

886/92921. extroverts are more prone than introvertsto overconfidence: Peter Schaefer,“Overconfidence and the Big Five,” Journalof Research in Personality 38, no. 5 (2004):473–80.22. better off with more women: See, for example,Sheelah Kolhatkar, “What if WomenRan Wall Street?” New York Magazine,March 21, 2010.23. a strong predictor of financial risk-taking:Camelia M. Kuhnen and Joan Y. Chiao,“Genetic Determinants of Financial RiskTaking,” PLoS ONE 4(2): e4362.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004362 (2009).See also Anna Dreber et al., “The 7R Polymorphismin the Dopamine Receptor D4Gene (DRD4) Is Associated with FinancialRisk Taking in Men.” Evolution and HumanBehavior 30, no. 2 (2009): 85–92.24. When faced with a low probability ofwinning: J. P. Roiser et al., “The Effect of

887/929Polymorphism at the Serotonin TransporterGene on Decision-making, Memory and ExecutiveFunction in Ecstasy Users and Controls,”Psychopharmacology 188 (2006):213–27.25. Another study, of sixty-four traders:Mark Fenton O’Creevy et al., Traders: Risks,Decisions, and Management in Financial Markets(Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press,2005), 142–43.26. delaying gratification, a crucial life skill:Jonah Lehrer, “Don’t,” The New Yorker,May 18, 2009. See also Jacob B. Hirsh etal., “Positive Mood Effects on Delay Discounting,”Emotion 10, no. 5 (2010):717–21. See also David Brooks, The SocialAnimal (New York: Random House, 2011),124.27. scientists gave participants the choice:Samuel McClure et al., “Separate NeuralSystems Value Immediate and Delayed


Polymorphism at the Serotonin Transporter

Gene on Decision-making, Memory and Executive

Function in Ecstasy Users and Controls,”

Psychopharmacology 188 (2006):


25. Another study, of sixty-four traders:

Mark Fenton O’Creevy et al., Traders: Risks,

Decisions, and Management in Financial Markets

(Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press,

2005), 142–43.

26. delaying gratification, a crucial life skill:

Jonah Lehrer, “Don’t,” The New Yorker,

May 18, 2009. See also Jacob B. Hirsh et

al., “Positive Mood Effects on Delay Discounting,”

Emotion 10, no. 5 (2010):

717–21. See also David Brooks, The Social

Animal (New York: Random House, 2011),


27. scientists gave participants the choice:

Samuel McClure et al., “Separate Neural

Systems Value Immediate and Delayed

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