

784/929Graziano, in an e-mail dated July 31, 2010,refers to introversion/extroversion as “the300 lb. gorilla of personality, meaning thatit is big and cannot be ignored easily.”11. in the Bible: See “A Note on Terminology.”12. some evolutionary psychologists: Seechapter 6.13. one third to one half of Americans areintroverts: Rowan Bayne, in The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: A Critical Review andPractical Guide (London: Chapman and Hall,1995), 47, finds the incidence of introversionat 36 percent, which is in turn determinedfrom Isabel Myers’s own study from1985. A more recent study, published bythe Center for Applications of PsychologicalType Research Services in 1996, sampled914,219 people and found that 49.3 percentwere extroverts and 50.7 percent wereintroverts. See “Estimated Frequencies ofthe Types in the United States Population,”

785/929a brochure published by the Center for Applicationof Psychological Type (CAPT) in1996 and 2003. That the percentage of introvertsfound by these studies rose from 36percent to 50.7 percent doesn’t necessarilymean that there are now more introverts inthe United States, according to CAPT. Itmay be “simply a reflection of the populationssampled and included.” In fact, awholly separate survey, this one using theEysenck Personality Inventory and EysenckPersonality Questionnaire rather than theMyers-Briggs test, indicates that extraversionscores have increased over time (from1966 to 1993) for both men and women:see Jean M. Twenge, “Birth Cohort Changesin Extraversion: A Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis, 1966–1993,” Personality and IndividualDifferences 30 (2001): 735–48.14. United States is among the most extrovertedof nations: This has been noted intwo studies: (1) Juri Allik and Robert R.


a brochure published by the Center for Application

of Psychological Type (CAPT) in

1996 and 2003. That the percentage of introverts

found by these studies rose from 36

percent to 50.7 percent doesn’t necessarily

mean that there are now more introverts in

the United States, according to CAPT. It

may be “simply a reflection of the populations

sampled and included.” In fact, a

wholly separate survey, this one using the

Eysenck Personality Inventory and Eysenck

Personality Questionnaire rather than the

Myers-Briggs test, indicates that extraversion

scores have increased over time (from

1966 to 1993) for both men and women:

see Jean M. Twenge, “Birth Cohort Changes

in Extraversion: A Cross-Temporal Meta-

Analysis, 1966–1993,” Personality and Individual

Differences 30 (2001): 735–48.

14. United States is among the most extroverted

of nations: This has been noted in

two studies: (1) Juri Allik and Robert R.

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