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30. Well-meaning parents … agreed: Encyclopedia

of Children and Childhood in History

and Society: “Shyness,” http://www.faqs.org/childhood/Re-So/Shyness.html.

31. Some discouraged their children

… learning to socialize: David Riesman,

The Lonely Crowd (Garden City, NY:

Doubleday Anchor, reprinted by arrangement

with Yale University Press, 1953),

esp. 79–85 and 91. See also “The People:

Freedom—New Style,” Time, September 27,


32. Introverted children … “suburban abnormalities”:

William H. Whyte, The Organization

Man (New York: Simon &

Schuster, 1956; reprint, Philadelphia:

University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002),

382, 384.

33. Harvard’s provost Paul Buck: Jerome Karabel,

The Chosen: The Hidden History of

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