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She opens her mouth to speak, but

lowers her eyes, only managing

something rambling and unintelligible.

No one can hear her. No one tries. The

cool girl in the group—light-years

ahead of the rest in her slinkiness and

fashion-forward clothes—sighs dramatically.

Maya peters off in confusion,

and the cool girl says, “OK, Samantha,

you can keep reading the rules now.”

The teacher asks the executive

branch for a recap of its work. Everyone

vies for airtime. Everyone except

Maya. Samantha takes charge as usual,

her voice carrying over everyone else’s,

until the rest of the group falls silent.

Her report doesn’t make a lot of sense,

but she’s so confident and good-natured

that it doesn’t seem to matter.

Maya, for her part, sits curled up at

the periphery of the group, writing her

name over and over again in her


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