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16, 2010. Also note that introverts seem

not to be in a baseline state of high arousal

so much as susceptible to tipping over into

that state.

10. excited fans at a soccer game: E-mail

from Jerome Kagan to the author, June 23,


11. a host of evidence that introverts are

more sensitive: This has been written

about in many places. See, for example,

Robert Stelmack, “On Personality and

Arousal: A Historical Perspective on

Eysenck and Zuckerman,” in On the Psychobiology

of Personality: Essays in Honor of

Marvin Zuckerman, edited by Marvin Zuckerman

and Robert Stelmack (Pergamon,

2005), 17–28. See also Gerald Matthews et

al., Personality Traits (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge

University Press, 2003), 169–70,

186–89, 329–42. See also Randy J. Larsen

and David M. Buss, Personality Psychology:

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