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26. Charlie Brown: David Michaelis, Schulz

and Peanuts: A Biography (New York: Harper,


27. Schindler’s List, E.T., and Close Encounters

of the Third Kind: Joseph McBride,

Steven Spielberg: A Biography (New York: Simon

& Schuster, 1997), 57, 68.

28. Google: Ken Auletta, Googled: The End of

the World as We Know It (New York: Penguin,

2009), 32

29. Harry Potter: Interview of J. K. Rowling by

Shelagh Rogers and Lauren McCormick, Canadian

Broadcasting Corp., October 26,


30. “Neither E=mc 2 nor Paradise Lost”: Winifred

Gallagher, I.D.: How Heredity and Experience

Make You Who You Are (New York:

Random House, 1996), 26.

31. vast majority of teachers believe: Charles

Meisgeier et al., “Implications and Applications

of Psychological Type to Educational

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