

NotesINTRODUCTION: THE NORTH AND SOUTH OFTEMPERAMENT1. Montgomery, Alabama. December 1,1955: For an excellent biography of RosaParks, see Douglas Brinkley, Rosa Parks: ALife (New York: Penguin, 2000). Most ofthe material in Quiet about Parks is drawnfrom this work.A note about Parks: Some have questionedthe singularity of her actions, pointingout that she’d had plenty of civil rightstraining before boarding that bus. Whilethis is true, there’s no evidence, accordingto Brinkley, that Parks acted in a premeditatedmanner that evening, or even as anactivist; she was simply being herself. Moreimportant for Quiet’s purposes, her

781/929personality did not prevent her from beingpowerful; on the contrary, it made her anatural at nonviolent resistance.2. “north and south of temperament”: WinifredGallagher (quoting J. D. Higley), “HowWe Become What We Are,” The AtlanticMonthly, September 1994. (Higley was talkingabout boldness and inhibition, not extroversionand introversion per se, but theconcepts overlap in many ways.)3. governs how likely we are to exercise:Robert M. Stelmack, “On Personality andArousal: A Historical Perspective onEysenck and Zuckerman,” in Marvin Zuckermanand Robert M. Stelmack, eds., On thePsychobiology of Personality: Essays in Honorof Marvin Zuckerman (San Diego: Elsevier,2004), 22. See also Caroline Davis et al.,“Motivations to Exercise as a Function ofPersonality Characteristics, Age, andGender,” Personality and Individual Differences19, no. 2 (1995): 165–74.




1. Montgomery, Alabama. December 1,

1955: For an excellent biography of Rosa

Parks, see Douglas Brinkley, Rosa Parks: A

Life (New York: Penguin, 2000). Most of

the material in Quiet about Parks is drawn

from this work.

A note about Parks: Some have questioned

the singularity of her actions, pointing

out that she’d had plenty of civil rights

training before boarding that bus. While

this is true, there’s no evidence, according

to Brinkley, that Parks acted in a premeditated

manner that evening, or even as an

activist; she was simply being herself. More

important for Quiet’s purposes, her

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