

like “Boys have life a lot easier thangirls do.” Johnson, who is a frequentpublic speaker on education despite alifelong public speaking phobia, knowsfirsthand how well this works. “Ihaven’t overcome my shyness,” shesays. “It is sitting in the corner, callingto me. But I am passionate about changingour schools, so my passion overcomesmy shyness once I get started ona speech. If you find something thatarouses your passion or provides a welcomechallenge, you forget yourself fora while. It’s like an emotionalvacation.”But don’t risk having children make aspeech to the class unless you’veprovided them with the tools to knowwith reasonable confidence that it willgo well. Have kids practice with a partnerand in small groups, and if they’restill too terrified, don’t force it. Experts722/929

believe that negative public speakingexperiences in childhood can leave childrenwith a lifelong terror of thepodium.So, what kind of school environmentwould work best for the Mayas of theworld? First, some thoughts forteachers:• Don’t think of introversion assomething that needs to becured. If an introverted childneeds help with social skills,teach her or recommend trainingoutside class, just as you’ddo for a student who needs extraattention in math or reading.But celebrate these kids for whothey are. “The typical commenton many children’s report cardsis, ‘I wish Molly would talkmore in class,’ ” Pat Adams, the723/929

like “Boys have life a lot easier than

girls do.” Johnson, who is a frequent

public speaker on education despite a

lifelong public speaking phobia, knows

firsthand how well this works. “I

haven’t overcome my shyness,” she

says. “It is sitting in the corner, calling

to me. But I am passionate about changing

our schools, so my passion overcomes

my shyness once I get started on

a speech. If you find something that

arouses your passion or provides a welcome

challenge, you forget yourself for

a while. It’s like an emotional


But don’t risk having children make a

speech to the class unless you’ve

provided them with the tools to know

with reasonable confidence that it will

go well. Have kids practice with a partner

and in small groups, and if they’re

still too terrified, don’t force it. Experts


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