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possession and a power that didn’t need

to flaunt itself. Though shyness per se

was unacceptable, reserve was a mark

of good breeding.

But with the advent of the Culture of

Personality, the value of formality

began to crumble, for women and men

alike. Instead of paying ceremonial

calls on women and making serious declarations

of intention, men were now

expected to launch verbally sophisticated

courtships in which they threw

women “a line” of elaborate flirtatiousness.

Men who were too quiet around

women risked being thought gay; as a

popular 1926 sex guide observed, “homosexuals

are invariably timid, shy, retiring.”

Women, too, were expected to

walk a fine line between propriety and

boldness. If they responded too shyly to

romantic overtures, they were sometimes

called “frigid.”


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