

822/929originally published by Little, Brown,March 2000), 42–46.31. As of May 28, 2011: Craigslist fact sheet,available on its website,www.craigslist.com (accessed May 28,2010). Other information about Craigslistcomes from (1) phone interview betweenCraig Newmark and the author, December4, 2006, (2) Idelle Davidson, “The CraigslistPhenomenon,” Los Angeles Times, June 13,2004, and (3) Philip Weiss, “A Guy NamedCraig,” New York magazine, January 8,2006.32. “Guy Kawasaki an introvert?”: MariaNiles, post on Blogher, a blogging communityfor women, August 19, 2008. Seehttp://www.blogher.com/social-mediaintroverts.33. “Wouldn’t it be a great irony”: Pete Cashmore,“Irony Alert: Social Media Introverts?”mashable.com, August 2008. See

823/929http://mashable.com/2008/08/15/ironyalert-social-media-introverts/.34. introverts are more likely than extroverts:Yair Amichai-Hamburger, “Personalityand the Internet,” in The Social Net:Understanding Human Behavior in Cyberspace,edited by Yair Amichai-Hamburger(New York: Oxford University Press, 2005):27–56. See also Emily S. Orr et al., “The Influenceof Shyness on the Use of Facebookin an Undergraduate Sample,” CyberPsychologyand Behavior 12, no. 3 (2009); Levi R.Baker, “Shyness and Online Social NetworkingServices,” Journal of Social and PersonalRelationships 27, no. 8 (2010). RichardN. Landers and John W. Lounsbury, “An Investigationof Big Five and Narrow PersonalityTraits in Relation to Internet Usage,”Computers in Human Behavior 22 (2006):283–93. See also Luigi Anolli et al., “Personalityof People Using Chat: An On-LineResearch,” CyberPsychology and Behavior 8,


originally published by Little, Brown,

March 2000), 42–46.

31. As of May 28, 2011: Craigslist fact sheet,

available on its website,

www.craigslist.com (accessed May 28,

2010). Other information about Craigslist

comes from (1) phone interview between

Craig Newmark and the author, December

4, 2006, (2) Idelle Davidson, “The Craigslist

Phenomenon,” Los Angeles Times, June 13,

2004, and (3) Philip Weiss, “A Guy Named

Craig,” New York magazine, January 8,


32. “Guy Kawasaki an introvert?”: Maria

Niles, post on Blogher, a blogging community

for women, August 19, 2008. See


33. “Wouldn’t it be a great irony”: Pete Cashmore,

“Irony Alert: Social Media Introverts?”

mashable.com, August 2008. See

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