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cause. And thanks to Patty Berg, Mark

Birkey, Chris Brand, Stephanie Chan,

Tina Constable, Laura Duffy, Songhee

Kim, Kyle Kolker, Rachel Meier, Annsley

Rosner, and everyone else on the

team at Crown.

I have also been very lucky to work

with Joel Rickett, Kate Barker, and the

rest of the crackerjack group at Viking/

Penguin U.K.

The marvelous people at TED embraced

the ideas in this book and

offered me a chance to talk about them

at the TED Long Beach conference in

2012. I am grateful to Chris Anderson,

Kelly Stoetzel, June Cohen, Tom Rielly,

Michael Glass, Nicholas Weinberg, and

the entire TED team.

Brian Little, whose work I profiled in

chapter 9, has become an extraordinary

mentor and friend. I met Brian early in

my research process, when I asked for


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