

826/92984, pp. 193–94 (the thirteenth in the Forumseries Living Philosophies, a collection of personalphilosophies of famous people, publishedin 1931).2. “March 5, 1975”: The story of StephenWozniak throughout this chapter is drawnlargely from his autobiography, iWoz (NewYork: W. W. Norton, 2006). The descriptionof Woz as being the “nerd soul” of Applecomes from http://valleywag.gawker.com/220602/wozniak-jobs-design-roleoverstated.3. a series of studies on the nature of creativity:Donald W. MacKinnon, “TheNature and Nurture of Creative Talent”(Walter Van Dyke Bingham Lecture givenat Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut,April 11, 1962). See also MacKinnon,“Personality and the Realization of CreativePotential,” Presidential Address presentedat Western Psychological Association, Portland,Oregon, April 1964.

4. One of the most interesting findings: See,for example, (1) Gregory J. Feist, “A Meta-Analysis of Personality in Scientific andArtistic Creativity,” Personality and SocialPsychology Review 2, no. 4 (1998): 290–309;(2) Feist, “Autonomy and Independence,”Encyclopedia of Creativity, vol. 1 (San Diego,CA: Academic Press, 1999), 157–63; and(3) Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Creativity:Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention(New York: Harper Perennial,1996), 65–68. There are some studies showinga correlation between extroversion andcreativity, but in contrast to the studies byMacKinnon, Csikszentmihalyi, and Feist,which followed people whose careers hadproven them to be exceptionally creative“in real life,” these tend to be studies of collegestudents measuring subjects’ creativityin more casual ways, for example by analyzingtheir personal hobbies or by askingthem to play creativity games like writing a827/929


84, pp. 193–94 (the thirteenth in the Forum

series Living Philosophies, a collection of personal

philosophies of famous people, published

in 1931).

2. “March 5, 1975”: The story of Stephen

Wozniak throughout this chapter is drawn

largely from his autobiography, iWoz (New

York: W. W. Norton, 2006). The description

of Woz as being the “nerd soul” of Apple

comes from http://valleywag.gawker.com/


3. a series of studies on the nature of creativity:

Donald W. MacKinnon, “The

Nature and Nurture of Creative Talent”

(Walter Van Dyke Bingham Lecture given

at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut,

April 11, 1962). See also MacKinnon,

“Personality and the Realization of Creative

Potential,” Presidential Address presented

at Western Psychological Association, Portland,

Oregon, April 1964.

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