

786/929McCrae, “Toward a Geography of PersonalityTraits: Patterns of Profiles Across 36Cultures,” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology35 (2004): 13–28; and (2) Robert R.McCrae and Antonio Terracciano, “PersonalityProfiles of Cultures: Aggregate PersonalityTraits,” Journal of Personality and SocialPsychology 89:3 (2005): 407–25.15. Talkative people, for example: William B.Swann Jr. and Peter J. Rentfrow, “Blirtatiousness:Cognitive, Behavioral, andPhysiological Consequences of RapidResponding,” Journal of Personality and SocialPsychology 81, no. 6 (2001): 1160–75.16. Velocity of speech counts: Howard Gilesand Richard L. Street Jr., “CommunicatorCharacteristics and Behavior,” in M. L.Knapp and G. R. Miller, eds., Handbook ofInterpersonal Communication, 2nd ed. (ThousandOaks, CA: Sage, 1994), 103–61. (Butnote some good news for introverts: slow

787/929speech can be perceived as honest and benevolent,according to other studies.)17. the voluble are considered smarter: DelroyL. Paulhus and Kathy L. Morgan, “Perceptionsof Intelligence in LeaderlessGroups: The Dynamic Effects of Shynessand Acquaintance,” Journal of Personalityand Social Psychology 72, no. 3 (1997):581–91.18. one informal study: Laurie Helgoe, IntrovertPower: Why Your Inner Life Is Your HiddenStrength (Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks,2008), 3–4.19. the theory of gravity: Gale E. Christianson,Isaac Newton (Oxford University Press,Lives and Legacies Series, 2005).20. the theory of relativity: Walter Isaacson,Einstein: His Life and Universe (New York: Simon& Schuster, 2007), 4, 12, 18, 2, 31,etc.


speech can be perceived as honest and benevolent,

according to other studies.)

17. the voluble are considered smarter: Delroy

L. Paulhus and Kathy L. Morgan, “Perceptions

of Intelligence in Leaderless

Groups: The Dynamic Effects of Shyness

and Acquaintance,” Journal of Personality

and Social Psychology 72, no. 3 (1997):


18. one informal study: Laurie Helgoe, Introvert

Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden

Strength (Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks,

2008), 3–4.

19. the theory of gravity: Gale E. Christianson,

Isaac Newton (Oxford University Press,

Lives and Legacies Series, 2005).

20. the theory of relativity: Walter Isaacson,

Einstein: His Life and Universe (New York: Simon

& Schuster, 2007), 4, 12, 18, 2, 31,


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