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Time,” Child Development 76, no. 1 (2005):


21. One study comparing European-American:

C. S. Huntsinger and P. E. Jose, “A Longitudinal

Investigation of Personality and

Social Adjustment Among Chinese American

and European American Adolescents,”

Child Development 77, no. 5 (2006):

1309–24. Indeed, the same thing seems to

be happening to Chinese kids in China as

the country Westernizes, according to a

series of longitudinal studies measuring

changes in social attitudes. While shyness

was associated with social and academic

achievement for elementary school children

as recently as 1990, by 2002 it predicted

peer rejection and even depression. See

Chen, “Social Functioning and Adjustment

in Chinese Children.”

22. The journalist Nicholas Lemann: “Jews in

Second Place,” Slate, June 25, 1996.

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