

794/929Dorothy Carnegie from Public Speaking andInfluencing Men in Business, by DaleCarnegie).4. a Culture of Character to a Culture ofPersonality: Warren Susman, Culture asHistory: The Transformation of American Societyin the Twentieth Century (Washington,DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2003),271–85. See also Ian A. M. Nicholson, “GordonAllport, Character, and the ‘Culture ofPersonality,’ 1897–1937,” History of Psychology1, no. 1 (1998): 52–68.5. The word personality didn’t exist: Susman,Culture as History, 277: The modernidea of personality emerged in the earlytwentieth century and came into its ownonly in the post–World War I period. By1930, according to the early personalitypsychologist Gordon W. Allport, interest inpersonality had reached “astonishing proportions.”See also Sol Cohen, “The MentalHygiene Movement, the Development of

795/929Personality and the School: The Medicalizationof American Education,” History ofEducation Quarterly 32, no. 2 (1983),123–49.6. In 1790, only 3 percent … a third of thecountry were urbanites: Alan Berger, TheCity: Urban Communities and Their Problems(Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown Co.,1978). See also Warren Simpson Thompsonet al., Population Trends in the United States(New York: Gordon and Breach SciencePublishers, 1969).7. “We cannot all live in cities”: David E.Shi, The Simple Life: Plain Living and HighThinking in American Culture (Athens, GA:University of Georgia Press, 1985), 154.8. “The reasons why one man gained a promotion”:Roland Marchand, Advertising theAmerican Dream: Making Way for Modernity,1920–1940 (Berkeley: University of CaliforniaPress, 1985), 209.


Personality and the School: The Medicalization

of American Education,” History of

Education Quarterly 32, no. 2 (1983),


6. In 1790, only 3 percent … a third of the

country were urbanites: Alan Berger, The

City: Urban Communities and Their Problems

(Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown Co.,

1978). See also Warren Simpson Thompson

et al., Population Trends in the United States

(New York: Gordon and Breach Science

Publishers, 1969).

7. “We cannot all live in cities”: David E.

Shi, The Simple Life: Plain Living and High

Thinking in American Culture (Athens, GA:

University of Georgia Press, 1985), 154.

8. “The reasons why one man gained a promotion”:

Roland Marchand, Advertising the

American Dream: Making Way for Modernity,

1920–1940 (Berkeley: University of California

Press, 1985), 209.

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