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the safety of the dunes, and neither do

they drop her in the water and expect

her to swim. Instead they signal that

they understand her unease, while urging

her to take small steps. Maybe

they play in the sand for a few days

with the ocean waves crashing at a safe

distance. Then one day they approach

the water’s edge, perhaps with the child

riding on a parent’s shoulders. They

wait for calm weather, or low tide, to

immerse a toe, then a foot, then a knee.

They don’t rush; every small step is a

giant stride in a child’s world. When ultimately

she learns to swim like a fish,

she has reached a crucial turning point

in her relationship not only with water

but also with fear.

Slowly your child will see that it’s

worth punching through her wall of

discomfort to get to the fun on the other

side. She’ll learn how to do the


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