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and the Culture of Abundance: Kenneth Fearing,

Nathanael West, and Mass Culture in the

1930s (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge

University Press, 1995), 188. See also

Marchand, Advertising the American Dream,


25.–both genders displayed some reserve

… sometimes called “frigid”: Patricia

26 A. McDaniel, Shrinking Violets and

Caspar Milquetoasts: Shyness, Power, and Intimacy

in the United States, 1950–1995 (New

York: New York University Press, 2003),


26. In the 1920s an influential psychologist

… “Our current civilization … seems

to place a premium upon the aggressive

person”: Nicholson, “Gordon Allport, Character,

and the Culture of Personality,

1897–1937,” 52–68. See also Gordon Allport,

“A Test for Ascendance-Submission,”

Journal of Abnormal & Social Psychology 23

(1928): 118–36. Allport, often referred to

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