that I understood what it meant to

trust in the Lord. I thought my days of playing football were over, which

meant I wouldn't be able to play in college or have the opportunity to

play professionally. However, through prayer and faith, I was recruited to

play football at one of the top universities in the country. I have the

opportunity to play football and learn from world-renowned professors. I

am blessed.

I am excited about the opportunity to study and play football at Princeton

University. However, Princeton does not offer academic or athletic

scholarships. And although I was blessed to receive a need-based grant,

my family is still expected to contribute $7500 towards my education. I

am doing what I can to lessen the financial burden on my family.

The power of prayer is, quite simply, the

power of God, who hears and answers prayers.


I have a few things in common with some of the

Leroy Burgess Legacy Honorees.

I graduated from Oak Park High School like Legacy Honoree

Mrs. Francine Richardson. I am resilient in adversity, and like

Mrs. Hixie Ransaw, I remember “that God chooses my destiny,

but its fulfillment is decided by me".

And I believe in the power of education and giving back to the

community and understand that “It is my responsibility to do

my best. Power belongs to God”, as Mr. and Mrs. Jack and

Sammie Lou Gilbert believed.

I am grateful to Leroy ‘Buddy’ Burgess’ Legacy and the Burgess

Scholarship Foundation of donors for making these awards





Now Attending:




I had a lot of positive influences during my high school years. My

best ones had to be when I was a part of the football team. I learned

the highs and the lows of winning. I learned how to be a part of a

team. I remember the homecoming game in my junior year. That was

the best moment of my high school years, the game as well as the

dance afterwards.

I learned that challenging work is crucial to winning in life. Winning

feels good, and I learned to lead in word and by example. I learned

how to work together to accomplish a common goal. My coaches are

the ones who instilled these principles in me. I can confidently say

that they were the most influential people in my high school. They

taught me things I will take with me throughout my life.

Knowledge is the most incredible power we can obtain as humans and Christians. As one

of my favorite verses, Proverbs 3:13 says, "Happy is the man who finds wisdom and who

acquires understanding". The more wisdom I gain, the better I will be able to handle

things that occur in my own life. My relationship with God is solid. Ever since my

Grandma started taking me to children's church, I always try to pray at least before I go

to sleep every night and I thank God for letting me live another day. I know that He is

always with me no matter what. I want to grow spiritually and increase my knowledge

and understanding of the Bible and the events emphasized in the Word of God.


God has been a huge part of my life. During all of my struggles, I knew that I had to

lean on God to get me through them. My darkest time was when my mom was sick and

always in the hospital, but I still believed that God would make it OK.

My life goals stem from how I was raised. My goals are to be a successful, financially

stable Christian man who does a job that makes me happy. I want to work for one of

the big sports management companies and have a high-level position.

I have had a lot of experiences that will be beneficial to my future goals. My time at

CMU has taught me so much. My most influential classes were PES 119 and 180. I

learned so much about business and how the law is conducted. I got real-life experience

and learned from others working in the field.

My goal educationally is to graduate from college with a degree in sports management

and continue to get a bachelor's degree so I can become a manager or a promoter. I

hope to begin my career with an internship this fall. It will open the door and lead to

networking with more senior individuals in the field. When I get my bachelor's degree, I

hope to have a decent starting position.

For my personal life, my main goal is to start traveling. I know

my job will have me traveling to various places across the

country. But I also want to visit other countries. I want to see

the Caribbean.

Relationship-wise, I hope to meet a nice girl eventually, after I'm financially stable. I

hope to settle down and get married by age thirty-five. I would like a life and a job that

makes me happy.

I grew a lot emotionally and academically during my school years. Before that, I was

always emotionally cut off. Since I was always the youngest kid in my classes, I kept to

myself. But in my middle school years, I started to grow more. In high school, I began to

come into my own and express myself more. I was even voted the student with the best

personality. Academically I always excelled. The only class I ever struggled with was

math. But the more I studied, the better I got.

I can succeed in sports management because I plan to and am willing to work hard. I

have also learned what to do because of the experiences I've gained. I know plenty of

people who have been successful in the sports management arena. My first year PES

professor is an example. He graduated from the same college I attend now and went on

to have a promising career as the Athletic Director of CMU. Now he is a professor

teaching us everything he learned. He took me under his wing, and I have tried to gain

as much knowledge as possible from him.

Because of the Burgess Scholarship Foundation, I can continue my academic path. I plan

to finish college and graduate and start a productive career.










y relationship with God has been rocky. It took me a long while to truly

get to know Him, and now, I genuinely want to know Him better.

However, I’m trying to improve my faith and relationship with Him

every day. Spiritually I would like to be able to talk to God more and not feel like

I'm going to talk to Him about wrongful things or feel ashamed when I need to

speak to Him. I want our relationship to be a lot more open.

