

848/92910. If a high-reactive toddler breaks anotherchild’s toy: See the studies by GrazynaKochanska referred to in chapter 6.11. how a group of kids should share acoveted toy: Winifred Gallagher (quotingKagan), “How We Become What We Are.”The Atlantic Monthly, September 1994.12. blue eyes, allergies, and hayfever … thin body and narrow face:Kagan, Galen’s Prophecy, 160–61.13. Take Disney movies: Ibid., 161.14. extroversion and introversion arephysiologically: David G. Winter, Personality:Analysis and Interpretation of Lives (NewYork: McGraw-Hill, 1996), 511–16.15. 40 to 50 percent heritable: Thomas J.Bouchard Jr. and Matt McGue, “Geneticand Environmental Influences on HumanPsychological Differences,” Journal ofNeurobiology 54 (2003): 4–5.

849/92916. Nazi eugenics and white supremacism:This has been written about in variousplaces including, for example, Peter D.Kramer, Listening to Prozac (New York: Penguin,1993), 150.17. “I have been dragged, kicking andscreaming”: Gallagher (quoting Kagan),“How We Become What We Are.”18. The publication of his early findings:Kramer, Listening to Prozac, 154.19. Kagan ushers me inside: I conducted aseries of interviews with Jerome Kaganbetween 2006 and 2010.20. describes himself as having been ananxious: Jerome Kagan, An Argument forMind (New Haven, CT: Yale UniversityPress, 2006), 4, 7.21. public speaking is the number-one fear:Victoria Cunningham, Morty Lefkoe, andLee Sechrest, “Eliminating Fears: An Interventionthat Permanently Eliminates the


16. Nazi eugenics and white supremacism:

This has been written about in various

places including, for example, Peter D.

Kramer, Listening to Prozac (New York: Penguin,

1993), 150.

17. “I have been dragged, kicking and

screaming”: Gallagher (quoting Kagan),

“How We Become What We Are.”

18. The publication of his early findings:

Kramer, Listening to Prozac, 154.

19. Kagan ushers me inside: I conducted a

series of interviews with Jerome Kagan

between 2006 and 2010.

20. describes himself as having been an

anxious: Jerome Kagan, An Argument for

Mind (New Haven, CT: Yale University

Press, 2006), 4, 7.

21. public speaking is the number-one fear:

Victoria Cunningham, Morty Lefkoe, and

Lee Sechrest, “Eliminating Fears: An Intervention

that Permanently Eliminates the

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