

874/92931. Keltner has tracked the roots of humanembarrassment … than to mind toolittle: Dacher Keltner, Born to Be Good: TheScience of a Meaningful Life (New York: W.W. Norton, 2009), 74–96.32. “The type that is ‘sensitive’ or‘reactive.’ … ‘opportunity only knocksonce’ ”: Elaine Aron, “Revisiting Jung’sConcept of Innate Sensitiveness,” 337–67.33. twenty-seven attributes associated:Author interview with Elaine Aron, August21, 2008.34. other 30 percent are extroverts: Aron,Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person,5.35. More than a hundred species … what’sgoing on around them: Max Wolf et al.,“Evolutionary Emergence of Responsiveand Unresponsive Personalities,” Proceedingsof the National Academy of Sciences 105,no. 41 (2008): 15825–30. See also Aron,

875/929Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person,2.36. animals had parties: David Sloan Wilson,Evolution for Everyone: How Darwin’s TheoryCan Change the Way We Think About OurLives (New York: Bantam Dell, 2007), 110.37. trade-off theory of evolution: DanielNettle, “The Evolution of Personality Variationin Humans and Other Animals,”American Psychologist 61, no. 6 (2006):622–31.38. When Wilson dropped metal traps:Wilson, Evolution for Everyone, 100–114.39. Trinidadian guppies: Nettle, “The Evolutionof Personality Variation in Humansand Other Animals,” 624. See also ShyrilO’Steen et al., “Rapid Evolution of EscapeAbility in Trinidadian Guppies,” Evolution56, no. 4 (2002): 776–84. Note that anotherstudy found that bold fish do better withpredators (but these were cichlids in fish


31. Keltner has tracked the roots of human

embarrassment … than to mind too

little: Dacher Keltner, Born to Be Good: The

Science of a Meaningful Life (New York: W.

W. Norton, 2009), 74–96.

32. “The type that is ‘sensitive’ or

‘reactive.’ … ‘opportunity only knocks

once’ ”: Elaine Aron, “Revisiting Jung’s

Concept of Innate Sensitiveness,” 337–67.

33. twenty-seven attributes associated:

Author interview with Elaine Aron, August

21, 2008.

34. other 30 percent are extroverts: Aron,

Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person,


35. More than a hundred species … what’s

going on around them: Max Wolf et al.,

“Evolutionary Emergence of Responsive

and Unresponsive Personalities,” Proceedings

of the National Academy of Sciences 105,

no. 41 (2008): 15825–30. See also Aron,

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