Although I grew up in a single-parent home, God has kept me and has given me

an outstanding foundation. I have a good relationship with myself, and I like the

person that I am. Watching my mom provide for my brother and me helped to

put into perspective the kind of woman I would like to become. I graduated from

high school with honors which should benefit my future goals because it will

prove that I can push through and achieve what I want ― regardless of the


Education-wise, I’ll be going to school in the fall to pursue pediatric nursing. I

want to help children in any way possible. I want to marry a man who

understands me and what I want to achieve. I want a God-fearing man to teach

me things that I didn’t know myself. Overall, I want to live my life to the fullest

and to be happy.

This scholarship award will help me to reach some of my goals, like coming out of

college debt free or with little to no financial obligation. It will help me be better

prepared for the next four years by covering some of the school essentials I'll

need to get through college.

My emotional growth over my middle and high school years has been

tremendous. At the beginning of middle school, I began to learn to manage my

emotions and to understand how they affect me. My academic growth was just as

tremendous as my emotional growth―maybe even more. My grades near the end

of middle school and the beginning of high school were not up to my own


standards and what I strived to achieve. As I progressed through high school, my

grades also began to excel. My GPA hit a peak, and I even received school awards

for my outstanding scores. It was a reward for the effort I put in to turn my

grades around. My mother has significantly influenced me and my behavior.

Coming from a single-parent household, things were a little different for me

growing up. She was instrumental in the standards I now hold. She assured me

that I could achieve what I wanted, and she helped me with school when I needed

it, even when she didn't have the time.

An incident that also shaped my high school

experience was the death of my father during the

first year, which impacted my behavior for a long

time. However, with the help of my counselor, I

learned that my father's mistakes and his trauma did

not define me and who I chose to be. God played a

huge part during my high school years. As I

mentioned prior, my father's passing led my mother

to put me in contact with a counselor who also

happened to be a Christian. She helped me to

understand the way God can work mysteriously.

Also, I watched how my mother carried herself. I

know God plays a huge part in our lives and my mother pushes me to grow in my

relationship with God regardless of how I may feel or think. Being connected with

the Lord is the best thing for each of us, as He has the final say in every aspect of

our lives.

A huge life goal of mine is to become a pediatric nurse. I love children and enjoy

helping people, especially those unable to stand up for themselves or advocate for

their needs. I want to become an ally for parents and children who can't advocate

for themselves. I want to put worried parents at ease when they feel everything is

going wrong. I believe I can succeed at this because I've always wanted to work in

the medical field, especially with children. It wasn't until recently that I decided

what area I wanted to work in after speaking with my doctor. She told me that

she believed in me and that this could be a good fit for me. Since then, I've had

my mind set on pediatrics.


Due to challenges in my life, things have not always come easy. I have not been

very vocal about this in the past. I often would suffer in silence

because I felt I had put myself in this position. I've learned that

this is not how to deal with the issues I face or to solve

problems. Recently, I have been learning to speak up when I

hit a rough patch. Now, when I'm going through a lot, and feel

like I have to face my problems, I know that I don’t have to do

it all by myself.

I believe that I am a suitable candidate for this Burgess Scholarship because I

won't let the award go to waste. I will ensure I achieve my goals and be successful

and stay as humble as possible.

Taking care of children can be a challenging experience. It takes a particular

type of person to take on the full-time job of caring for children with a nursing

career. You will undoubtedly change and save lives with this rewarding career


Six Types Of Pediatric Nurses:

1. Pediatric Registered Nurse

2. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

(NICU) Nurse

3. Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

(PICU) Nurse

4. Labor and Delivery Nurse

5. School Nurse

6. Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

Every Line Of Work Is Essential!

Explore. Choose What Best Suits You.


Ezekiel 34:26 (NLT) — "I will bless my people and their homes around

my holy hill. And in the proper season, I will send the showers they

need. There will be showers of blessing."

Although we believe we are supposed

to be blessed at all times, Ezekiel

34:26 tells us that we will receive

showers at a specific time, when it is


Periods of difficulty wake us up and

position us to make the necessary

changes to survive. Nothing remains

the same except God and His Laws.

Seasons mean that everything is

temporary. Understand that seasons

are our incentive to plan for change.

Seasons change regardless of

whether we are prepared for the

change or not. So, the best thing we

can do for ourselves is to plan for change.

Every time God wants to use someone, He disturbs their comfort. Abraham

was brought up in comfortable surroundings, and God told him to separate

himself from his family and go into another

land, and gave him little direction. His change

resulted in his being labeled as the "father of

the faith." Moses left a life of ease as a prince

in Egypt until God gave him a passion to help

his people. He became a fugitive after killing

an Egyptian, and that resulted in him, 40

years later becoming the deliverer for Israel.

You cannot become what you were born to be unless you are willing to

change into someone you are not. Change is necessary to improve and

advance your life and does not come to destroy you!




“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans

for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. In those

days when you pray, I will listen.” Jeremiah 29:11-12

47448 Pontiac Trail, Ste 337

Wixom, MI 48393

(248) 847-3600





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