

830/92912. 91 percent of high-level managers: Ibid.13. The consultant Stephen Harvill told me:Author interview, October 26, 2010.14. over 70 percent of today’s employees:Davis, “The Physical Environment of theOffice.” See also James C. McElroy andPaula C. Morrow, “Employee Reactions toOffice Redesign: A Naturally OccurringQuasi-Field Experiment in a Multi-GenerationalSetting,” Human Relations 63, no. 5(2010): 609–36. See also Davis, “The PhysicalEnvironment of the Office”: open-planoffices are “the most popular office design”today. See also Joyce Gannon, “FirmsBetting Open-Office Design, Amenities Leadto Happier, More Productive Workers,”Post-Gazette (Pittsburgh), February 9, 2003.See also Stephen Beacham, Real EstateWeekly, July 6, 2005. The first company touse an open plan in a high-rise buildingwas Owens Corning, in 1969. Today, manycompanies use them, including Proctor &

Gamble, Ernst & Young, GlaxoSmithKline,Alcoa, and H. J. Heinz. http://www.owenscorning.com/acquainted/about/history/1960.asp. See also Matthew Davis et al.,“The Physical Environment of the Office:Contemporary and Emerging Issues,” in G.P. Hodgkinson and J. K. Ford, eds., InternationalReview of Industrial and OrganizationalPsychology, vol. 26 (Chichester, UK: Wiley,2011), 193–235: “… there was a ‘widespreadintroduction of open-plan and landscapedoffices in North America in the1960s and 1970s.’ ” But see Jennifer AnnMcCusker, “Individuals and Open Space OfficeDesign: The Relationship Between Personalityand Satisfaction in an Open SpaceWork Environment,” dissertation, OrganizationalStudies, Alliant InternationalUniversity, April 12, 2002 (“the concept ofopen space design began in the mid 1960swith a group of German management consultants,”citing Karen A. Edelman, “Take831/929

Gamble, Ernst & Young, GlaxoSmithKline,

Alcoa, and H. J. Heinz. http://www.owenscorning.com/acquainted/about/history/

1960.asp. See also Matthew Davis et al.,

“The Physical Environment of the Office:

Contemporary and Emerging Issues,” in G.

P. Hodgkinson and J. K. Ford, eds., International

Review of Industrial and Organizational

Psychology, vol. 26 (Chichester, UK: Wiley,

2011), 193–235: “… there was a ‘widespread

introduction of open-plan and landscaped

offices in North America in the

1960s and 1970s.’ ” But see Jennifer Ann

McCusker, “Individuals and Open Space Office

Design: The Relationship Between Personality

and Satisfaction in an Open Space

Work Environment,” dissertation, Organizational

Studies, Alliant International

University, April 12, 2002 (“the concept of

open space design began in the mid 1960s

with a group of German management consultants,”

citing Karen A. Edelman, “Take


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