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experience (“thinker, dreamer”), conscientiousness

(“idealist”), and neuroticism

(“shy individual”).

A long line of poets, scientists, and

philosophers have also tended to group

these traits together. All the way back

in Genesis, the earliest book of the

Bible, we had cerebral Jacob (a “quiet

man dwelling in tents” who later becomes

“Israel,” meaning one who

wrestles inwardly with God) squaring

off in sibling rivalry with his brother,

the swashbuckling Esau (a “skillful

hunter” and “man of the field”). In classical

antiquity, the physicians Hippocrates

and Galen famously proposed

that our temperaments—and destinies—were

a function of our bodily

fluids, with extra blood and “yellow

bile” making us sanguine or choleric

(stable or neurotic extroversion), and

an excess of phlegm and “black bile”


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