

Jeremy Chua, Dave Coleman, BenDattner, Matthew Davis, Scott Derue,Carl Elliott, Brad Feld, Kurt Fischer,Alex Forbes, Donna Genyk, CaroleGrand, Stephen Gerras, Lenny Gucciardi,Anne Harrington, Naomi Karten,James McElroy, Richard McNally, GregOldham, Christopher Peterson, LiseQuintana, Lena Roy, Chris Scherpenseel,Hersh Shefrin, Nancy Snidman,Sandy Tinkler, Virginia Vitzthum, E. O.Wilson, David Winter, and Patti Wollman.Thank you, all.Most of all I thank my family:Lawrence and Gail Horowitz, BarbaraSchnipper, and Mitchell Horowitz,whom I wrote about in the dedication;Lois, Murray, and Steve Schnipper, whomake the world a warmer place; Steveand Gina Cain, my wonderful WestCoast siblings; and the inimitable HeidiPostlewait.778/929

Special thanks and love to Al andBobbi Cain, who lent me their advice,contacts, and professional counsel as Iresearched and wrote, and who constantlycause me to hope that one day Iwill be as devoted and supportive anin-law to some young person as theyare to me.And to my beloved Gonzo (a.k.a.Ken), who may just be the most generousperson on earth, and the most dashing.During the years I wrote this book,he edited my drafts, sharpened myideas, made me tea, made me laugh,brought me chocolate, seeded ourgarden, turned his world upside downso I had time to write, kept our livescolorful and exciting, and got us thehell out of the Berkshires. He also, ofcourse, gave us Sammy and Elishku,who have filled our house with trucksand our hearts with love.779/929

Special thanks and love to Al and

Bobbi Cain, who lent me their advice,

contacts, and professional counsel as I

researched and wrote, and who constantly

cause me to hope that one day I

will be as devoted and supportive an

in-law to some young person as they

are to me.

And to my beloved Gonzo (a.k.a.

Ken), who may just be the most generous

person on earth, and the most dashing.

During the years I wrote this book,

he edited my drafts, sharpened my

ideas, made me tea, made me laugh,

brought me chocolate, seeded our

garden, turned his world upside down

so I had time to write, kept our lives

colorful and exciting, and got us the

hell out of the Berkshires. He also, of

course, gave us Sammy and Elishku,

who have filled our house with trucks

and our hearts with love.


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