

872/92923. High-reactive introverts sweat more: V.De Pascalis, “On the Psychophysiology ofExtraversion,” in On the Psychobiology ofPersonality: Essays in Honor of Marvin Zuckerman,edited by Marvin Zuckerman andRobert M. Stelmack (San Diego: Elsevier,2004), 22. See also Randy J. Larsen andDavid M. Buss, Personality Psychology: Domainsof Knowledge About Human Nature(New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005),199.24. sociopaths lie at the extreme end: Van K.Tharp et al., “Autonomic Activity DuringAnticipation of an Averse Tone in NoninstitutionalizedSociopaths,” Psychophysiology17, no. 2 (1980): 123–28. See also JosephNewman et al., “Validating a DistinctionBetween Primary and Secondary Psychopathywith Measures of Gray’s BIS and BASConstructs,” Journal of Abnormal Psychology114 (2005): 319–23.25. sociopaths have damaged amygdalae:Yaling Yang et al., “Localization of

873/929Deformations Within the Amygdala in Individualswith Psychopathy,” Archives of GeneralPsychiatry 66, no. 9 (2009), 986–94.26. Lie detectors … are partially skin conductancetests: They also measure breathing,pulse rate, and blood pressure.27. supercool pulse rate during liftoff: WinifredGallagher, I.D.: How Heredity and ExperienceMake You Who You Are (New York:Random House, 1996), 24.28. Corine Dijk: Corine Dijk and Peter J. DeJong, “The Remedial Value of Blushing inthe Context of Transgressions andMishaps,” Emotion 9, no. 2 (2009): 287–91.29. “A blush comes online in two or threeseconds”: Benedict Carey, “Hold YourHead Up: A Blush Just Shows You Care,”New York Times, June 2, 2009: D5.30. “Because it is impossible to control”:Ibid.


23. High-reactive introverts sweat more: V.

De Pascalis, “On the Psychophysiology of

Extraversion,” in On the Psychobiology of

Personality: Essays in Honor of Marvin Zuckerman,

edited by Marvin Zuckerman and

Robert M. Stelmack (San Diego: Elsevier,

2004), 22. See also Randy J. Larsen and

David M. Buss, Personality Psychology: Domains

of Knowledge About Human Nature

(New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005),199.

24. sociopaths lie at the extreme end: Van K.

Tharp et al., “Autonomic Activity During

Anticipation of an Averse Tone in Noninstitutionalized

Sociopaths,” Psychophysiology

17, no. 2 (1980): 123–28. See also Joseph

Newman et al., “Validating a Distinction

Between Primary and Secondary Psychopathy

with Measures of Gray’s BIS and BAS

Constructs,” Journal of Abnormal Psychology

114 (2005): 319–23.

25. sociopaths have damaged amygdalae:

Yaling Yang et al., “Localization of

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