

882/929Individual Differences in Social Behavior, editedby Mark R. Leary and Rich H. Hoyle(New York: Guilford Press, 2009), 39.9. The key seems to be positive emotion:See Lucas and Diener, “Cross-Cultural Evidencefor the Fundamental Features of Extraversion.”See also Daniel Nettle, Personality:What Makes You the Way You Are (NewYork: Oxford University Press, 2007).10. The basis of buzz: Richard Depue and PaulCollins, “Neurobiology of the Structure ofPersonality: Dopamine, Facilitation of IncentiveMotivation, and Extraversion,” Behavioraland Brain Sciences 22, no. 3 (1999):491–569. See also Nettle, Personality: WhatMakes You the Way You Are.11. Dopamine is the “reward chemical”: Depueand Collins, “Neurobiology of theStructure of Personality: Dopamine, Facilitationof Incentive Motivation, and Extraversion.”See also Nettle, Personality: What

883/929Makes You the Way You Are. See also SusanLang, “Psychologist Finds Dopamine Linkedto a Personality Trait and Happiness,” CornellChronicle 28, no. 10 (1996).12. early findings have been intriguing:Some of the findings in this line of researchhave been contradictory or have not beenreplicated, but together they pose an importantavenue of inquiry.13. In one experiment, Richard Depue: Depueand Collins, “Neurobiology of theStructure of Personality: Dopamine, Facilitationof Incentive Motivation, andExtraversion.”14. extroverts who win gambling games: MichaelX. Cohen et al., “Individual Differencesin Extraversion and Dopamine GeneticsPredict Neural Reward Responses,” CognitiveBrain Research 25 (2005): 851–61.15. other research has shown that the medialorbitofrontal cortex: Colin G. DeYoung


Individual Differences in Social Behavior, edited

by Mark R. Leary and Rich H. Hoyle

(New York: Guilford Press, 2009), 39.

9. The key seems to be positive emotion:

See Lucas and Diener, “Cross-Cultural Evidence

for the Fundamental Features of Extraversion.”

See also Daniel Nettle, Personality:

What Makes You the Way You Are (New

York: Oxford University Press, 2007).

10. The basis of buzz: Richard Depue and Paul

Collins, “Neurobiology of the Structure of

Personality: Dopamine, Facilitation of Incentive

Motivation, and Extraversion,” Behavioral

and Brain Sciences 22, no. 3 (1999):

491–569. See also Nettle, Personality: What

Makes You the Way You Are.

11. Dopamine is the “reward chemical”: Depue

and Collins, “Neurobiology of the

Structure of Personality: Dopamine, Facilitation

of Incentive Motivation, and Extraversion.”

See also Nettle, Personality: What

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