

13. highly empathic: Aron and Aron,“Sensory-Processing Sensitivity.” See alsoAron, “Revisiting Jung’s Concept of InnateSensitiveness.” See also Aron, The HighlySensitive Person. And see the following fMRIstudies: Acevedo, “Sensory Processing Sensitivityand Neural Responses to Strangers’Emotional States.” And see Jadzia Jagiellowicz,“Faster and More Intense: EmotionProcessing and Attentional Mechanisms inIndividuals with Sensory Processing Sensitivity.”Note that many personality psychologistswho subscribe to the “Big 5” theoryof personality associate empathy not withsensitivity (a construct that is gaining attention,but is relatively less well knownthan the Big 5), but with a trait known as“Agreeableness” and even extroversion.Aron’s work does not challenge these associations,but expands them. One of themost valuable aspects of Aron’s work is868/929

869/929how radically, and fruitfully, she reinterpretspersonality psychology.14. tentatively associated with sensitivity:Seth J. Gillihan et al., “Association BetweenSerotonin Transporter Genotype and Extraversion,”Psychiatric Genetics 17, no. 6(2007): 351–54. See also M. R. Munafo etal., “Genetic Polymorphisms and Personalityin Healthy Adults: A Systematic Reviewand Meta-Analysis,” Molecular Psychiatry 8(2003): 471–84.15. show them pictures of scared faces:David C. Funder, The Personality Puzzle(New York: W. W. Norton, 2010), citing A.R. Hariri et al., “Serotonin Transporter GeneticVariation and the Response of the HumanAmygdala,” Science 297 (2002):400–403.16. faces of people experiencing strong feelings:Acevedo, “Sensory Processing Sensitivityand Neural Responses to Strangers’

13. highly empathic: Aron and Aron,

“Sensory-Processing Sensitivity.” See also

Aron, “Revisiting Jung’s Concept of Innate

Sensitiveness.” See also Aron, The Highly

Sensitive Person. And see the following fMRI

studies: Acevedo, “Sensory Processing Sensitivity

and Neural Responses to Strangers’

Emotional States.” And see Jadzia Jagiellowicz,

“Faster and More Intense: Emotion

Processing and Attentional Mechanisms in

Individuals with Sensory Processing Sensitivity.”

Note that many personality psychologists

who subscribe to the “Big 5” theory

of personality associate empathy not with

sensitivity (a construct that is gaining attention,

but is relatively less well known

than the Big 5), but with a trait known as

“Agreeableness” and even extroversion.

Aron’s work does not challenge these associations,

but expands them. One of the

most valuable aspects of Aron’s work is


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