

lead in picking the activities he likesbest. He may not like any team sports,and that’s OK. Help him look for activitieswhere he’ll meet other kids, butalso have plenty of his own space. Cultivatethe strengths of his disposition. Ifhis passions seem too solitary for yourtaste, remember that even solo activitieslike painting, engineering, or creativewriting can lead to communities offellow enthusiasts.“I have known children who foundothers,” says Dr. Miller, “by sharing importantinterests: chess, elaborate roleplayinggames, even discussing deep interestslike math or history.” RebeccaWallace-Segall, who teaches creativewritingworkshops for kids and teens asdirector of Writopia Lab in New YorkCity, says that the students who sign upfor her classes “are often not the kidswho are willing to talk for hours about738/929

fashion and celebrity. Those kids areless likely to come, perhaps becausethey’re less inclined to analyze and digdeep—that’s not their comfort zone.The so-called shy kids are often hungryto brainstorm ideas, deconstruct them,and act on them, and, paradoxically,when they’re allowed to interact thisway, they’re not shy at all. They’re connectingwith each other, but in a deeperzone, in a place that’s consideredboring or tiresome by some of theirpeers.” And these kids do “come out”when they’re ready; most of the Writopiakids read their works at local bookstores,and a staggering number winprestigious national writingcompetitions.If your child is prone to overstimulation,then it’s also a good idea for herto pick activities like art or long-distancerunning, that depend less on739/929

fashion and celebrity. Those kids are

less likely to come, perhaps because

they’re less inclined to analyze and dig

deep—that’s not their comfort zone.

The so-called shy kids are often hungry

to brainstorm ideas, deconstruct them,

and act on them, and, paradoxically,

when they’re allowed to interact this

way, they’re not shy at all. They’re connecting

with each other, but in a deeper

zone, in a place that’s considered

boring or tiresome by some of their

peers.” And these kids do “come out”

when they’re ready; most of the Writopia

kids read their works at local bookstores,

and a staggering number win

prestigious national writing


If your child is prone to overstimulation,

then it’s also a good idea for her

to pick activities like art or long-distance

running, that depend less on


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