

Joyce has also come to appreciateIsabel’s sensitive ways. “Isabel is an oldsoul,” she says. “You forget that she’sonly a child. When I talk to her, I’m nottempted to use that special tone ofvoice that people reserve for children,and I don’t adapt my vocabulary. I talkto her the way I would to any adult.She’s very sensitive, very caring. Sheworries about other people’s well-being.She can be easily overwhelmed,but all these things go together and Ilove this about my daughter.”696/929Joyce is as caring a mother as I’ve seen,but she had a steep learning curve asparent to her daughter because of theirdifference in temperaments. Would shehave enjoyed a more natural parent-

child fit if she’d been an introvert herself?Not necessarily. Introverted parentscan face challenges of their own.Sometimes painful childhood memoriescan get in the way.Emily Miller, a clinical social workerin Ann Arbor, Michigan, told me abouta little girl she treated, Ava, whose shynesswas so extreme that it preventedher from making friends or from concentratingin class. Recently she sobbedwhen asked to join a group singing infront of the classroom, and her mother,Sarah, decided to seek Miller’s help.When Miller asked Sarah, a successfulbusiness journalist, to act as a partnerin Ava’s treatment, Sarah burst intotears. She’d been a shy child, too, andfelt guilty that she’d passed on to Avaher terrible burden.“I hide it better now, but I’m still justlike my daughter,” she explained. “I697/929

child fit if she’d been an introvert herself?

Not necessarily. Introverted parents

can face challenges of their own.

Sometimes painful childhood memories

can get in the way.

Emily Miller, a clinical social worker

in Ann Arbor, Michigan, told me about

a little girl she treated, Ava, whose shyness

was so extreme that it prevented

her from making friends or from concentrating

in class. Recently she sobbed

when asked to join a group singing in

front of the classroom, and her mother,

Sarah, decided to seek Miller’s help.

When Miller asked Sarah, a successful

business journalist, to act as a partner

in Ava’s treatment, Sarah burst into

tears. She’d been a shy child, too, and

felt guilty that she’d passed on to Ava

her terrible burden.

“I hide it better now, but I’m still just

like my daughter,” she explained. “I


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